Chapter 9 The Gala

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Rebecca's POV It's has been one busy morning. I have been out with Katie because she insisted on coming with me. Eddie wanted to stay home, of course, instead of dress shopping, which is almost implied for a teenage boy. It takes a lot of searching and trying on the dresses, but we finally find one that I think might be too revealing, but Katie insisted it's perfect for my body type. We bring some lunch home and hang out relaxing for a little bit before this long process is going to commence. After talking with Katie and Eddie about everything that happened last night with Toby.. because they are all I have to talk to.. they both looked at me like I was the biggest i***t out there. "Mom, he literally didn't say one bad thing to you. He never said any of your assumptions that you obviously just made on your own.. and it just sounds like he is warning you about your date." Eddie states as if it's just obvious. "Yea, it just sounds like your insecurities came out, loud and clear, especially after seeing his two girlfriends.. do you even like your date tonight?" Katie asks me as I shake my head. "No.. but Craig was right, I don't want to look so lonely and pathetic right next to Toby with those twin models.. So I agreed to be his date, but I have heard he is a chauvinistic pig.. I just hope he is not too bad, that I can stand a night with him as my date just so I don't look bad in front of everyone. But maybe you're both right.. I think it was my insecurities coming to the surface and clouding my judgement, and now I look like an i***t to the guy that I do like.. great, that honestly isn't much better." I answer back probably too honestly for talking with my kids, but I will always be honest with them. They are all I have and want them to talk with me about this, so why not. "Well, try to have some fun because the funds go to charity, so how can you be mad about that.. and just try not to think too much about the twins Toby has with him." Katie states to me as Eddie adds, "Man, I would have bet money that he was talking about you the other night.. I'm sorry, momma. I didn't mean to get your hopes up." I shake my head at him as I respond, "It's not your fault.. that was stupid of me to think that in the first place.. I knew there was no way I would be his type with models on his arms." sadness hits my face, and I won't deny my feelings with them.. like I said, they're all I have.. Katie jumps up and says, "Don't let that get to you, remember you're going to have so much fun tonight and put those models to shame with your amazing look.. Toby and every other man in that place are going to wish they had you on their arm after I'm done with you.. come on, let's get started!" She grabs my hand and pulls me up the stairs to my room to start this long process of getting ready.. thankfully, I have someone to help me because I have never been good at this part of being a girl. After hours of getting pampered and prepared as much as possible for tonight, I'm finally slipping on my dress.. It's a forest green and strapless with a slender clevage drop and same for the back. It almost doesn't have a back at all and forms into a mermaid fitted dress on the bottom. It's all very tight fitting, and I feel like I need to cover up. Katie has put my hair halfway up with a waterfall braid and curling all the ends that are down. She does my make-up darker than I would have liked, but she is right it makes my eyes really pop out. I just take her advice, not arguing, because she has proven me wrong with each and every circumstance so far for this particular situation. I get up as I hear the doorbell ring, and my heart starts to race. "Don't worry, momma, you will be fine. Just get through tonight.. but have fun. You look like a million bucks!" She states as I look at myself in the mirror and say, "Man, I really do.. I don't know how you keep doing this, Kitty, but thank you so much." I give her a big hug as I head out of the room. I make my way down the stairs as I open the door, and it's Craig looking handsome in his tux, so maybe this won't be too bad. I smile at him as he belts out, "Whoa, that dress is hot. Let's get going." He says, turning around and walking to the car as Eddie says behind me, "He is not even going to say hello to you or us?.. or walk you to the car?.. wow.. just try to have some fun. I love you, mom." I smile and nod as I walk out the door to the car. I open my own door and get in. "Man, you look hot. You should dress like that more often. I never knew your boobs were so big." He says to me as I cringe and say, "I'll try to remember that." Just trying to be nice. "Yea, and maybe while you remember that you should remember to do your make-up like that more often as well, you look so much prettier than you normally do!" He says with so much excitement in his voice. I clench my jaw to try not to be a b*tch as I respond. "Thanks, my daughter did my make-up.. she wants to do makeup as a career." I say to him, and he looks at me like I'm stupid and says. "That's sad that you can't do your own make-up.. but I guess it's good that your kid knows what she is doing." He says to me as I shake my head and just keep my opinions to myself. We pull up, and the valet opens the door for Craig and then for myself as Craig helps me out of the car. I reluctantly let him put his arm around me as we smiled for the pictures and made our way in. Once the doors shut behind us, I can feel Craig's hand trailing to my butt. I push his hand up as he lets it trail back down and to my ass as he rubs across it. I turn to him as I say, "Stop grabbing my ass please.. and thank you." He smiles a malicious smile as he says, "That wasn't me grabbing your ass.." He slaps, and full hand grasps my ass pulling me into him as he whispers in my ear, "That's