Chapter 15 Just Like The First Time

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(((Warning Explicit Content Warning)))) Rebecca's POV These past couple days have been completely throwing everything I knew and thought out the window. I don't exactly know what to think right now.. but my heart is telling me that I love Toby of course, and that I need to tell him.. but I just can't do that.. it has to be way too soon to say that, for the relationship we just started, right?.. I don't know.. I have known him for so many years so it makes sense to tell him because he probably already knows.. but at the same time I don't want to get hurt since I'm sure he doesn't feel the same about me no matter how many I love you playful jokes he makes. But I have been completely adoring the father figure he is becoming to my children and it makes me want to jump his bone.. riding him until the morning comes. Most men get freaked out about the idea of starting a family, let alone jumping to an already made family.. Being a step father is a hard job to do and only the strongest men I have met can actually handle it. I'm trying so hard to not jump into things with him, but I have been craving his touch and love for years now and I don't know if I can even hold back much longer. I try to distract myself with the work that I have to get done.. but that's doesn't exactly help since I work for the man I want to sexually harass all the time. I just keep hoping he will take advantage of the alone time that we do have together.. and I can't help but daydream about how he would do that. I have to try to stop because I'm getting turned on just by that thought alone. So I just start cleaning up his place for him waiting for the virtual conference he is on, to be done with. Luckily my phone starts ringing bringing my attention away from my dirty thoughts. I look at my phone and I don't know this number but I answer it anyways. "Hello?" I answer quickly. "Hello? Is this Rebecca?" I hear from a familure man's voice, but I can't place where I know this voice from. "Yes this is her.. how may I help you?" I ask as he gets excited saying, "You sound just so professional on the phone, as you do in public, I love it! This is Gary the man at the Gala.. I gave you my card just in case you wanted a change of scenery. I got your number from Mr.Caspian but he has no idea why.. I just told him it was about the advertisement I was asking you guys about at the Gala.. but anyways.. I just wanted to call and once again extend my offer to you.. I think you will make a great asset to our team if you ever decide to accept.. I promise I will give you a raise from what he is paying you now.. just to put more motivation behind it." He explains to me as I smile then responding. "Thank you.. Gary.. but I'll hold onto your card just in case for sure, because that's a nice offer.. but as of right now I'm in no need of a change of scenery.. but thank you." "Well I'll keep checking every now and then and see if you will ever take my offer young lady. have a wonderful day and I'll harass you later.. call me if you need anything." He says so sweetly as I respond, "Thank you, that's too generous of you. I hope you have a great day as well." I hang up my phone as I feel hands around my waist and lips pressed to my skin on the curve of my neck, bringing me right back to my dirty thoughts that I almost forgot about. "Who was that?" He rumbles into my neck. My eyes close as my breathe catches in my throat so I have to clear it, just to answer. "It was Gary.. he was making sure I knew he was serious about his job offer with his company.. even offered a raise from what I'm getting paid here." "What did you tell him?" he asks in a husky tone. He quickly flips me around, pressing his body into mine and inching his face closer so we are only centimeters away. I reply softly out of our close proximity, "I told him I was happy and wanted to stay with you." Toby humms in respond and crashes his lips to mine, kissing me with such a hunger. A hunger I have craved and desired from him for so long. My hands wrap around his head pulling him into me more as he moans into my lips. But my hands have a mind of their own trailing down his body from his face and up his shirt rubbing against his soft skin. His hands run up my skirt and to my hips pulling me into him more. He picks me up putting me onto the counter top as my legs instinctively wrap around his waist. He takes me into his hold as he jogs with me in his arms, up the stairs to his room with a haste in his step. He lays me down on his bed after we enter the room. Kissing across my jawline and down my neck to the crook of it.. I quickly unbutton my shirt to help out as I feel him pushing my skirt up in a desperation. I help him take his shirt off as he stands up slipping his pants down. His member is erect in attention, ready to go. He gets back on the bed with me kissing every inch that he can. I can't help the desperation aching deep inside of me as I beg him. "Please Toby." I say into his ear earning a purr deep in his chest liking that request. He puts himself at my entrance as I grab him pulling him into me. He enters me with a grunt and I can't explain the intoxicating feelings I get. Filling me up completely, I moan at this exhilarating thrust because I missed this so much.. to say the least. He thrusts into me again, making me moan so