Chapter 8 Going Out

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Rebecca's POV I have been having a relaxing day at home with the kids and it has been exactly what I needed.. but no matter what I have been trying to do today I can't seem to get my mind from trailing back to Tobias. There is just a part of me that wants to call him and ask him who this woman is.. I want to know if it's me, because that's what both of my kids said.. but I don't want to set myself up to get hurt again because what if he wasn't talking about me.. I know what the girls look like that he goes for and I'm no where near those standards, so even if he did pick me there is no way he would like what I have to offer because my body looks nothing like theirs and I'm not really sexually experienced like the other girls.. I just don't think I could make him happy like that, let alone satisfy him the way that he has probably become accustomed to by now.. I would assume. I get more nervous the later it gets in the day because I haven't been able to have drinks and do a girl night in a very long time.. I don't even know what to get dressed in. I feel so old, trying to force being young. Like a woman going through a midlife crisis.. I'm sitting in front of my closet freaking out because I don't know what to wear.. I'm not really good at this stuff. "What's wrong momma?" I look up to see Katie standing in the doorway. I shake my head and say, "I haven't gone out in a very long time and I don't know how to dress or act or date.. even flirt.. I'm just going to make a fool of myself. I don't think I should go." I say probably too honestly to her as she shakes her head and heads into my closet. She is talking to me inside of my closet. "Mom you're thinking too much into this, you will be fine just be yourself and if he is the right guy he will like you for you." She says to me as she comes out of the closet with multiple outfits. "That's sweet Kitty where did you hear that?" I ask her as she looks suprised and answers, "Well you of course." I chuckle at that statement as I look through her pile of outfits she has picked for me and start shaking my head. "Don't you think these are a little too showy or riske for my age?" I ask curiously, getting more nervous for the night now after seeing these. "You're not 100 mom.. act like it..Yea you want to show a little bit of skin mom.. You're not that old and these are yours from years ago.. you obviously like to show some skin at some point and you're a hot mom show it off! You'll look great!" She says to me making me smile so big. "Thanks Kitty.. so which one do you think I should wear?" I ask her as she wiggles her eyes brows at me and picks out a teal low v-cut dress, that flares out from the waist but goes barely below my ass. "If I bend over everyone will see my vagina." I say to her as she smirks at me then turns around grabbing my black, off the shoulder dress, that's tight all the way down, until about mid tight at the most where it ended. "This one won't show your v****a because it's tight fitted." She retorts as I can't argue with that. I open my mouth to retort somehow and have nothing as she walks forward handing it to me with some sexy black lingerie and high heels. The nervousness is hitting me like a brick wall now that I can't help my heart starting to really race. I try on the dress and it still fits perfect to my dismay because I'm sure there is no way the kids are letting me change now. I was hoping it was too small or looked bad so I could change, but of course not. I slip on the heels as she curls my hair and does my make up for me using darker shades than normal for myself. "I really like you helping me be a girl, it's sweet and I like just hanging out with you Kitty.. thank you." I say as she smiles and finishes my make-up saying, "I love this too and glad I could help momma." She backs up and moves out of the way so I can see my reflection and I look amazing. "How did you learn how to do make-up like this?.. It's so great! I somehow look fantastic!" I say with so much shock in my voice. She laughs and says, "I know I don't talk about this a lot, but I'm interested in doing make-up, so I watch YouTube tutorials so I can learn all sorts of ways of doing make-up. "She answers shyly as I retort, "Well you did a fantastic job.. but I'm still nervous about going I think I'm just going to call and cancel." I say grabbing my phone and she takes it out of my hand instantly. My phone beeps in her hand as she looks at it and replies for me. "What did you say? Who was it?" I ask panicking as I watch her smile grow bigger before she answers. "It was a message from Ranae and she asked if you were ready or backing out last minute and I told Ranae you weren't backing out last second and that you're ready to go." I suck in a sharp breathe because this means I have to go through with this now. I get really nervous letting my mind get the best of me as I hear the doorbell ring knowing exactly