Chapter 13

1186 Words

Gunnar I was rushing to get out of a meeting when Nate called me to tell me that I needed to get home. Sun wasn’t in any danger, so I couldn't understand the rush. It’s not often Nate demands anything from me and when he does, it’s always about Sun. However, this was the first time he didn’t disclose the why of his demand. Don’t get me wrong, I missed the sh.t out of my doll but what I was handling was for her. As much as I would have liked to be there with her, I had no choice. I hate spending a week away from her just when we were getting better. Not knowing what it’ll be like when I returned was gnawing at me and I hated it. I hated knowing that I won’t see her until tomorrow, that I won’t be the first face she sees on her birthday. “Why is your cousin pursuing our niece?” – Joel cam

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