Chapter 10 Breathe Of Fresh Air

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Rebecca's POV I walk out to the outside terrace, and it's pitch dark out here with the twinkling stars in the clear sky above. The cool wind hits my lungs, filling them completely, relieving my anxiety even if it's just for a moment. It's really beautiful out here in a calming kind of way. I stare out at a maze like garden nearby, and it looks pretty, mesmerizing, and classy out here.. "God, the chemistry between us is undeniable." I hear Craig say from behind me. I roll my eyes because I thought, or at least hoped I would have a moment to myself. But obviously not. "You're a way better dancer than I assumed, which was surprising." I say too honestly with a tinge of sarcasm in my voice.. It was a pleasant surprise, but no way in hell am I telling him that.. I'm not going to give this dog a bone. "Well, I'm full of surprises that I could show you.." He says, stepping close to me until I'm pinned against the edge of the terrace. "But mostly in the bedroom if you would like?" He finishes winking at me. "I would rather not thank you. I'm not just some one night stand.." I say to him as he presses himself more into me before he whispers, "We can do it as many times as you want. It doesn't have to be a one-time thing." "Or.. how about we just be a NEVER GONNA HAPPEN kind of thing." I say to him, trying to push past him, but he doesn't let me. "Come on, are you kidding me? Look at you.. you don't dress like that, if you don't really want it.. You're just asking for it." He says, kissing me posessively as I push him off but only slightly because of the size difference. He comes back to me and grabs my chin into his hand as he presses his lips to mine again. I swing my hand to hit him. Even if his face is still connected with mine, I don't care. He grabs my hand before I make contact, squeezing my wrist and hand awkwardly tight. I put my open hand to his chest, pushing him off of me. A loud thud is heard as Craig breaks his kiss groaning.. letting go of my wrist and grabbing his stomach. I look up and see it's Tobias looking livid beyond belief. I have never seen him look so mad in 5 years of knowing him. Craig stands up, swinging at Tobias, making contact with his chin, then swinging again, as he dodges that hit, swinging back and making contact with him as well. "I told you exactly what I was going to do with Becca and why.. I don't know why you have such a surprised look on your face, Toby." Craig says maliciously, smiling at him. "I told you she deserved better than this, and yet here you are trying to force her.. what the f*#k is wrong with you, man?" He says defensively as I see Toby slowly inching his way to me, still watching Craig cautiously. "I told you she is not worth anything more than a good f*#king, and that's what I'm here to get. Don't sit there and play innocent like you don't want that with her." He says so spitefully to Toby. He looks around nervously as he responds, "I won't deny that I am completely attracted to her in more ways than one, and that does include physically.. but it's not the same because I won't ever force it with her because of the love and respect that I have for her.." He says as Craig lunges at him, and Toby hits him in the gut again and tripping him, making him fall to the ground. Craig kicks Toby in the leg multiple times, just not quitting as Toby kicks him in the face, shutting him up with that one kick. "Tobias! I warned you what would happen if you started some s**t!" Mr. Caspian is at the terrace door with some security guards behind him. Mr. Caspian gestures for the guards to do their thing, getting rid of the trouble. Craig only slightly fights their hold, putting the hand cuffs on as Tobias gives himself up willingly, not fighting at all looking so sad. Before I even know what I'm doing, I run up putting myself between Tobias and Mr. Caspian. "Mr. Caspian, please let me explain. The only reason Toby got into a fight was because Craig was trying to force himself on me, and Toby prevented it from happening. Please don't take him away." I nervously explain, staring up at him. He looks between us as he groans and states. "You're lucky she was here Toby, you step out of line again tonight.. then you're gone."He leaves us with the guards in tow, taking the cuffs off before leaving. I turn around and see Toby, touching his chin as he leans up against the terrace. I can't help but notice. He looks so amazing dressed up in his nice suit, and he even has a bowtie on, and I love it. I slowly make my way to him, not knowing what to say as he decides to break the silence. "Thanks for helping me with my dad." He says softly as I nod, walking over to his side, leaning against the terrace with him. "Thank you for helping me.. if you wouldn't have come out here, then I don't know what he would have done." I say to him as I get a curious look on my face asking, "Why did you come out here anyways?" He sucks in a sharp breath as he says, "To be with you out here and get the guts to talk to you.. and apologizing for yesterday." "You talk to me and have to apologize almost every day, Toby.. what's the difference now?" I ask, not understanding what he means or why. "This is different, Beck." He says softly as my eyebrows scrunch together, and I retort, "How?" "I didn't have a date tonight because the girl I wanted to ask was you.. I was going to ask you last night, that's why I went there to the bar and hung out, waiting for you.. and