how you grab ass sweetheart.. but you're right. We should save the fun for the end of the night.. so I will try to restrain myself until then.. but there are no guarantees with how good you look." I swipe his hand away as I walk out onto the floor and make my way to a table in the corner so I hopefully won't be noticed if this is the type of attention I will be receiving. Craig grabs two glasses of champagne and hands me one as I take it and throw the whole glass back, swallowing it whole and taking the other from his hand saying. "Thanks." He smirks at me and says, "I'll grab us more to keep us loosening up." I reluctantly nod as I look away and chug the rest of my drink.. this is going to be a long night, I can already tell. Craig comes back with a couple of shots and two more drinks in his hands. He sets them down, scooting right next to me that if we weren't in our own separate chairs, he would be sitting on me. I turn my head looking away across the room as he whispers in my ear, "You look and smell magnificent, we have to dance before the night is out just so I can touch your body and no one will say a thing." He says as I roll my eyes and take a shot, then take his shot right behind it as I state, "I'm not much of a dancer." I lie to him because I love to dance. I just don't want to dance with him. "Oh come on, you don't have to lie, I remember you talking about all the dancing you have done over the years, I swear I'm a good dancer.. I took classes to make sure I could win over the ladies with my moves." He states, wiggling his eyebrows at me, I nod and say sarcastically. "I bet it has worked wonderfully for you." He humms and leans in, saying, "That's for me to know and you to find out." I put on a fake smile as I'm thankfully brought out of that awkward moment with Ranae saying, "Oh my Gosh Becca! You look amazing!" She says as I smile big and reply back. "No, you look amazing!" She smiles even bigger as she says. "Will you come with me to get a drink?" I vigorously nod and stand up as I hear from Craig right behind me, "I like this little game of cat and mouse with you, Becca. I'll win you over. You just wait and see." My eyes go wide, staring at Ranae as she smirks and says, "Sure you will." She takes my arm into hers as she pulls me to the table to get a drink. "So how are things going with Romeo over there? It's just as awful as it looks and sounds?" She asks as I cringe and nod.. "Even worse he kept telling me about how I need to show this much skin more often because he didn't know my boobs were this big then he continued to tell me it's sad that I had to get my make-up done for myself and that, I should do my make-up like this everyday because I'm way prettier this way." I tell her as she gags and cringes. "He said what to you?" I hear as I quickly turn and see it's Toby by himself.. for now. "He said I look way prettier than normal like this, and I should dress up showing this much skin and doing my make-up like this all the time." Toby rolls his eyes and groans, saying, "God, I hate that guy.. you do look absolutely breathtaking. There is no doubt about that, but he is such a tool.. what does he know? You look beautiful every day anyway." He says, making me smile big as he clears his throat and asks, "May I please have a word with you, Beck?" I look at Ranae as she winks at me and leaves us to be alone. Tobias' POV I tie my bowtie and straighten out my tux, and fix my hair, making sure I look nice. I grab my keys and phone, leaving for the Gala. I pull up as the valet opens my door and takes my keys as I smile for the pictures and head inside. I'm one of the first in as I make my way straight to the drinks area. I grab a drink and shot.. I take the shot first, then sip on the drink as I hear beside me, "Thank you, Toby, for listening to me and not bringing a date.. you don't know how much I appriciate you not bringing one of your whores.. and I'm assuming things with Rebecca didn't work out.. but you couldn't expect a girl like that to be able to accept you anyways, so it's probably just for the best." my father says to me as I roll my eyes turning around facing him.. "I didn't talk to Rebecca yet because she already was asked to the Gala, but I am going to talk to her tonight." I say to him as he huffs and says, "Just stop it Toby, because if you start problems here there will be hell to pay, remember that as you're just being selfish, trying to just get what YOU want." "Duely noted dad." I say to him as he storms off. I grab another drink as I make my way to the pillar, leaning up against it awaiting the arrival of my lady so I can get the courage to talk to her hence the extra drinks. I look around the room as I hear the doors opening again gaining my attention. I am completely stunned in place as I watch Rebecca walking in with Craig's arm wrapped around her. I can see his hand keep going down as she pushes it up over and over again until she hits his hands off and he smirks at her with a smile I absolutely hate seeing, as he pulls her into him saying something to her. She looks irritated as she pushes away from him and walks down the stairs into the ballroom. I watch her walk down the stairs looking absolutely mesmerizing.. The dark forest green looks amazing against her olive colored skin tone and fits her curves perfectly accenting all of her voluptuous curves just the way they should be displayed. The deep V in the front and the back doesn't leave much to the imagination but she still looks gorgeous.. it's sexy in a classy way. Her hair and make-up looks perfectly done and I can't imagine how long that whole look all together took. Well worth.. however much money she spent, I know what I'm dreaming about tonight, saving this image in my mind for later. I watch her walk so elegantly almost gliding to a side table as Craig brings both of them drinks, she