loudly filling the whole house with my moans of pleasure. Grunting is heard with every thrust he makes into me as he let's his hands roam over every exposed inch. His hands keep exploring but they just keep ending up on my hips pulling me in so he can push deeper. I moan even louder as I feel myself hitting my peak that I have missed so much. He thrusts again and again as the euphoria takes over sending chills all over my body in my ecstacy filled climax. He moans just as loud as he thrusts deep inside of me then pulling out last second, stroking himself so vigorously, releasing all over my exposed stomach. He gets up quickly grabbing me a towel to clean up which makes me smile that he does care. I have seen him kick out girls butt naked and dirty not giving a s**t, so I love that he tries to take care of me. Once I'm cleaned he lays down right next to me on the bed. I stare into his eyes as they sparkle back at me. "I'm sorry I swear I was trying to wait for s*x, but I just can't resist you and have been wanting for this for so long. You're just so sexy.. I just can't control my body around you." He says to me with so much humor as I giggle at him, shaking my head and saying under my breathe for no one to hear but me, "God I love you." I keep giggling as I sit up. He stops me from standing up, by holding onto my hand. This gains my attention as he pulls me back to him on the bed besides him. "Did you just say you loved me?" He asks as my eyes go wide.. oh s**t I didn't mean to say that out loud.. I wasn't planning to say that this soon.. s**t. I am a master wordsmith so maybe I can pull my ass out of the fire with this confession. "I.. um.. well.. yea.. I just.." I stutter out hating myself right now.. that was so articulate of me, I'm sure I probably look like an i***t to him.. He attacks my lips with him once more putting me right back under him. "Beck.. I love you too. I don't care if you meant to say it right now.. because I did." He says pressing his lips to mine making me moan into his touch once more. We attack each others bodies again having another lust and love filled moment between us. It was the stress relief I needed for sure and I won't deny that. We stare at each other breathlessly on the bed smiling so big. "So how long have you known you loved me?" He asks as I look at him a little embaressed.. "Years." I say to him as he breathlessly let's out the words, "Me too." He kisses me again and I can't help but crave his touch once more. I touch him all over tempting him into another invigorating moment by ourselves, while we have it. "I just wish I could stay in bed with you all day.. this is the best time I have ever had sexually.. having a whole bunch of random s*x is nothing compared to having love filled sex." He states as I look up at him in shock. "You really do love me? You're not just saying that?" I ask as he shakes his head at me. "I want to be with you all the time and I have wanted this for a while.. but man this feeling is amazing and so intoxicating.. if I can have this feeling with you everyday then I'm hooked and never leaving." He says making my heart fly so high with his words.. I kiss him with so much love as I stand up because I have to get dressed. I try to calm my heart because it's beating out of my chest at the invigorating s*x and the confession of love that I don't know how to react to. This is going way better than I ever planned and I feel so much more relaxed finally getting some of the stress relief with the s*x. I finish buttoning up my shirt with a smile on my face that no one can take away. Tobias takes my lead, getting up and dressed as I say, "It's almost time for me to get the kids.. and if you want to join me.. just know your always welcome." I say winking at him as I prance out of the room and down the stairs to the kitchen to grab my things. I'm trying to give him the chance to make his own decisions on hanging out with us I don't want there to be pressure to be with us. I'm collecting my things putting them in my purse as I see Toby prancing down the stairs in some casual clothes with more clothes in his hands. I look at his hand filled with clothes curiously. He lifts the clothes up saying shyly, "You know.. just in case I accidentally fall asleep there again.. you know." He says this nonchalantly as I smile then retort. "Well if you want to stay at my place you can just come over.. I won't mind your company and obviously my kids don't either.. and.. you could always bring.. more extra clothes, just in case this happens again and again.. you know I might even be willing to give you drawer or two.. if you're lucky." I state playfully. He wiggles his eyebrows at me and says, "Oh really a drawer or two? I thought I was just going to have to sneak in, just to fall asleep with you every night and wake up with you every morning." He says back to me making my heart race once more.. so much for trying to calm it.. even if I hear the humor in his voice. "That's a good idea, I never thought about that.. I just figured I could offer you to move in with us.. but your idea sounds way more exciting." I humorously state back to him. "Move in with you guys?.. If we are doing that I'm buying us our own place that we can all start fresh together as a family, really leaving our past behind us to build a strong future with each other." He says to me and I don't hear humor in that statement, I