who it is. I groan getting up and heading down the stairs with Katie in tow. I see Eddie at the bottom of the stairs as his eyes light up and he says, "Wow mom you look great!" I smile and head to the door opening it. I get shocked instantly because it's not Ranae it's a pizza guy.. He looks right about my son's age. "Wow you're hot." He says as I giggle and Eddie steps forward grabbing the pizzas as he spats as a warning, "Back off Steven that's my mom." This Steven guy doesn't take the hint as he says, "Well if you ever want a younger man to make you feel young and beautiful I'm here for you mama." He says as I watch Eddie roll his eyes and groan.. I smile at the pizza guy and say, "Thank you for being so sweet have a great night Steven." I say as I start shutting the door and he responds, "No problem Eddie's hot mom.. I'll see YOU later." He says as I shut the door and smirk big.. "That was disturbing. I will probably have to ban you from coming to my games and practice now that he knows about you. I hate having conversations involving my HOT mom." Eddie exaggerates to me making me laugh as I say, "I'm not missing your games if I have anything to say about it.. so get over the fact that some might think I'm hot.. or a MILF.. or a hot MILF.. whatever." I reply jokingly as he groans and rolls his eyes. "That's ridiculous! I knew I was going to have to deal with men coming around here but I have to beat away the teens too!" We hear the door bell again as Katie opens the door to reveal Ranae with a dress on as well, which makes me feel a little better. "Yes girl you look fantastic! I didn't think you would be willing to do all this, I'm so proud of you!" She says to me as I shake my head and say, "It was all Katie she did everything for me. But thank you! You look beautiful as well!" She gestures for me to follow her as I quickly turn around to my kids. "Ok if you guys need anything just call me and I'll come straight home.. any problems, at all.. just call." I say as they both smirk at me and Eddie retorts, "Ok well.. we won't call you to give you an out for tonight, because we will be fine at home without you I swear. Have fun mom." I smile and head out the door to hopefully not make a fool of myself. We start the drive to the bar. "So are you nervous?" Ranae asks breaking the nervous silence filling the car. "Really really nervous I feel like the old woman you see at the bars trying to pretend like she is young and hip.. I never thought I would end up being that woman, in hopes I can find a man who might accept me, even with all the other hot girls around.. like you, who is even going to notice me next to you." I say to her as she laughs and retorts, "No way you look stunning... no one will notice me next to you." She says as I shake my head. We pull up and I suck in a sharp breathe as Ranae says, "You'll be fine Becca I swear and if you do really want to go after we have given this a legitimate chance then we can go, ok?" I nod at her as we get out of her car and head to the front door to make our entrance into a singles bar. Tobias' POV I'm sitting at the Ruby's bar rail keeping my eye on the crowd trying to make sure I can see her and try to fix this whole situation before I loose all confidence and chicken out again. "Hey man are you just having one beer again and not here for the ladies?" Craig says to me sarcastically as I turn to him and say, "No the woman I'm after is suppose to be here tonight and like I told you last night I'm going to make her mine." I say with so much determination in my voice. "Ok man chill shit.. I'm gonna bag me a hot peice of ass.. f*#k yes! There she is." He says to me as I follow his line of sight directing my gaze to Beck looking absolutely breathtaking. "No Beck is mine." I say to him territorially as Craig gets a mischievous grin on his face saying, "I already called her but fine.. Game on Toby." I send a glare his way as I say, "This isn't a game to me." He laughs at my answer.. so I stand up and make my way across the bar to her. She hasn't noticed me yet, so I sneak behind her and say, "Beck you look absolutely breathtaking." She whips around and sees it's me as her face softens up instantly. "Really? Thank you Toby. You look handsome as well.. but that's normal for you." She says shyly to me. "You shouldn't go out alone I'm sure you will grab every man and boys attention." I say in a playful tone as she shakes her head and retorts, "Eddie is trying to ban me from his games because his friend who is on the team saw me earlier and kept hitting on me, making him so mad." She says joking with me. I can't help how big my smile gets in her presence. "How did Eddie's night go last night?" I ask her as her smile gets bigger as she says, "Really great actually.." She opens her mouth to explain as I feel arms around me on both sides. I look in suprise at two pairs of arms. It's the twins I took home one night about 3 or 4 months ago. They are both smiling at me as one