Chapter 13 Amusement Park

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Rebecca's POV I quickly walk into the bar and grill nervously not knowing if Toby will even follow behind. I just want a drink right now, to help me relax after that nervous confession and then no confession back.. very confusing but I'm trying to not over think things. I don't want to push him into these feelings because that's not fair of me so I won't push anything and whatever happens, happens.. I take a look around the room and the ambience of the place is refreshing to say the least with an outdoor bar that makes this a different kind of place to attend. The lights are dimmed above, making it feel like it's night time even though it's lunch. There are so many plants all over on the wooded bars and tables.. giving it a rainforest vibe in here. There is even a small waterfall nearby that sounds so peaceful and looks beautiful being a great center piece for the place. I walk up to the host podium as the hostess meets me asking, "How many?" I smile and say, "Two please." She takes a look around me and says. "I guess your just going to meet someone here?" I nod as she leads me to a smaller table against the balcony by the waterfall. The waitress walks up to me with an annoyed tone like she didn't want my table or something. I just want to start things off right though, because I want the day to get better and not worse so I say, "Hi." She just stares at me for a moment then asks, "What are you drinking?" I clear my throat and respond. "The Bahama Mama please." She walks away without a word to me. Quickly making her way back to a table of guys across the room flirting up a storm with each one. I'm sure she thinks she will get an amazing tip from them by flirting, but that doesn't work all the time.. but for myself I always tip well being from that industry.. because I will always remember where I came from before I got this job.. so her ignoring me because I don't have a d**k, is annoying really. She brings me my drink, "Thank you." I respond as she glances at me then walking away. I stare off at the waterfall just drinking to myself. "A magnificently stunning woman like yourself shouldn't be drinking alone.. if you don't have anyone joining you I could fill that seat for you pretty quickly." I hear right next to me gaining my attention. My eyes lock on a handsome man who is showing off his bright white teeth framed by his gorgeous grin. I smile shyly as I answer, "Thank you for the very nice, hard to resist offer, but I do have someone I'm hoping will meet me in here.. soon.." "Well if they don't show up then it will be their loss and my gain because I will be sitting right over there if you change your mind." He says pointing to the available bar stool at the bartop. "Well thank you so much for your concern, but there is no way I couldn't join her." I hear from Toby who shows up right behind the gentleman. The guy carefully turns around as he nervously nods then waves to me, leaving for his seat at the bar. "I think you scared that nice guy away." I state as Tobias pulls out the chair that's right across from me, but puts it right next to me at the small table. He sits down so close next to me and I have to admit I don't mind one bit. He is making my heart race as he gets into closer proximity to me. Taking my hand into his, pressing his lips to the back of my hand, while making my heart beat out of my chest. "Good I hope I scared him.. I want to make sure everyone knows who I'm here for. What I wanted to tell you in the car was, You're the reason my heart beats because without you helping me since day one, I know I wouldn't be here today. Just the thought of you alone makes me smile all day long.. My bachelor lifestyle has just created a gaping hole within my heart making me feel so empty and alone no matter what I'm doing.. but when I'm with you I feel so complete, happy, wanted and even loved. You're the only motivation I need to change my lifestyle that has been killing me slowly, turning it into a lifestyle that will help me grow and become a better person. I'm ready for this with you, it will be long and a hard obstacle to overcome.. and it scares the hell out of me but what's life worth living for if it's not for the ones you care for." He spills his feelings to me, throwing it all out there. His vulnerability being exposed to me willingly is probably the sexiest thing I have heard in a very long time. I can't help but grabbing his cheeks gently into my hands, pulling his face to me, crashing my lips to his. We share the most hunger filled passionate kiss, only breaking the lip lock to catch our breathe. We stare into each other's eyes for a moment as he whispers out between pants, "That was amazing! Oh man I think I love you." He says making me giggle so loud as we hear the waitress clearing her throat. "Hey handsome what may I get for you to drink? and I have to warn you, I'm not on the menu, I'm just too sweet." She says winking at Toby but he obviously rolls his eyes at her.. I think he is making sure she knows she is being rude in front of me. "Now why would I want you, when I already have a thirst quenching goddess like her.. thanks but you can just grab