only hear love and if I'm hearing right.. seriousness. This makes my heart beat even faster with him telling me exactly what I want to hear.. that's an amazing idea.. and scares the hell out of me.. makes me wonder if this is all too good to be true.. like some dream I will awake from if I'm not careful. "Well it better be by nature at some point with water, woods.. something and have a patio so I can sunbathe.. and just enjoy nature all around." I say playfully again bringing the humor back as he says, "Your wish is my command.. So when I finally get the guts to get us our dream home, I hope you know it's because I really do love you and want nothing more than to be with you and the kids." He says to me as I chuckle but he doesn't laugh with me. "Well most people start with marriage first, then a dream home if they ever make it that far.. I think you're skipping a couple essentials for this fantasy to happen." I joke as he leans in and says in such close proximity, "That's what you think." I'm completely caught off guard trying to figure out if he is joking or not.. what does he mean by that? I get a nervous feeling inside of me from that comment alone. I just can't tell if this is what he wants or not. At the risk of sounding crazy, I wouldn't mind this idea of his.. I have known and loved him for years and besides the sleeping with so many women I know he is a good guy and if he gives women up for me then it's perfect.. I do also have a strong connection with him, that's undeniable for sure but he has never been the commitment type.. but he is trying to change how he does things too.. I just don't know.. but my biggest issue was the kids and they seem to adore him. "You're joking or serious? I can't tell.. but I can't imagine you ever wanting to commit to me by marriage and moving in together." He smirks over at me stating, "I guess that's for me to know and you to find out.. but I'm just saying.. you have known me for 5 years and how often have you heard me joke about marriage and moving in?" "Never." I say back without hesitation so he touches the tip of his nose, gesturing I hit that answer right on the nose. He walks back up the stairs only for a moment as he brings down a duffle bag that looks filled. "Don't tell me you have some drugs in there.. no it's drug money.. no wait it's drugs and drug money!" I guess playfully as he smiles then retorts. "That's way more exciting then what it actually is.. it's just more of my clothes.." He says as I smirk up at him saying, "Because your going to be sneaking in like a creeper in the middle of the night to be with me?" He laughs loud at this comment. Shaking his head at me, he retorts, "If it's alright with you I would like to stay with you and the kids.. and I was hoping to take you up on those two drawers offer.. you know, until I can buy us our dream home of course." He leans in kissing my cheek as he walks past me grabbing the rest of his things. My heart is beating out of my chest again.. how have I not had a heart attack yet?! I thought my heart would have given out by now. I just don't understand.. what is happening? I think he was actually serious and that's amazing but the scariest thing at the same time. What if he moves in and hates it with us?.. Well I guess that it will be good for him to stay with us for just a little bit to get a taste of what it would be like before he really thinks about it. "You know.. I know you're joking about this moving in and marriage stuff.. but in all seriousness, you realize that once you move in you can't just leave whenever right? You realize if you ever actually want to get married to me you can't leave when times get tough.. that means you're stuck with me forever until death do us part right?" I ask him as he smirks at me from across the room replying, "You can't threaten me with a good time." I roll my eyes at him as I state. "This is all here-say anyways we will see if you don't run for the hills long before that happens." I state to no one in particular. He is by my side in no time at all like some sort of ninja saying, "Challenge accepted." into my ear sending chills down my spine. I have to let out a deep breath as I retort. "Stop teasing me with this stuff.. don't you say those things unless you mean them Toby." I say with seriousness as I feel him kiss my neck again saying, "I meant every word.. just wait and see.. I'll prove to you, that you three are all I need in life." He says as I let out another deep breathe. This fatherly and husband talk is getting me excited beyond words, once again. I flip around kissing him so posessively as he tightens his hold around me. "God it's so sexy that you want to claim us as yours." I say to him between our kisses. His lips trail across the curve of my neck as he says, "You're amazing, I love you and I would be proud to call all of you mine." He says making me moan under his touch. "Toby we can't do it again we have to go get the kids.. We have.. 5 minutes before we have to leave." I say looking at my watch, he looks at me winking then replying, "That's all the time I need." He picks me up putting me onto the kitchen counter kissing me possessively again. I giggle under his touch and he does hold true to his promise giving us both a great time on the kitchen counter tainting the whole counter... but I'm not objecting, not one bit.
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