Chapter 14 Morning Delight

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Tobias' POV I slowly open my eyes taking a look around the room. It's obviously not my place, which freaks me out for a moment. That is until I feel her moving in my hold getting comfortable. I look down locking my gaze onto Rebecca's beautiful sleeping features. She looks so peaceful laying with me as the hair slowly slips over her face.I lightly move the hair out of her face getting a better look at those stunning features. She just mesmerizes me no matter what she does. I never thought spending the night at her place accidentally would make me feel so many things. I stare at her and I can't help but want to be here all the time, not just with her but her fun family. I just desperately wish there was a way that I could stop time and live in this moment forever. I feel like this is the place that I want to be every single day.. which is crazy because most people annoy me, just by being in my presence. But her family is fun and sweet, I'm just loving the idea of a family to see everyday.. never really had that ever. I see her stir on top of me as she slowly opens her eyes. Fluttering her eyes open as she takes in a deep breath and snuggling more into my side. I can't help the smile that's plastered across my face after that action. "Morning beautiful.." I say softly to not wake the kids that are still asleep on the couch. "She looks up at me saying just as softly, "Hey, I'm sorry about just passing out last night.. on you. I didn't even realize I fell asleep." I smile big as I state, "We all just passed the f*#k out last night without realizing it. But I swear I don't mind one bit. This might be the first time I woke up with a smile on my face before coffee." "A smile before coffee? and it didn't even involve s*x? I feel so special." She says smiling big and sliding herself a little farther up my body. "Well don't count s*x out just yet." I say grabbing her hip and butt sliding her closer up to me, closing the little space between us. She giggles into my lips, kissing me as we hear, "No count s*x out.. we are here and awake.." Eddie groans as Rebecca and I break our kiss. She smiles up at me and says a soft. "sorry.. this is the life of having kids." "It's ok, I like this life." I say so honestly as she smiles big, putting her hands up under her chin on my chest. "Really?" She asks curiously. "I really do. It's weird for me but I like having a family." I answer her back quicker than I think we both expected. "You say that now, we will see if you want to stick around when my sweet babies turn into thing 1 and thing 2.. they are little terrorists." She says as they both groan and start to complain, arguing with her statement. "I don't negotiate with terrorists!" She says playfully as the kids complain more. I can't help the chuckle that escapes my mouth at this fun scene. They are hilarious together. Rebecca gets up, then helping me up to my feet. She gets on her toes giving me a peck on the lips as she prances up the stairs. I watch her the whole way until she is out of my line of sight. "I like our mom around you. She actually has a smile on her face and looks legitimately happy. Thank you." Says Katie to me hugging my side. This catches me off guard as I hug her back. We seperate as Eddie takes my hand shaking it and giving me a nod. They both head up the stairs to get ready. I hear a soft pitter patter of feet as I look up at the top of the stairs. My eyes trail from the cute little barbie looking feet to her exposed legs and thighs. My image is cut off by the towel wrapped around her small frame. "Um I don't have much for clothes for you.. just some of my late husband's clothes packed away but if you wanted to, you could join me... in the shower." She squeaks out sounding nervous but I hop up without hesitation. She doesn't have to ask me twice. I jump up the stairs by twos as she giggles taking my hand and pulling me into her bedroom. I shut the door behind us, stripping my shirt off in a haste because I don't know how much time I do have with her. I'm slipping my pants down as I see her towel hit the floor. I watch her naked gorgeous frame walk into the bathroom. I practically kick the pants off tripping and almost falling trying to get undressed quickly just to get to her. I hear the shower turn on as my boxer briefs hit the floor. I make my way to the bathroom and for the first time in a very long time.. I'm nervous for any of this.. there is no guarantee anything will even happen in there.. but somehow I'm nervous like when I first started dating Bianca.. the moment that the relationship changed. It's like a first time and I don't understand why she is giving me these feelings. I'm a ladies man and know my way around a woman's body but for some unknown reason I'm nervous to be with her as if I have no experience what's so ever. Maybe it's being I have no experience in being in a relationship and this would be the first s****l experience for me in a relationship.. and that changes things commiting me more to her than I ever have. This would be taking our relationship to the next level up.. am I ready for that? I stand there for a moment wondering if I am ready for this because once we do this there is no turning back.. But I loved waking up to them, spending time with all of them and I would like to do it again.. I think. I step forward nervously.. opening the curtain only slightly just to peak inside. I have no idea what she was talking about. Having fat, being old and having stretch marks.. I can see what she is talking about, but she is still gorgeous. I watch the water cascade down her body making me so jealous that I'm not that water, touching every inch of her body. But should I take this step with her.. Can I see myself with her? I would love to see her every single day and no one else.. is that love? I would imagine so, but I have never felt like this, even about Bianca and I had to see her everyday. I think she is just what I need, an actual challenge and commitment from myself for someone special.. and I know that's what her family needs right now as well. I climb in behind Beck nervously.. but I need to stop