Chapter 17 Dates are here

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Rebecca's POV The rest of this week has been absolutely amazing. Even into the weekend doing some shopping and spending more time together like a family would. Now that it's on to the next week, Toby has almost moved in at this point.. These last weeks were more of a test to see how everyone would do living with each other and it has gone way better than expected. We have all started to really adore each other and it's amazing. Eddie and Toby have grown really close, talking all the time, especially after the studying session and Eddie passing his test with Toby's help. Katie has always been a daddy's girl so I didn't know how she would do with having a man around in the house again, that wasn't her father. But she gets along with him so well and even talks about make-up with him suprisingly enough.. Toby knows the dean of this beauty school nearby and is talking about college with her.. Doing something along the lines of make-up for her career. I have never seen her more motivated. Which is amazing to see that she is inspired.. and that he is the one helping motivate her. With myself, this time has been even better. I can't take my eyes or hands off of him and I'm falling so hard for this guy.. it's not even just the s*x or the fatherly attributes that he seems to posess.. it's the way he makes me feel and how he treats me in general, it's absolutely intoxicating. This is what I have been craving for and now that I have it I'm addicted and don't want anything else. Tonight is the night of the dance and to say I'm nervous for everyone is an understatement. It's my kids first big dances and having dates for the first time. Not even that, it will be the first night Toby and I have had alone together since he practically moved in. The only time he has been going home is to get clothes and then comes right back and honestly no one minds one bit.. It's just become the regular thing I have even given him apart of my closet and those two drawers I already promised him. I feel those strong arms wrap around my waist and pulling me in, taking me out of my thoughts and back to the present with him. "So beautiful, what are your plans for tonight? I would love to take a hot piece of ass like you out for a night on the town." I hear in my ear as I chuckle and shake my head at him. "Well the kids are going to the dance tonight so whatever I can do between the chaperoning back and forth." I answer as he smirks so big and says, "No you are not chaperoning my love. I paid for a chaperone for the night to take the kids and their dates around.. I also gave Eddie my card to pay for dinner and even told him how to tip.. but I told them I'm watching the card so they don't crazy. But tonight is all about you and I baby." I turn around in his hold. "Toby, you paid for all of tonight? I can't let you do that baby. Go get your card back and I'll give him mine to at least pay for dinner, I was already planning on that.. please." I ask him so sweetly. Toby groans at me and says, "I already paid for the chaperone so please let me have that but I'll let you switch the cards for dinner." He says swaying with my decision. I think about it for a second until I nod agreeing. "Thank you Toby that was sweet of you to do that for myself and the kids for tonight.. sooo when you planned all this out.. what did you have in mind to do with me tonight?" I ask playfully, touching his chest lightly. His eyebrows wiggle around even more playfully as his smirk tells me all that I need to know. Which was exactly what I wanted. "I would really like to just spend time with you Beck, I don't care where we are at.. we could stay home if you wanted to, I don't care.. I just figured dinner, dessert and more dessert.. or that's what I was hoping for." I like him saying home as if it's our home already.. I like that idea I really do.. it's already becoming that anyways. "Well how about we order in and we can have the dinner, then both desserts we can do.. together." I say winking at him as I feel his chest rumble under my hands in approval. "That sounds like the night I was hoping for.. could you be anymore perfect for me." He says making me smile and roll my eyes. "You don't have to lie to spend time with me Toby." I state as he laughs shaking his head at me replying, "I'm not lying I swear. I would do almost anything to hang out with you, but lying is not one of them." I scoff at that corny statement making me blush lightly. "Anything huh? I might have to hold you to that." I say playfully making him laugh then nod vigorously before retorting. "Please do." "Ok well you can pick what you want to eat for dinner and I already have an idea for dessert.. I'll go see how the kids are coming along for getting ready since it's almost time for them to leave.. make sure to get your card back from Eddie and I'll get mine." I say to him as he smiles and nods at me. Tobias' POV I'm so excited I have a fun night planned with Beck. I feel like these past weeks couldn't get any better. I feel so complete here and this is everything that I had hoped for when I imagined my life with them. I have been looking