Chapter 10: Devilishly Handsome.

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♡Change the voices in your head Make them like you instead- f*****g Perfect[Pink]♡ °°°°°°°°°°°°°° STAR. Everyone's attention was suddenly drawn to the 'nobles' table' as Penny had called it. It seemed like they were in a very intense argument, most especially between the two females who looked like they were the queens of the group. I relaxed even more in my chair and proceeded to enjoy the show they were putting on as they both kept screaming some incoherent stuff at one another. I love good shows. Will they beat each other up? I hope they do. And I hope Beverly beats the ass of the one that calls herself Luna. That'll be two humiliations in one day, sweet. But just when it could get out of hand, one of the guys amongst them stood up suddenly as he slammed his fist on the table and if I were to be honest, fine would be an understatement for him. He is beautiful. The guy wore a loose black silk shirt with leather cuffs and black trousers, which was totally not our school uniform in any way, but of course, he must be above the school rules and regulations. And the more I looked, the better it got. His rich chocolate hair had tousled griminess which promised finesse. He had strong arched brows and eyelashes so thick, it could be illegal. And then his eyes- they were deep and catastrophic, a vivid baby blue as a great body of water that softly melted into a milky green. Even this far, I could see the flecks of silver in his eyes. He had distinct cheekbones and an angular jaw and his pale skin made him look devilishly handsome. Somehow, he had similar features to Beverly, a striking resemblance even. I didn't even need to be told that they were either siblings or a twin. "Penny, are you enjoying this as much as I am? What do you think is going on there?" I directed to my cousin beside me even when my eyes were still very much on the scene. She rolled her eyes, "don't know, don't care, don't even want to know. They can kill themselves for all I care." She replied with so much venom that it scared me, while I managed to continue to watch the scene up until they all left the cafeteria. "Woahh, that guy is a total jerk, what the heck just happened? Is he some kind of boss for them?" I said as I was finally able to focus more on eating. "That's Alpha King. Beverly's twin brother, the same one you were just laughing with and calling friendly. They are all jerks in that group, but Alpha is the biggest jerk of all, he's a total narcissist who thinks the world revolves around him. Don't let his angelic face deceive you, he's a pure devil." Penny kept on saying and it was very easy to pick some things from her anger and expressions. "Uhm... is it just me or do you have a thing for this Alpha guy?" I threw with a raised brow. She immediately lost her balance, acting like she just got caught doing something bad. "Uh? Me? Alpha? He... he... deceived me, just like the devil that he is... he is despicable. He..." Penny kept on going until she was interrupted by two strange faces. Two girls. One was with curly brown hair and hazel eyes, the other one with straight black hair and jet black eyes... Penny and I looked up to meet their eyes. "Hiiiiiii! We don't mean to be rude or anything, we just stopped to say hi to you." the brown-haired girl started. "Uh...okay? Hy?" "Yesss.... you are like the baddest b***h in school right now and we would like to be friends with you." The other girl squealed, "I am Skye Williams." "And I am Lisa Robert." The brown hair introduced and both kept smiling at me like they had just won the lottery. I could see right through them that they were both showing me fake love, but they could play the game and I didn't care. "Sure, we can be friends, why not? I'm Star." I introduced myself. "And here's my cousin whom you probably already know, she's Penelope." "Woah! Star, have you ever been told that you look just like an Egyptian goddess, you're so damn gorgeous!" Skye complimented, totally ignoring Penny's existence. "True... I love your clothes too, they are really classy and expensive!" Lisa added before I could even say anything. "And your hair? Oh my God! It's so beautiful too, so shiny, golden and smooth. I'm curling my hair throughout next week too." Skye squealed again. Their constant compliments were starting to get on my nerves as it was obvious that Penny was uncomfortable with their presence. I mean? I didn't even do anything so serious to get this much attention on my first day of school, did I? Would they even live to tell the tale if Luna gets to know about this ass-kissing they are doing with me? "Thank you very much." I simply responded with a smile. "Oh! Lest I forget, Logan is throwing a resumption party today. Around evening!" Skye said. "Yes, we'd like to invite you to come. It's always the party of the year. Trust me when I say everyone who wants to have a good school semester attends this one. It is a classy one." Lisa said, and I turned to look at Penny. "Penny, would you like to go?" I asked. "Emmm... on a Monday? A school night? Will mom even let us? And I don't even think that I am invited, it is obviously directed to you alone." Penny replied, timidly. "Uh? She doesn't have to come. She can be a party pooper sometimes, as you can see." Skye said in a demeaning tone. I turned back to the girls with a stern smile. "Well, sorry, but the only way I will go to the party is if Penny comes along with me. If she's not invited, then I'm not coming either." "Oh! Penny can actually come too." They both quickly agreed as they nodded their heads vehemently. "Then we'll definitely be at the party," I assured, and they briskly left. "Why did you force those girls to invite me to the party?" Penny asked on our way back to class as soon as the lunch break was over. "Why shouldn't I?" I questioned. "I've never been invited to any parties or hangouts before, aside from..." she started before zoning out. "Aside from what? That's just the same way you were saying something the other time too, before we were interrupted. Did this Alpha guy do something to you?" I asked, concerned. "Uh... no... not really. Let's leave that. But I really don't think I'll fit in at these parties. I'm not worth it..." She was getting on my nerves with the way she kept looking down on herself, so I interrupted her. "Listen up, dear, if you don't start telling yourself that you're relevant, everyone will of course, continue to look down on you. You have to learn to hold your head up high and tell yourself that you're worth every good thing. Whatever they say to you isn't true at all." I said as I shook her shoulders vigorously. She simply sighed as she walked away from me with her head down. What am I going to do about this girl?
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