Chapter 3

788 Words
2 months later I woke up with a sickening feeling in my stomach and immediately ran to the bathroom, to empty whatever contents were still left in my stomach seeing as I have been vomiting in the morning for at least a month now. I felt someone hold up my hair while rubbing my back softly. As soon as I was done I sat on the floor to trying catch my breath. "I think you should go to the doctor, I mean you have been vomiting for a month now non-stop." She said with concern laced in her voice. I meekly nodded before standing up and brushing my teeth trying to get the horrible taste out of my mouth. "Fine go wash, so we can go" she sighed before walking out of my room. I stripped and jumped into the shower making sure to wash my body properly to get rid of the horrid stench. I jumped out the shower and dried myself while walking to my closet and choosing a pair of faded shorts, a black tank top with a black plane cardigan and black vans. Yes my favourite colour is black if you haven't noticed and no I'm not goth or emo. I walked into the kitchen to find Sabrina on her phone probably texting some guy, I grabbed a banana, "c'mon Sabrina" we left the apartment and hailed a cab. I know what you are thinking if she owns like a hundred hotels and restaurants why doesn't she have a car? Well I like to save my money and only spend it valuables. AT THE DOCTORS "Ms Miller?" a nurse called my name, I stood up grabbed Sabrina's hand and followed the nurse. After an hour had passed of giving blood to the doctor, peeing in numerous cups I can finally sit down while I wait for the doctor. "afternoon ladies, I am Dr Evans" Sabrina's eyes scanned the doctor up and down before giving a sexy smile" hi doc" she said while ending with a wink. "So I have good news for Ms Miller, you are 2 months pregnant" I choked on my breath. I always wanted to start a family but I thought that I would have one once I had a husband and a nice house, but I guess I'm going to skip a couple of steps because I don't plan on having an abortion or giving my child up for adoption. I placed a hand on my stomach while a lone tear slid down my cheek. I immediately stood up and rushed out the building needing fresh air a million questions where buzzing in my mind. How will I cope??Will I be a good mom?? But the biggest one is how will I tell Alexandro??. Let me go back to the morning I woke up FLASH BACK I felt warm all around but could not figure out where this warmth was coming from, seeing as my bed never felt this was. I felt strong arms tighten around me when I tried to squirm out of the mystery persons arms seeing as I had to use the bathroom. I managed to wiggle out of his embrace, once I did I quickly grabbed a shirt off the floor, slip it on and ran to the bathroom. Once I was finished I came back to the room to find mystery man awake lying on the bed. I cleared my throat "whoa...shit!" I quickly went to help him once I realised he had dropped the bed side lamp on his foot. "Are you okay?" I asked trying to keep a straight face, when deep inside I was dying of laughter. "Yeah I'm okay thanks, I'm Alexandro by the way if you don't remember" he said with, "Jess" I said with a smile. "Uhmm I gotta go but yesterday was great thanks" he said with a faint blush on his cheeks, "Uhmm yeah thanks bye" I said while quickly taking off his shirt to give it to him. I froze as soon as I felt a breeze, only then did I realize that I was not wearing anything underneath and that he was also naked. My eyes grew wide with shock, and he started coughing while giving me back the shirt and also grabbing himself some pants. FLASH BACK OVER Would Alexandro want this baby?? I hope so because I don't plan on giving my jelly bean up. Sabrina comes out the office with a big smile on her face. "Sexy Dr Evan just gave me his number, and we are going out tonight!" "Is that all your happy about?" I asked with a bored tone "Of course not. I also going to be an AUNT!!!!"
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