at places to buy for all of us and I just want it to be perfect. Closer to the kids school, with enough rooms for them and an office for my work so Beck and I can almost work from home together everyday.. I'm making sure it has nature around and a back patio as requested.. I'm going to even make sure there is a balcony patio attached to our room. I haven't found a house to my liking so I'm getting them to build it for me as we speak. I planned everything perfectly and I can't wait until they finish it. No one has had any idea luckily, but I bought a property in the perfect spot and now they are building. I even ordered a ring and I just hope it fits just right because I don't know how to sneakily get her ring size at all.. but I know everything will be perfect when I get the ring made, house built and have the guts to do it all. After a lot of thinking and spending this time with the family. I have truly figured out this is what I want in life. I'm willingly walking with Beck, holding her hand as we head down the hall to Eddie's room. She knocks on the door as he answers his door pretty quickly. "Hey Ed baby can we please have Toby's card back." She says as Eddie's face gets sad. "Awe are you not letting us go out on our own anymore? I really liked his idea mom." He says to her almost whining as he hands her the card. She smirks up at me handing me my card back. "No Eddie you are still going out on your own for tonight without us, but you're taking your mother's card instead of mine.. she didn't want me paying for everything tonight so she is paying for all of your food and I'm paying for the chaperone." I explain to him as his smile gets bigger again and Beck hands him her card. "But the same rules still apply, I'm watching my card so don't go crazy with it please." She Instructs him wearily as he smiles big and says, "Thanks for trusting us mom... and Toby.. you guys are the best. I'm so excited about tonight." Rebecca smiles so big as she states, "You look fantastic by the way. The tuxedo is a perfect fit." "Yea it does huh? Thanks for help with picking all this out over the weekend Toby. I feel dapper for sure." Eddie states as I smile big at him nodding. "No problem man." "So what are you guys doing tonight without us? I'm sure I could guess." Eddie states then winks at us as Beck playfully slaps his arm. I open my mouth to respond as she covers my mouth saying, "We are not talking about our s*x life with my son.. no way.. now finish getting ready Eddie, the chaperone service should be here soon, along with the dates." She says walking away down the hall from us. I turn around smirking at Eddie. "Hope you have fun with my mom tonight but not too much fun I don't know if I could handle a little brother or sister right now." He says so playfully as I nod and mouth to him, 'Oh I will.' He laughs and I walk away now thinking about that thought. I of course always thought about Eddie and Katie as the kids I would have with Beck but it never crossed my mind that we could have our own if we wanted. My mind is reeling at the thought as I turn the corner to go down the stairs but bump straight into Beck. "Hey where is your mind at handsome? You look like you're a million miles away." She asks in such a sweet tone. I just pull her into me making her squeak in my hold. "I was just thinking about the future with you." I explain so honestly as I watch her eyes go wide. "Well I can only hope it was good thoughts." She asks curiously as I smile and nod. I lean in kissing her temple as I whisper. "It is everything that I want with you." I hear her let out a moaned Humm. "Oh? and what is that?" She asks with her eyes closed enjoying my gentle touch. I smile and kiss down her cheek to her neck, then back up. "Oh I'll make sure to show you for sure. I told you I'm figuring out a way to prove to you guys that you're all I want." I say to her as she responds without hesitation, "I can't wait.. but I have to tell you, you're doing an amazing job so far." I kiss her earlobe sucking on it lightly as I hear, "Oh please not right here, take it to the bedroom at least." Katie exclaims as I stop and shyly nod. "Sorry I'm trying to get better about that. Sorry Kit." I say as she smiles big and says "it's ok Tobe." We laugh at making our own nicknames for each other. "That was adorable, I love it." Beck states to us. "Mom can you please come help me with my dress and.. bra.. please." Katie asks as Beck nods and walks into the room shutting the door behind them. My phone starts to ring bringing me out of my thoughts. "Hello?" I say picking up the call as I make my way down the stairs to wait for everyone. "Toby, why do I see that you bought a property and now building a house on it? Isn't your place good enough for you? Now you have to have two?" He asks sounding livid at the thought of me having two places. "Dad for one thing it's none of your business what I do with my money because that was MY money from MY account not the families and I made sure of it. But also if you need to know, I'm selling my place.. I had a realtor look at it last week and I'm selling it so I can get a place with Beck and her kids." I state to him about what is