says, "Hey baby, looking good, I missed you." I look straight at Rebecca and her face gets so sad as she says. "I'm sorry for bothering you with my lame mom story when you obviously have better things to worry about.. way better.. two things to be exact.. I'm just going to go get me a drink have fun." She says turning away as I try to explain, "Beck wait." But she doesn't as she keeps walking towards the bar. "Nice to see you ladies, but you interrupted something very important. So have a good night." I say to them as they both grab my arms tighter in theirs. I see Craig is talking to Beck who is looking our way and I can't help the anger building within me at this sight. "Come on baby you know you missed us.. you can't possibly want that girl, she is not even pretty.. but we are gorgeous and there is two of us, how could you turn us down?" She says as I scoff and say, "You're both pretty at best and she is amazing in every single way, just please leave me alone." I say way too honestly to them as they both gasp and say, "That guy with your girl told us you wanted to see us again because you missed us so much.. what the hell?" "He told you? The guy that's talking to her right now?" I ask as they both nod.. that sneaky motherf*#ker. I wiggle out of their grip as I make my way to the bar. I get there and I see a victorious smile on Craig's face which just makes me clench my jaw so tight to resist the urge to punch him. "Hey Beck I need to explain and if Craig is bothering you just say and I can help you out with that." I say glaring at him as he flips me off behind her back. "Um no thank you though Toby.. he has been pretty nice actually and he said since you obviously have your hands full with both of your model girlfriends and he doesn't want me to look like a 4th wheel with you guys, he has asked me to the gala so I won't have to be alone." She says sadly. I can tell she doesn't want to go with him. "Beck it's not like that.. and he is just a tool bag trying to get into your pants.. that's the only reason he is being nice to you." I say to her as she glares at me and retorts without hesitation, "So that's the only reason anyone would be nice to me and talk to me is just to sleep with me? Is it THAT impossible to believe someone would like an average looking, nice, single mom like myself?.. yeah I'm not beautiful in everyway like the models you date, but I'm still some sort of catch." She says standing up taking the shot and storming away from me and the bar area. "Oh yeah, you f*#ked up.. thanks for that, it will make my job a whole lot easier." Craig says wiggling his eyebrows at me. "You don't realize what you have, she is amazing and perfect in every way.. You're just going to hurt her because you don't appriciate her." I say to him with a desperation in my voice. He laughs and says mockingly, "I'll appriciate parts of her, does that count? Oh and since you have never gotten the chance to take her to bed. I will let you know how she is and maybe teach her a trick or two so you can have my sloppy seconds." I lift my hand to punch him. I'm interrupted as Ranae comes over and glares at me, "I don't know what you said to Becca but she is crying and blabbing about how she is stupid for coming out and how she is not good enough.. I don't know... but she is upset.. she is gorgeous.. She is stunning in her own way.. who cares if she doesn't look like the bimbos you bring home, because she is a thousands times better than all of them put together. You would only be lucky enough to get a catch like her... I don't know why she has liked you for years.. You're such an asshole.. just know she left this fun time, that it took her years to get out of her comfort zone.. all because of you. So why don't you do us all a favor and just leave her alone before you really break her heart." She spats at me then walking away as Craig says, "Oooohh you're in s**t now. Just keep digging your hole, burying yourself completely and I'll stand here and watch.. good one man. See you tomorrow at the Gala." Craig laughs and walks away shaking his head. God I hate this so much maybe I should just stop and leave her alone. I groan and take a shot before turning and leaving. I don't know if I can just leave her alone. Even Ranae said she has liked me for years, so how can I not try after hearing that.. I really do think I love her, I think I have loved her for a long time but I really don't know.. all I know for sure is I don't feel like this about anyone else, nor do I want to feel like this about anyone else and yes she is stunning but it's not about looks.. she has the best personality and the most caring soul.. I adore every single inch of her from head to toe. But if I push this tomorrow and it goes just like this did tonight then she will probably quit and leave me.. I can't have that.. so maybe I should just leave her alone and let her live her life.. maybe.. I don't know what to do.
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