Chapter 2: Family and New Job?

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Eric's POV                                                                                                                                           Lenny took a letter in his hand shaking. I almost told him forget it and burn all the letters. But it was too late to turn back now. Lenny was ripping the letter open slowly. "De-Dear son." he gulped as I could see his eyes watering. My eyes widen and I took the letter. "Er-Eric give it back." he cried and Nhemo came into the kitchen frowning. "Daddy what's wrong?" Nhemo asked and Lenny whimpered sliding to the ground. "Da-Daddy?" Nhemo asked with wide eyes and I frowned then called Van immediately.  When Van came which he was fast I decided it was best to give them privacy and take Nhemo with me. It's best a kid doesn't see that kind of stuff. I held his little hand as we walked around the store. I hummed looking at food. "Will daddy be okay?" I heard him ask and I looked down at him before nodding. It wasn't a lie. I know Lenny will be fine. He just needs...time. I can be very stupid and at that moment I was stupid. I have family problems too obviously. I should have kept my nose out of it. Honestly I was just trying to give him his mail. It all seemed important but if my old man and mom wrote me a letter I would probably ignore it too. Maybe read it then never write back.  "Eric, a lady wants you." I hear Nhemo say and I don't even look where he's pointing. I just run with him outside. I really don't have time for Megan right now. Not today probably not ever. "Wh-Why are we running?" he asked when I quickly put him in the car then buckled him up. "Don't have time for more drama." I said closing the door and got in then drove home.  Nhemo sat on the couch swinging his legs a sign that he was bored so I turned on the TV. Nhemo cuddled under a blanket while I poured chips into a bowl for a snack. Then I heard the door open. "Dad I hope your not giving Nhemo that as a snack." I heard Sammie say and I grumbled when he took the bowl away from me. "Big bro!" I heard Nhemo say so I guessed Vincent was here. "I was but I guess I don't know how to take care of children." I grumbled and Sammie laughed. "No you don't." he said and Vincent came in the kitchen with Nhemo on his shoulders.  "Oooh chips." he said smiling and took the bowl before running out back into the living room. "Hey." I said about to follow them but Sammie stopped me. "You don't need chips either." he said and got a bowl out then washed some grapes before putting it in a bowl. "This is what Nhemo should eat." he said handing it to me. "You're not healthy what makes you all healthy all of a sudden?" I asked and Sammie rolled his eyes. "Dad, it's best he doesn't get exposed to chips and things like Vincent and I did. And obviously like you." he said before leaving out the kitchen making me pout.  Eventually I fell asleep on the couch and woke up to being alone on the couch. I rubbed my eyes and knocked on the bathroom door. "O-Oh um dad wait." I heard the panic in Sammie's voice. "No no no I'm not coming in, did you drop off Nhemo?" I asked. "Yeah we did." I heard Vincent say then I think I heard someone get hit. "Ow!" I heard Vincent yell. "Shut up." I heard Sammie hiss and I rolled my eyes. "I already knew he was in there." I said and went into my room then checked my phone.  Two missed calls. I groaned checking who called me. One from Lenny and the other from my boss. I decided to call Lenny back since he called more recently. "Hey?" I said. "I'm sorry know." he said and I shook my head at pretty much no one. "I'm the one who should be sorry. I shouldn't have went through your mail." I said. "Yeah...well night." he said and hung up making me sigh softly before calling my boss back. "Mr. Parker?" the deep voice asked. "Yeah, sorry about not answering your call sir." I said. "No problem, I just wanted to let you know that you have a job to do that might be a regular job to do for a while." he said. "What job is that sir?" I asked about to sit down on my bed before hearing a loud moan scaring me at first and I fell on my ass. I groaned grumbling as I stood up. "Shut up you two! It's too late for s*x!" I yell as I hear silence as a response and I grumble some more before sitting down. "Umm Parker?" I heard my voice say and I mentally face palmed. "Sorry sir." I said and heard a faint chuckle from him. "It's fine, but your job starts tomorrow as a guard." he said. "A guard? For what?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows. "A college student." he said, I had a feeling he was rolling his eyes. "You know rich folk, his mother doesn't want him having any troubles or anything bad." he said and I nodded to no one in particular, rolling my eyes as well. "Okay sir, what college?" I asked standing up to stretch.  "Well a University actually, Greywood University." he said and I made a face. Sounds like a snooty university for rich folks or well kids that worked real hard to get a scholarship to get to a school like that. I think Samuel goes to that university actually, but I could be mistaken.  "Okay sir, what time should I be there?" I asked and he hummed as I heard ruffling paper. "Before eleven a.m. just to make sure your not late" he said. "Okay sir, where would I meet him?" I asked. "By the hugest tree there, he should be at that tree for lunch. His mother said his cousin said he is always over there." he said and I hummed as I set my alarm to eight-thirty a.m. "Alright got it." I said as I heard the shower turn off, finally. "Call if you have any problems or concerns, I sent an email to you if you need any information about the family, like phone number and email. Those kind of things." he said. "Thanks, and I will. Night sir." I said before he hung up. I groaned throwing my phone on the bed. I don't have time for snooty snot nosed brat. It's my job though. I stand up and walk over to my mirror. My duty is to protect and serve no matter what.
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