being a chicken s**t and take what I want especially when it's right here for the taking. I need to take the life that I crave, making myself apart of it, because they are inviting me in and I don't think I should turn it down or I know I will regret it, always wondering what if I had. I hesitantly reach out caressing her sides, leading her back into me. To my surprise she willingly follows my lead. I lean in kissing her shoulder then over the curve of her neck. She leans back just melting into my broad frame. My hands trail around her sides and over her stomach. I can tell she gets nervous because her stomach muscles clench under my tantalizing touch but still not objecting. "Don't think about it baby, you're beautiful." I say in her ear, kissing it lightly. Letting one hand trail down between her thighs and the other one up cupping her breast. She leans into my body more, really liking my touch. But I know she is nervous just like I am so I'll just help relieve that tension for her. I slip my fingers inside of her making her gasp at my touch, but still no objecting.. so I kiss all over her neck, tantalizing her with my gentle touch. I increase my pace of pushing my fingers in then pulling out, making her breath harder than moaning lightly. I increase my pace as she starts to moan louder to my delight but I don't want her kids hearing.. so I turn her head to me pressing her lips to mine increasing the pace so she moans into my lips turning me on completely. Her euphoric moan is absolutely melodic and I would hear it all day if I could. Her moans get louder than the rest as I feel her clench around my fingers. Her body starts to relax only slightly as she turns around in my hold pushing me against the shower wall. She drifts down my stomach putting my whole member deep into her mouth, making me groan a little loudly. She strokes the full length, then taking all of into her mouth as her other hand drifts down playing all the boys. I haven't had that before and man it feels amazing. With that bit of help I'm now close to my climax already and I think she can tell this as she rotates her hand, then licking and sucking all over. "Beck." I call out to her, trying to warn her of my climax.. Goosebumps trail all over my body with the orgasmic euphoria hitting me light a brick wall. I moan out as she continues her assault until I just explode all of me into her mouth with her sucking on it until she licks every last bit off. I'm completely caught off guard. I never really let women go down on me, I just f*#k them and leave them mostly, because they can't get me off that way usually.. but she did get me off like that in an instant shocking me completely. She winks up at me as I help her stand silently since I'm still in shock, just trying trying to process what just happened. "That was amazing I don't know what all you did down there, but that was.. yea." I say as she giggles. "At least I have learned a thing or two being married for so long.. what works and doesn't work.. And works quickly.. since I never have too much time to get what I want. " She says as she finishes washing herself off. I honestly am the happiest I have ever been. Not just because I got off, but because of how she makes me feel and she is even giving me some firsts for things and I love it.. meaning she keeps suprising me just being herself and I completely adore it. I don't expect her to always keep me on my toes or anything unrealistic like that.. but in the s*x department, I thought I would be the one teaching her a thing or two and it looks like she is teaching me.. refreshing to say the least. I finish up washing off as she turns off the shower then handing me a towel. We get dried off as I keep checking out her naked body thinking about what just happened. "Oh man I really do think I love you." I purr into her ear as she giggles and shakes her head at me saying, "Prove it." She turns walking into the closet. She is in there for a moment as she grunts and yells, "Toby?" I come when she calls anytime so I'm in the closet in no time at all as I watch her jumping trying to get a box on the top shelf. I just stand here watching her for a moment just to observe everything bounching around with every jump. She looks over and says, "Can you reach that box for me please." I chuckle as I make my way over to her pulling it down because I can easily reach it. The box is heavy so I put it down on the floor for her. "If you can't even reach up there how did you get the box there? and why that shelf?" I inquire as she shakes her head. "I put things up there that I won't look at for a while and it also took me a while to get it up there." She explains as she opens the box pulling out a pair of basketball shorts and t-shirt. I look at the box and it's her late husband's things. "Why do you have your late husband's stuff in that box put away to not see for years?" I find myself asking curiously. I know I probably shouldn't ask about him, so she doesn't get hurt but I know we will have to talk about him every now and then since he was apart of this family before me. She looks at me hesitantly as she answers honestly, "I just recently did it actually.. because I have been holding onto all of his things as if it's my lifeline to him.. like he might come back.. when I know he won't.. I was too scared to put things away because that made me feel like an awful wife to him.. and if I ever put it away I knew that would be the one thing I needed to do to move on and give the next man a legitimate chance at being with me.. I will always love him but I just want to love and be loved again.. I'm so lonely.. honestly.. I'm just so scared of getting hurt." I get down on my knees by her as I place my hand on hers squeezing it tight. "I promise I will do my best to not hurt you. I'm not good at this relationship kind of thing.. but I want to learn to grow into the man that you deserve me to be, for you and your kids." I say to her as she smiles and nods at me. Closing the box, she let's out a deep breathe saying, "I want you to know Toby.. I didn't close this box and put it away for just anyone I did it for you that night that you saved me with Craig. I know it might not