happening whether he likes it or not. "Is that why there was a purchase at the jewelery store? Are you going to propose to her?!" He asks as I smile to myself and say. "Yes that's what I was planning. Don't say anything about it to anyone dad.. I want her and her family and I have been living with them for weeks now and I have to say I love it. I would be proud to call them mine and that's what I want is not just Beck but Eddie and Katie too.. now instead of making me feel like some sort of i***t I would just appriciate it if you could keep your criticism to yourself if it's bad. I know the kids aren't mine but they feel like mine.. we bond so well together and we just fit so well like pieces to the same puzzle." I explain to him as he huffs and says, "You have lasted longer than I thought with her and changing your ways since you started doing this.. but I don't think you will get the guts to actually commit so keep the receipt for that ring. But let me tell you, I hope you do get the guts, I can tell this has been good for you and I do hope it works out. I know your mother would have adored her as much as I do. You have always needed a real woman to keep you in line and I'm happy you got her. Let's just hope you can keep her.. But if it doesn't work out and Rebecca leaves us then I'm cutting you off. Her nor her kids deserve heartbreak so if you do break their hearts then your done with me as well." "If I mess it up that bad I'm sure I won't care if you cut me off I would probably cut myself off.. from everything." I state to him as he groans and says, "Don't have too much fun tonight and tell Rebecca I say hi.. oh and that Gary keeps calling for her.. he really adores her." "Yes he wants her to go work for him and said he will give her more money than us but of course she wants to stay with me." I explain to him as he scoffs and says, "For now. Goodbye son." He hangs up the phone as I let out a deep breathe with a bit of weight being lifted off of my shoulders from that talk alone. A knock is heard on the front door. "Toby can you get that please?" I hear from Rebecca upstairs. "Yea baby." I reply, standing up and walking to the front door. I open it to see a woman and her daughter that's all dressed up. "Oh I'm so sorry I must have the wrong address." The woman says looking down at her phone as I ask, "Are you Brittney?" The girl smiles big and nods. "Oh Eddie has told me all about you. I'm sorry I'm Tobias.. I'm dating Eddie's mother Rebecca." I state as they both smile now. "Well isn't she a lucky woman.. Nice to meet you Tobias.. I heard there is suppose to be a chaperone tonight?" She asks as I smile then explain, "Yea I insisted on it and paid for it already so Beck and I can have a relaxing night together without kids." "Awe that's so sweet of you.. if you have any brothers or friends as sweet as you.. or it doesn't work between you and Rebecca, then give me a call." She says with a big smile on her face. I clear my throat saying. "Thank you but I'm very happy being with Beck and I don't have any brothers or friends like me sorry.. But the chaperone should be here any minute and I know the kids will be done any minute as well." "Brittney you look beautiful." Says Rebecca coming down the stairs with Eddie in tow. Brittney and Eddie stare at each other for a long moment. I elbow Eddie as he jumps and says, "Brittney you look absolutely stunning, that I just want to spend all night admiring your beauty.. you look perfect." He says as the ladies say "awe" in unison. "Would you like to come in?" Eddie asks as Brittney nods. He gestures for her to come in as he gives me a low five for the compliment help that worked. This action makes me feel so good. "Well if there are any issues just call me but I hear you'll have a fun night ahead of you, have fun Rebecca and it was a pleasure meeting you Tobias, keep my offer in mind." Brittney's mother states waving as she leaves. "What offer?" Rebecca asks as she shuts the door. I shake my head and turning away, "What offer?" She asks again as I groan and say, "She told me if things don't work out with us to go see her, since I don't have any brothers or friends just like me." I state as she huffs then crossing her arms. "Jealousy is adorable on you, just saying." I state as she huffs and says, "I'm not jealous." I raise my eyebrows looking at her. She groans and says, "Fine I'm jealous but I can understand why she finds you attractive. Because I find you attractive.. but how shameless can she be? Saying to think of her offer right in front of me? she is lucky my son likes her daughter so much or I would say something." "Oh baby don't worry I'm all yours and only yours. But I do kinda like the idea of you fighting for me too. I don't think I would mind seeing that." I state as she smiles big at me. "I hope you really mean that handsome. Oh and I would fight for anything that I love.. remember that." "Of course I do mean it and I will remember that." I state to her as if it's fact. We are brought out of our embrace by another knock on the door. Let's get these kids out of here so I can have a great night with my lady.
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