Chapter 1

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Evelyn stepped out of the operating room, her green scrubs stained with blood and her hair tied back in a messy bun. She breathed a sigh of relief as another successful surgery was completed. It was her passion to heal people, and she loved her job, but the long hours and intense procedures left her exhausted. As she made her way to her office in the hospital, she was greeted by her best friend, Vanessa, who was waiting for her with a huge smile on her face. "Hey, girl! Another successful surgery, I see. You're amazing!" Vanessa said, giving her a tight hug. Evelyn smiled wearily. "Thanks, V. I'm just glad it's over." She sighed and sat down in her comfortable chair. Vanessa's eyes sparkled mischievously. She came behind Evelyn. "Hey, I have an idea. You need to unwind and have some fun. Why don't we go to the ball tonight?" Evelyn groaned. "No way, V. I'm so tired. I just want to go home and sleep." Vanessa pouted and rubbed her shoulders. "Come on, Evey. It'll be so much fun. We'll dance, meet new people, and forget about work for one night. Please? Also, I would be bored if you didn't go with me. Evelyn closed her eyes. "I think you should also take a rest. You must also be tired from the long day of ward duties," she tried to brush her off, but Evelyn knew that this task wasn't as easy as it seemed. "If it were not a ball, then I would have skipped it, but I have to attend it. Moreover, many powerful and influential people would be there, and it would be a good chance for you to build connections if you want to be the director of the coronary care unit," Venessa tempted her. Her words hit Evelyn straight away. Evelyn hesitated, but Vanessa knew just how to persuade her. "Okay, fine. But just for a little while. I don't want to stay out too late." Vanessa squealed with delight. "Yes! You won't regret it, I promise." Evelyn couldn't help but smile at her friend's enthusiasm. She knew Vanessa always had a way of making her have fun, even when she didn't feel like it. Maybe a night of dancing and laughter was exactly what she needed to forget about the stress of her job. Also, it could be a chance for her to change her life. Evelyn rushed home with Venessa after her shift, eager to prepare for the ball. She took a quick shower and slipped into her favorite black dress. It was simple but elegant, and it made her feel confident. She looked in the mirror and fixed her hair, pulling out a few strands to frame her face. She couldn't believe she was going out on a night like this, but Vanessa had convinced her that it would be worth it. Vanessa was already dressed in a stunning red gown when Evelyn stepped out of the bathroom. She looked up and down, grinning from ear to ear. "Wow, Evey. You look stunning!" Evelyn blushed. "Thanks, V.; you look hot too." Vanessa grabbed her hand. "Come on, let's go before we're late." The cold air of December hit them as soon as they stepped out of the apartment. Both girls didn't want to drive wearing such heavy dresses, so they quickly hailed a cab and arrived at the ball, which was held at a grand hotel in the heart of Milan. As they entered, Evelyn was surprised to see the large ballroom decorated with sparkling chandeliers and elegant floral arrangements. She had never been to such a grand event before. But she bet that it was normal for Venessa to see such a large ball as she came from a very rich and powerful family, unlike Evelyn, who came from a middle-class house. They ordered some drinks and mingled with other guests, meeting new people and sharing stories. Vanessa was a social butterfly and knew how to strike up a conversation with anyone. Evelyn was more reserved, but she enjoyed listening to the stories people shared with her. Suddenly, the large doors at the end of the hall swung open, and an aura of power flowed in, causing everyone to become quiet to the point that there was a pin-drop silence in the room. Evelyn felt her heart skip a beat as she turned to see what was happening. A man walked in, tall and imposing, with piercing blue eyes and a sharp jawline. He wore a fitted black suit that hugged his muscular body, and his hair was slicked back, revealing his strong features. His presence commanded the attention of everyone in the room. Evelyn couldn't take her eyes off him, and she wasn't alone. Every woman in the room was captivated by his presence, and even some of the men looked in awe. As he made his way through the crowd, people parted like the Red Sea, giving him a wide berth. He exuded power and confidence, and Evelyn couldn't help but wonder who he was. She had never seen anyone like him before. Evelyn nudged her. "Who is he?" she whispered. Venessa shook her head. "I have no idea." As the man approached, Evelyn couldn't help but feel a flutter in her chest. She wasn't one to be easily swept off her feet, but there was something about him that drew her in. Maybe it was his confidence or the way he carried himself. She didn't know, but she was intrigued. He stopped a few feet away from them and scanned the room with his piercing blue eyes. Evelyn could feel her heart racing as he turned his gaze toward her. He held her stare for a moment, and Evelyn felt a jolt of electricity shoot through her body. It was as if he could see right through her, and she felt exposed. But then he turned away, and the spell was broken. He walked towards a group of men who were chatting by the bar, and they greeted him with nods. Evelyn watched him as he conversed with them; his commanding presence still felt strong even from a distance. She felt like everyone in the room was scared of him. "Who do you think he is?" Vanessa gossiped, breaking Evelyn's trance. "I don't know," Evelyn replied, still watching him. "But he seems important." Vanessa giggled. "Maybe he's a prince or a CEO. Or maybe he's just a handsome stranger." Evelyn rolled her eyes, but she couldn't help but smile. There was something about him that made her curious, and she knew she wouldn't be able to rest until she found out more about him. As the night wore on, Evelyn kept an eye on him, watching as he moved through the crowd effortlessly. He seemed to know everyone and was the center of attention wherever he went. But at the same time, Evelyn could feel that people were somewhat scared of him. Evelyn couldn't help but feel a little envious of his confidence and charisma. But as the night drew to a close, the man disappeared without a trace, leaving Evelyn wondering who he was and why he had such an effect on her. She couldn't shake the feeling that they had some sort of connection, even though they had never spoken a word to each other. As Vanessa left for the bathroom, leaving her alone, Evelyn couldn't help but wonder if she would ever see him again. And if she did, would she have the courage to talk to him? From the people in the hall, she learned that the name of that handsome stranger was Zeus. She wanted to ask more about him but didn't get the chance. Evelyn had been lost in thought when the sudden sound of shattering glass shook her out of her reverie. The room erupted into chaos as people began screaming and running for cover. People were screaming and running in all directions. Tables and chairs were overturned, and glasses shattered on the floor. Evelyn's heart raced as she realized that there was an attack taking place. She felt like she was in a nightmare that she couldn't wake up from. She looked around for Vanessa but couldn't spot her anywhere. Fear gripped her as she felt alone and vulnerable. Suddenly, she heard gunshots. Men in suits pulled out pistols from their tailored jackets and started firing at the attackers. The sound of gunfire echoed in the ballroom, and Evelyn felt like her ears would burst. She could see people falling to the ground, injured, or worse. Blood was everywhere, staining the beautiful marble floor of the hotel. Evelyn knew she had to take cover. She ducked behind a table and hid there, hoping that she wouldn't be seen. She felt like she was in a movie, but this was all too real. She could hear her heart pounding in her chest as she tried to control her breathing. Her doctor's instincts were rising, and she wanted to help the injured, but she knew that as soon as she got out, she would either be captured or shot to death. She looked around for Vanessa again, but she was nowhere to be found. Evelyn couldn't help but worry about her friend. Was she okay? Had she been caught in the crossfire? As Evelyn tried to gather her thoughts, she heard footsteps approaching. She held her breath, hoping that whoever it was would pass her by. But instead, the footsteps came closer and closer until she saw a figure standing in front of her.
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