almost chugs them both making me laugh, as he walks away grabbing more. He sits down next to her as I watch her face away, rolling her eyes. I can tell she is not liking his attention at all.. He keeps whispering stuff to her and by her facial reactions it looks like it's a no-go. She takes a couple shots as Ranae walks over saving her from him so they take off to the drink area. This is my chance to talk to her without being interrupted. I make my way over to her as I hear just the butt end of Beck's statement but I don't like what I hear as I ask, "He said what to you?" Because I just figured she was talking about Craig. She looks startled by me joining the conversation but she repeats her comment for me to hear anyways. "He said I look way prettier than normal like this and I should dress up showing this much skin and doing my make-up like this all the time." I roll my eyes at that statement because man I really hate that guy, he thinks he is smooth and I don't think he realizes he is making her feel worse not better. "God I hate that guy.. you do look absolutely breathtaking there is no doubt about that, but he is such a tool.. what does he know? You look beautiful everyday anyways." I say to her as her face lights up with the most beautiful genuine smile. I start feeling my heart race as I start to really get nervous. So I clear my throat and ask, "May I please have a word with you Beck?" I see her look to Ranae as she winks at Rebecca and leaves us alone. "I do have to start this off by telling you how absolutely stunning you look, I was literally stunned in place when I saw you walk in. But I think you look stunning everyday I just have never.. um.. seen you.. in anything like this.." I say to her really getting nervous towards the end of my statement. I watch her blush as she asks shyly, "Really? Katie did all of this so she deserves all the credit. She wouldn't even let me go pee while she was doing my make-up and hair." She says jokingly to me as I laugh with her. "Man, Katie did all this? I bet you're so proud! She could be a professional if she keeps going down this route, that's amazing!" I say to her as I watch her smile get bigger. "Really?That's so sweet of you to say, she wants to do that as a career. I am proud of her but when I told Craig that, he said it was sad that I didn't know how to do my own make-up and that I'm just lucky I had her to help me." She groans. "He is such a douche I'm sorry he is treating you like that.." I say to her as she scoffs and says, "I'm just happy I look good so I can try to look not so ugly next to your TWO ladies.. wherever they are." She says sounding a little spiteful at that comment. "I don't have a date." I say to her as she looks up at me with wide eyes, "Did they turn you down? Or did they ditch you? I will kick their asses, I don't care how much bigger they are then me and the fact that there are two of them, I will still f*#k up their beautiful faces!" She says so protectively of me and that alone makes me smile. "That's really protective of you.. But.. They aren't the lady I was going for.. They have never been.. The woman I wanted to go with me is.... um... she.. was asked before I had the chance to." I say a little nervously skipping over the fact that she is the woman.. I can't chicken out tonight I just can't. "Well you have a big black book of a million women's numbers in it so why didn't you just get yourself a different date?" She asks as I quickly respond, "I don't want anyone but her. So I would rather come alone then with anyone else." I say to her. She gets a sad look on her face and responds, "I bet she is amazing to have you falling for her and changing your ways like this.. I'm proud of you Toby, I can't wait to meet her." I open my mouth to tell her it's her as we are interrupted by Craig. "Come on Becca let's dance." He says pulling her hand. She sets the glass down, as she hesitantly follows him to the floor. He puts his hand up to, I'm assuming the band.. as they start to play an upbeat salsa sounding song. Craig starts walking around Becca looking at her, like she is prey to pounce on, making people start to create a circle with them center stage. Becca starts to walk away as Craig grabs her hand and spinning her back into his arms quickly. His hand goes to her ass as she goes to slap him but he catches her hand and spins her with it. She tries to hit him again as he does the same spinning her the other way, multiple times before he stops her in his arms. For each step she takes backwards he reciprocates with a step forward. It looks like a game of cat and mouse in dance form.. if I hadn't known how long they have known they were going with each other, I would think they have been practicing this dance routine for months. I watch as he slaps her ass again and she goes to kick him as he grabs her leg holding it to his leg as he takes her back into his other hand, pulling her into him and dipping her while spinning around.. He brings her back up still holding her tight against his body as she pushes against him getting out of his hold. He keeps hold of her hand, spinning her quickly and many times before he lets her spin and drop with his arms braced around her but not touching her just in case. Then stopping her about a foot from the ground. He leans in to kiss her with applause raining around them. She turns away as he kisses her cheek and whispers something in her ear. He brings her back up as she gets out of his hold and fans herself off then turns quickly making her way out the door to the open outside terrace. I watch Craig wave at the croud loving the extra attention of course, then following her and I start to get anxiety building inside of me at the thought of those two being alone together. So I decide to follow in tow but staying hidden.
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