Craig said he wanted you and game on.. so he sent those twins over to make you leave me. He told me he just wanted you for sex.. I wasn't telling you that last night to make you feel bad, I was trying to warn you because I didn't want to see you get hurt like that.. I have liked you for a long time Beck and the reason I never tried anything else before was because I was a chicken s**t and because I wanted to respect your feelings until you were ready to date again." He says so nervously to me. At this point, I have let my body take over instinctively as I'm standing up in front of him, looking him right in the eyes before I state, "I'm not a girl you can love and leave, I won't ever be a one night stand kind of girl sorry, I'm looking for an actual relationship." He looks at me and says, "What about an everyday and every night for as long as you want, kind of girl?" He asks as my eyes go wide. "I have never seen you once make a commitment. Why now?" I ask as he replies as if it's just a complete fact. "Well, you said you were ready to try dating again, and I have been waiting years to hear you say that." He says, making my breath hitch in my throat. "Since when have you felt like this?" I ask him nervously as he stands up and says, "Since the day your husband died and I held you in my arms, at my house, as you cried." Before I even know what I'm doing, I'm stepping closer to Toby, so there is almost no space between us, then on my toes and crashing my lips to Toby's soft ones. His arms wrap around my waist, pulling me in as my hands wrap around his head, deepening the kiss. I break the kiss to get a breath of air as we both pant and stare into each other's eyes. I started to panic at the thought of us together. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to overstep boundaries. I'm so sorry." I say to him as he shakes his head and tightens his grip on my hips. "No, don't be, you didn't overstep, I have been wanting this for so long." He confesses, looking almost love struck in his eyes. I'm surprised I don't see hearts in his eyes like in the cartoons. I shake my head and say, "I don't deal with cheating, I will never tolerate it." I state to him as he says, "I don't want any woman but you." I shake my head again as I explain. "I have a mom body, I have stretch marks and fat, and I'm old.. I look nothing like the women you date, and I'm sure you won't find me attractive if you saw me underneath this." I say to him as his eyes go wide and he says, "Wait, I can see you underneath this?" I playfully hit his chest as he says, "I don't want those other girls or I would have them.. I want you, and I think you're gorgeous inside and out.. I'm sure I will feel the same way about your body.. I don't care about stretch marks or fat or any of that. Stop worrying. You're stunning, get some confidence in yourself, Beck.. I just wish you could see what I see when I look at you." "If you have liked me for so long, why were you a d**k to me sometimes and never making a move.. how many girls did I have to clean up after, from you with them?" I say, calling him out. "I was trying to deny my feelings for a while, and then I just needed to have some release, and I was lonely.. I'm sorry you had to see that or anything, but.. at the risk of sounding crazy I have to tell you.. just for me to get off with those other women, I had to think of you." Tobias says as I scoff and he stops me, saying, "I swear on my life. I told you I want you and only you and I want to change every part of how I am for you and I know I can do it, if you give me the chance. My father will be pissed, not with you but with me.. he told me not to try anything with you, that I'm not good enough for you and that if you quit because of me, then he is going to rip me a new one." He states as my mouth drops open. "You told your father about liking me?" I ask in shock as he nods. "I told him I wanted to be with you, and he laughed at me saying I don't have a chance with you.. that you're a real woman, and I have only been dealing with girls.. and that you are a commitment, not a limited time deal, and I told him I understand that, and I still wanted to try for you." He explains to me. "You think you can commit to not only me but my kids? It's not just me anymore it's my kids as well?" I ask quickly as he nods and says, " I like your kids a lot they seem so nice, and I would do anything to prove this to you." He says as I state back. "Ok, so you're asking for it.. but you need to have the respect for me to not cheat on me and tell me when you're done with me, please.. I just appreciate honesty over anything, no matter what happens with us." I demand from him laying down the rules. He nods at me as he grabs my hand, pulling me out to the open part of the terrace. He puts his hand on my hip and pulls me in while keeping my other hand into his. I know this stance, figuring out he is trying to dance with me, and I won't deny him this at all. I put my hand on his shoulder as he started to slow dance with me. I get lost in this moment just swaying and gliding around with him in the most comfortable dance I have ever been a part of, with the muffled music playing from inside. I shake my my head and smile as he looks curiously at me, asking, "What's that look for?" I smile bigger and explain. "Both of my kids told me you were talking about me at the store and that it was obvious.. but I honestly thought you were talking about someone else." I explain to him. "I have been trying to tell you for a