me a light beer and her another one of these drinks.. But most of all please stop being so rude in front of my lady and I, because I'm obviously with her." He says with so much attitude in his tone directed right at her as she nods nervously going away. "Toby.. I think that was probably the sweetest thing you have done for me.. besides the whole thing with Craig.. I don't know how you make my heart skip a beat, but you really do.. if that's even possible.. I can't believe how much your publicly committing to me.. I never thought I would ever see the day.. I feel so special. Thank you."I say to him as he gently touches my chin. "No Beck thank you." He says this so sweetly as the waitress comes back with his beer and my drink. We order our food and spend the rest of the afternoon making small talk and having a wonderful time of it. Long after the meal is done I look at my watch and it's 2pm. "Alright handsome as much as I would love to continue this.. you have your meeting at 3 and still need to get changed and ready." I state to him because I'm still going to be responsible about my job no matter how bad I don't want to be. "I don't have my suit though." He says to me as I smirk up at him, "No you do, I had it dry cleaned so it's in my back seat." I say as his smile gets bigger before he states, "What would I do without you?" I giggle and shake my head saying, "Let's hope we never have to find that out." I pay for our lunch at Toby's dismay as we leave heading to the meeting. We get to the building as I reach back over the seat, grabbing the suit for him. I hand it to him as he smiles so big at me. "If I 'accidentally' dropped my suit again back there, would you help me get it again?" He asks as I playfully smack his chest making him laugh. I shove the suit into his chest as I state, "Go get dressed before you're late, I won't be blamed for you being late ever." I state as he pecks my lips saying into them, "I can't wait to see you later.. I'll pick you guys up for tonight.. 6 on the dot." I nod pecking his lips again. "Good luck, if you need anything call me. Here is the file you will need as well for this." I hand the file to him as he smiles getting out of my car and going into the building. Tobias' POV After a couple hour meeting I'm finally done and headed back to my place in an Uber, quickly to get dressed and go pick up my date for our casual date. I never thought I would be nervous about a date but I love the idea of this date. I get home quickly running in and getting changed into some casual clothes just jeans and a t-shirt, throwing gel in my hair and of course putting cologne on.. I run just as quickly out of my place to my car. I get in speeding across town and to my ladies place. I'm either right on time or just a couple minutes early. I knock on the door as Katie answers it for me. She hugs me instantly saying, "Thanks for your help today as well coming with my mom to help me.. she also told me how sweet you were to her at the restaurant.. I just wanted to say thank you for being so good to her she deserves that." I smile and nod as she walks in yelling. "Mom, Toby is here!" Katie's voice just echos through the house as I step in and shutting the door behind me. I hear foot steps on the stairs gaining my attention and it's Eddie. He is buttoning up his plaid shirt, fixing the collar. "Hey Toby, good job today man.. you couldn't slap the smile off of her face when she came home. I'll have to take some tips from you." He says patting my shoulder. "Take tips for what?" I hear from behind him. I just watch Rebecca come into my line of sight and I honestly never thought she could look better than that ball gown.. but man I always see her dressed up so seeing her in something casual is so sexy. Her shoulders are completely exposed from the brown off the shoulder sweater she is wearing. She has some tight ripped jeans on and knee high boots. Her hair is completely down which I never see often, even completely straightened leaving it long draping down..all the way to her butt. She has only a little bit of make-up on but it's just making her eyes really pop. "You're breathtaking."I let slip out as she giggles with that adorable giggle I love so much retorting. "You're giving my son tips about me being breathtaking?" She sarcastically asks as I smile and shake my head. "He said you came home so happy earlier because of my doing and that he wants tips.. is that true that you came home so happy?" I ask this as I watch her kids smile so big at her. I watch her face turn to a darker shade of red then expected. She shakes her head as the kids both scoff and say, "She is lying she was so happy I mean come on look at that blush." Katie states making Rebecca's shake her hands and head. "Ok ok ok I think we need to head to the amusement park now to get the attention off of me please." She walks past us as I take in her amazing smell. I'm not sure what her perfume is but I would bath in that scent just because I always think of her when I smell it. We follow Becca in tow to the car.. I unlock my car as the kids excitedly run to my sports car, jumping in. "This car is amazing I always wanted a sports car!" Eddie yells with so much excitement as I smile