seem like a big deal closing a box.. but that was a huge step for me to make for you.. I just hope you can put your past away for me too." She says as I take the box and put it away for her. "I'll do my best to put my past away too." I say to her with so much confidence as she says, "I know you will, I just hope it works." She says a little nervously. I nod getting dressed and ready for the day. I walk down with Rebecca as the kids are winking at us and eating cereal. "Cereal really?" Rebecca asks as the kids giggle and Eddie is the one to answer. "Yea we thought you two would be busy and wouldn't be able to make breakfast like you usually do." This comment makes Beck scoff so loudly as she shakes her head letting the kids laugh. "Just kidding momma.. but hey I just got a message from Brittney that she found her dress so I need a tie that's this shade of purple to make sure I match her." Eddie says showing Beck then me the purple of the dress. "Ok we will go shopping for both of your dance stuff over the weekend when I have time off and there is no school.. Now Eddie I know you have that test tomorrow and remember you need to pass that with flying colors or you won't be able to play in the game on Friday.. you know my rules." She states as Eddie groans in response. "What class is he having a hard time in?" I ask curiously as she answers back, "history." She says as I answer back even quicker. "I was always very interested in history and very good at it if you need help let me know man." I throw the idea out there as he nods and says, "Mom can he come over tonight and help me with my homework so I can ace the test Wednesday?" Rebecca looks up at me shocked as she nods and hands me a cup of coffee. "Thanks Toby that makes me feel better already." Eddie says as I smile at him then back to Beck because I can feel her eyes on me. "She has a lustful look in her eyes as she sips her coffee. I wink making her blush as she turns back around. "Mom I was wondering if maybe we can go to the carnival on Thursday? Cody asked me to go with him but I would just feel better if I had you guys there too please?" Katie asks as I smile making Rebecca look at me suspiciously then nodding, "Sure we can go." Beck answers as Katie asks, "Even Toby? Please?" she asks and I can't help the smirk appearing on my face getting bigger and bigger knowing the kids like me.. that's a personal victory of mine for sure. "Of course he can but only if he wants to." Beck states awaiting my answer with the kids. I smile big and nod, "I would love to I have never been to a carnival either." Katie claps and prances through the kitchen to my side and hugging me tight. I hug her back as she runs out of the room and up the stairs. "If your not too busy at all Toby I was wondering if I could talk to you about something.. later?" Eddie asks as I curiously nod.. I watch Eddie's gaze go to his mother's. He shakes his head and clarifies, "Mom.. it's about guy stuff so no offense.." She looks a little shocked at him then me. I take this chance to try to impress. "Anytime you need to talk you can call me.. here.." I say grabbing his phone and typing my number into his phone. "But if it can wait until tonight we can talk all you want after we are done studying." I state as I watch a big smile creep across Beck's face making me smile bigger. I like taking the dad parenting roll.. this is something I have never experienced and it's nice to feel wanted and even needed.. just because I'm.. me. "Thanks man." Eddie says as he pats me on the back walking up the stairs. I keep my eyes locked on Beck who is smirking at me then grabbing the bowls washing them in the sink by her. I walk up right behind her as I whisper, "What's that smirk for?" She turns around in my hold explaining, "I just really like the caring dad version of you.. helping my kids when you don't have to at all.. it's a complete turn on. You look good as a dad." She says to me as I smile big and reply just as quickly, "I honestly like the idea of being a dad with them and helping them out." I say to her. She stares at me for a moment opening her mouth then stopping and quickly turning around.. I think to avoid what she was going to say. "What baby?" I say in her ear again. She shakes her head at me not answering. "Ok, I won't force you to talk but are you at least ok?" I ask with so much empathy in every word. She lightly chuckles and nodding her head before stating, "I really couldn't be better.. thank you." Is all she says but that's enough for me. I kiss her cheek and keep kissing down her neck as she finishes washing the dishes and let's me continue my assault on her neck. I hear the kids walk back in, as Eddie and Katie groan. "Not in front of us please.. I thought we made that clear this morning? How many times are we going to catch you guys in the middle of stuff?" Eddie asks as I chuckle and say, "I know she is your mom but I think she is the most beautiful woman.." They all looked shocked with my comment so I clarify, "I want to show her she is stunning, so I'm sorry but it's going to keep happening.. I will try to get better about hiding it, but your mother has only gotten more beautiful the longer I have known her.. so I think I'm going to only get worse from here on out." I say with so much humor but they all still look shocked staring at me. "Did I say something wrong?" I ask as they all shake their heads at me. "I just haven't heard that statement.. well since the day daddy died.. he declared about how we are just her babies but that he looks at her different, as the most beautiful woman and will always think that until the day he died.. right before he.. died." Katie says to me as my mouth drops open in shock. "I'm sorry I never meant anything bad by it I just.. really feel like that." I say sadly as I look from the kids to Rebecca. She smiles and nods at me. "I think it was really sweet thank you and it's ok I swear. I just haven't heard that statement in a very long time." She touches my cheek as I watch the kids nod then grabbing their things. We take the kids to school before getting some work done just the two of us once again..
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