Chapter 11- True Colors

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The four of us walk past the guard checkpoint, positioned near the town's exit and entrance. Our course was to the city of Rollin. A small town that is importing medicinal and potion herbs to the capital. However, as we stray farther from the city, we couldn't help but feel someone watching us. Of course, I already knew who the people are tailing us. I have noticed their presence and intent while we were still at the guild. And it seems I am not the only one who sees these suspicious people. Medina, the cleric of this group, has been gazing back and forth behind us. Now I wonder why she hasn't told her allies about such people. Well, I am also the same as her. However, I have an ulterior motive for doing such an act. I want to see how good this party's cooperation is. Not only that, but I want to test the princess's powers. So far, she is the only one I haven't seen her prowess. Now let's see when these thugs will show themselves. One hour pass, the people tailing us has not made a single move. But it looks like their luck and stealthiness have run out. Henry and the princess has noticed their presence. Henry pulls his sword from its sheath and turns around. He yells into the quiet space behind us. “SHOW YOURSELVES!” “Looks like you notice it, Henry. I thought it was only my imagination.” Medina said as she pulls her mace out in the open. “So my intuition was telling me the truth that someone has been, no a group of people has been following us." Anne stomped her staff to the ground and ordered the men, “Show yourselves, cowards.” “Looks like they are going to continue pretending to be invisible. I'm pretty sure whoever these guys are, their target is you, princess Anne.” Otis spoke as he stares into the soulless space. “I see, then I shall punish their insolence.” The princess exclaimed. She raised her staff in the air and shouted, “Target Flame!” Then three small whirlwinds of flames appeared in multiple directions. The scream of men also erupted when the fire occurred. It was an agonizing scream of pain. The small whirlwind flames started to run around. One even rolled over the ground, attempting to turn off the flames. Upon gazing at such an act, I already knew that these were people, not a whirlwind of fire. “So is this one of your magic, princess Anne?" I ask as she stomps her staff back to the ground. “Yes, this one of my mastered magic spells. I can use fire, wind, and healing magic pretty well. But earth and water, I am a novice in those two magic.” So the princess has already mastered three types of magic in such a short period. That is a very commendable feat, but most master magicians had mastered all six elements. So I guess she's a prodigy worth teaching by the best but not a genius. However, she seems pretty weak when we first met. She only gazes at her fallen comrades with horror after I slew two of them, leaving her alive and Henry. She could have helped them, even just by distracting me. But she only hid behind Henry and cowered in fear like a little b***h. She did not do anything as her comrades fell one by one in such grotesque ways. Is there a peculiar reason for her reaction? The three men who followed us were heavily injured. One is near death's door. Anne wanted to interrogate the two, still able to move slightly. However, the two only kept quiet and did not even dare stare us in the eyes. “What should we do about them, Princess Anne,” Medina asks as she looks at the men tied up in a tree. “Bringing them back to the town is put of the option," said Henry. “Let's just kill them,” Anne spoke with a smile. This suggestion dumbfounded medina and Henry, and even I got caught off guard since the request came from the princess. This a spectacle to gaze if I say so. Such words are coming from a princess; it was an amusing sight and word to hear. However, like the servant God, she is Medina tries to reason put with the Princess. “Your highness, do we have to go such extreme. These three still need to be put on trial before being executed.” “There's no need for that, Medina. I remember these three. They are those adventurers who have pillaged and r***d some women, their faces. I clearly remember them from the posters spread out in the entire town.” “How can we be sure if they are those people, your highness? Do you have any copies of the said wanted posters?” Anne smiles at Medina and, using her hand, she pulls something out of thin air. ‘Spatial magic! I never thought that the princess could use that—another exciting find. Now, this would surely add to my list of what to look out for when exacting my revenge on this party.’ The princess pulled out a piece of parchment and gave it to Medina. Who accepts the piece of paper and had her face turn sour. She gazed at the three men tied to the three. Medina pulls her mace out, and without remorse, strikes the three men. She swings her mace violently, cracking their heads until their brains spill out of their skulls. Her boots bath in the blood of such men, a surprising reaction from the Cleric, a servant of God. Who initially thought of letting the men defend themselves at a court. Only for her to be the one taking the lives of such men. I watch the cleric plunge her mace continuously. Even the men were already dead. It was an amusing sight to see, but when she stops swinging her bloody mace. Medina turns towards us, gasping for air. Her face had a stain of blood, Henry somewhat terrified by the sight he witnessed. “Why did you do such a thing, Medina?" Otis asks her. “The princess is right. These people don't deserve to defend themselves. They pillaged and r***d a nun and orphanage for young girls. Such acts don't deserve to defend themselves in the eyes of justice." After answering my question, Medina walks towards Princess Anne, where she lowers her head and apologizes. “Im very sorry, princess. If I only knew earlier. I would have shut my insolent mouth and let your judgment go through. These men are not human. They are lower animals who don't deserve to live.” Anne held Medina in her shoulder and started directly to her. There she said, “Do not worry about it, Medina since. You have laid justice upon these horrible beings." “Thank you, Princess Anne, for your kind and forgiving words.” Such a scary woman. I must say, it looks like I am getting to know more about the princess. She's just the same as her father, a ruthless ruler who is not afraid to use their power. After eliminating those men, we proceed with our journey. Our journey will take about four days of travel on foot. But one on horseback without any rest. A carriage will take two and one-fourth of a day. We decided to go on foot before opting for a carriage. We were able to hitchhike with a carriage delivering some supplies to the town we were going to. Not only that, but we were able to gather some information. Now I am wondering if my general would recognize me if I say something familiar to him.
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