while, and I just kept chickening out.. and I didn't know how you would feel about your kids hearing about your personal life, so it made things easier to just talk vaguely about it.. I thought you for sure would get my hints.. I mean, come on, what woman has helped me out for years?" He asks as he spins me, then pulls me back into his muscular frame. I feel the anxiety building off the thoughts of having a man after so long. "Are you sure this is what you want? I'm really not like the women you're normally with in any way, shape, or form. I haven't been in a relationship in forever or even dated in forever. I don't know what to do anymore.." I say probably too quickly, nervously explaining. He chuckles and smiles at me so big, "I really hope you're nothing like them because that's part of the reason why I'm attracted to you. I don't know how to be a step dad and a great man for you, but all I know is that I want to try.. You're such a great person, and you bring nothing but happiness into my life.. when you're not around, I'm sad, and when you are around, I just want to be with you all the time doing whatever you want.. why do you think I started listening to you when you started telling me what to do with my father and the company?.. When I had never done any of that stuff at all for years? You don't know the amazing effect you have had on me and how much I appreciate everything you have done for me. You have literally made me a better man, and I would love to take this to the next level with you.. if you will for sure have me?" He says, spinning me again as he pulls me back by my hip with my hand going to his chest. I can feel his heart beating as fast as mine making my breath hitch as I softly say. "You hurt me or my kids, and that's it, no other tries.. but I won't deny any of the feelings I have had for you for years now, too.. I have been denying them, but every time I had to come in watching you have s*x with another girl, I couldn't help the jealousy burning inside of me for you." I say so honestly to him as he says, "I felt almost the same with Craig dancing with you and everything that happened out here.. I just wanted to rip his head off and shove it up his ass!" He says getting riled up again. "But thankfully, everything worked out, and you decided to be a creepy stalker following me out here." I say playfully as he scoffs and says, "How could I not? You look so enthralling in every single way. This dress was perfect. I will have to thank Katie for everything.. it's sexy in a classy way, but with how good you look in it, I just want to rip it off of you." I playfully slap his chest, "You wish! This was a 500$ dress." I retort as he smirks and leans in, saying, "I will pay you back." brushing the hair off of my shoulder and kissing the crook of my neck, sending chills all over my body. I love his tantalizing touch.. but I can't do that right now. I put my hand to his chest stopping him as I whisper explaining, "I haven't done anything like this in a long time and I want to make sure this is right before jumping into bed with you if you don't mind.. no matter how much you turn me on and I have been craving this.. so bad." He nods at my request and says, "I will wait as long as you would like to.. It's ok, no reason to explain.. I'm sorry, you just look so appetizing. I just had to get a taste." I touch his cheek lightly staring into his deep into his eyes as I lean in kissing him. He deepens our kiss, and I can't help the moan that escapes my lips at this amazing kiss. He breaks our kiss, taking my hand into his as he leads me down the stairs and towards the garden area. "Thanks for the actual chance to prove myself, Beck.. The odds seemed against me for sure." He says, glancing over at me as my eyes go wide, so I reply.. "The odds were against you? You had two twin models hanging on you last night.. I thought there was no chance in hell that I could get you when those were the kinds of girls throwing themselves at you." "No, like I said, they were just for me to get off.. there is a reason you have never seen one girl twice because they are not worth a second date." He tries to explain as I am curious, so I have to ask. "But I am? Why?" He clears his throat, looking at me as he declares, "Yea, of course.. You're the strongest person I have ever met, the sweetest person, while being so fierce, telling me how it is all the time and the best single mom out there.. I couldn't ask for a better partner. I told you that you're amazing in so many ways." "Thanks, Toby.. You're so sweet." I say, squeezing his hand as he quickly glances down and smiles at me. He leads me to a concrete bench in the middle of the maze-like garden we have been wandering through. We sit down for a moment, and I can't help the chill that shoots down my spine because of the wind. Toby takes notice of this, so of course, because of the gentleman he is, he takes his jacket off and wraps it around me. "Who knew you could be so sweet. Where has this man been hiding?" I ask softly as he replies without hesitation, "He's been hiding behind a tough man mask, waiting for the right person to come along and kick his ass into shape." I smile and nod, scooting closer to him.. leaning in and laying my head on his shoulder. His arm wraps around my shoulder, pulling me in more. I sit comfortably in his safe hold, making me feel so much better about tonight.. At least it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.
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