at Rebecca who looks nervous. I pull out on to the road, headed to the amusement park putting my hand on her leg trying to relax her. I feel her hand caress on top of mine then holding my hand. I squeeze her hand as we pull up to the park. We get out and head in. Buying tickets first and I'm the one that pays even with an objecting Beck, I still get it done. "Hey Katie, you look great." We hear as a nice looking boy walks up to Katie. She smiles so big as she replies shyly. "Thanks Cody you look great too." He looks so nervous as he quickly asks in a squeaking voice. "Did you want to go on the rides with me?" Katie nervously looks over at Rebecca awaiting her answer. Beck smiles big as she says. "You have your cell phone, call me if you need anything but for sure we will meet back up right here in 2 hours ok?" She clarifies for the kids as Cody and Katie then go running off. I can tell Eddie is getting antsy looking around at the crowd as he eyes light up. "Ok mom I'll meet you back here in two hours! Britney is over there.. see you later." He states as he runs off before Rebecca can even agree or disagree with him. I chuckle at this as I grab Rebecca's hand pulling her into me saying, "Now what do you think we should do first? Maybe this big tower?! I think I want to do that!" I declare as she looks scared retorting, "I'm scared of heights Toby." She says as I tighten my hold on her saying, "I'll protect you but come on I have never done this stuff before.. you have to experience it with me!" I say as she groans and leads the way to the tower line. We stand in line only for a little bit as I feel the excitement and anticipation building inside of me not knowing how this is going to feel or effect me at all. It's our turn as I grab her hand pulling Beck behind me to the seat. We get in and putting the seat belt on as the worker pulls a pole down over the top of us. We lift higher and higher slowly, really letting you experience how high you really have to go to attempt this ride. Instantly I feel her grab my hand in hers, squeezing it tight. I look over at her as she let's out a deep breathe. "You're that scared?" I ask as she says, "Oh you just don't know what your getting in..TO!!" She screams the last part as we drop so quickly towards the ground so I feel her gripping my arm so tight screaming. I grip the bar tight with one arm, as I let the other stay in Becks hold since she is so scared.. if this is what going on rides for a casual date means, then I will do them all night to get her to hold on to me non stop. We get down to the ground and my heart is racing but this feeling of excitement and adrenaline is completely addicting and I want to do it again. My wish comes true as we feel the ride start lifting again all the way back up.. but this time I know what's coming so I just watch Beck hold my arm tight as if her life depends on it. "I'll go on rides with you all night if you just hold me the whole time." I say as she looks right into my eyes retorting back, "Oh you make fun of me all you want. If you knew how scared of heights I am then you would be congratulating me on how strong I am." We drop again quickly of course. My ears are filled with the sound of wind and her screams as she holds onto me with a death grip. We make it all the way down and to a complete stop as the bar gets lifted.. but her grip on me doesn't loosen at all as we get out together and head to the next ride. We ride so many different kinds of rides and it was amazing.. who knew this would be so exhilarating on so many levels.. I'm so happy Beck suggested this because I know I wouldn't have tried something new like this, if it wasn't for her.. I will never forget this night. We finally have gone through all the rides and grab some cotton candy sharing it, heading over to the meet up area for the kids. We get to the meet up spot as the kids separate from their dates reluctantly, saying their good byes and coming with us to my car. "Ok what did you guys want to eat? Rebecca asks the kids, as they both yell, "Pizza!" I laugh as I suggest, "Why don't you call and order a pizza delivery for your place and we will watch a movie or something." The kids cheer at my idea, as I look over and see a grinning Beck biting her lip, then nodding. She pulls out her phone ordering pizza for us as we get to her house. We get out and start getting comfortable.. taking off shoes, grabbing blankets for after dinner, some plates and drinks for dinner as the door bell rings. I watch Rebecca go to the door opening it as the delivery boy gets excited. "Hello there again. Nice to see you're even more beautiful than I remember." He states as Eddie yells across the room. "I told you to stop hitting on my mom man!" The guy laughs as Beck hands him money and sending him on his way, shutting the door behind her. She sets the pizzas down in the kitchen as everyone grabs what they want to eat then taking their seats on the couches. We eat, talk and watch the movie having a great rest of the night. I don't even know how the movie ended because we all seemed to fall asleep out on the couches letting the sleep take over after our fun exciting night.
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