Chapter 18 Change of Plans

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Tobias' POV The knocking at the door takes us out of our locked trance only slightly. We want this night so bad that you can just feel it with every word we say to each other. I'm just craving her touch at this point and I can see she feels the same by the longing look in her eyes everytime I'm near. I open the door still hovering over Rebecca who is smiling so big at me. I glance away from my lady reluctantly looking out the door and there are two guys, a man and his son. Both holding onto a bouquet of flowers. "Hey.. Becca.. and.. who are you?" The guy asks so spitefully. "Oh Hello I'm Tobias, Rebecca and I are dating." I say extending my hand to him. He glares at my hand and says, "You're taken Becca? Seriously.. I bought these flowers for nothing?" The father says with such an annoyance in his voice. The son glares daggers at his dad stating even louder, "So you made me ask Katie to the dance, instead of Cristy like I wanted, because you liked her mom and you can't even date her?!" Rebecca's and my mouths drop open in shock as we hear from behind us, "That's the only reason that you asked me?" We both spin around to see a stunning looking Katie with a completely heartbroken look on her face as she runs back up the stairs to her room looking distraught. "F*#k." Is all I can say as Rebecca looks up at me instructing, "Please take care of these assholes and I'll go see if she is ok." I nod at her in understanding and glare back at the guys. "Stay the f*#k away from both of MY ladies AND this place or I will kick both of your asses." I slam the door in their faces. I grab my phone calling the one number I know could help this situation.. It rings once and no answer, then twice. "Hey baby long time no talk." Is all I hear on the other end of the line. "Hey Tracy, I don't have time to talk to you I'm sorry, but can you please direct me to Justin?" I ask quickly as she huffs and says. "Seriously? Why haven't you called me? And what? You just want to talk to Justin?" "I'm in a relationship Tracy please just send me to Justin's phone.. please." I beg her as she huffs and just sends me through not saying anything else to me thankfully. "Hello?" I hear on the other line. "Justin, it's Tobias.. I had a big favor to ask of you.. If your not busy, holding you to your offer of, if I need anything I can just call." I explain quickly as he responds, "Yea anything man you helped me out big. What's up?" "Ok so my girl just got stood up by her asshole date last second before the dance. She is right about your age and I was hoping you would take his place tonight? I know it would mean the world to her and I, if you could." I explain even more in detail as he replies pretty quickly. "I didn't know you had a daughter.. that's cool.. Yea of course I'm not doing anything tonight just tomorrow.. Of course, but you know I don't have my license yet though. Do you have a car headed my way?" He asks as I smile and state. "I'll send a car your way now, thanks Justin see you soon." I hang up, then calling a car to pick Justin up and bring him here.. I run up the stairs in a haste to stop my girl from feeling bad. I turn the corner and knock on the already slightly opened door. The girls look up at me and Katie looks heartbroken while still crying. I get to her side quickly taking her hands into mine. "Don't let that asshole make you feel bad Kit.. he doesn't deserve a treasure like you, you're so sweet, talented and of course beautiful." I say as she smiles and sniffles replying, "What am I going to do? I look like such an i***t and I bet everyone will know by the end of the night.. I can't go to the dance now. I guess I'm glad he canceled on me to go to the carnival or this whole situation would probably hurt way worse" She states as I stare into her eyes shaking my head at her. "No I have something better for you so you can go and still have a great time, not being embarressed at all." I state to her. Rebecca's and Katie look so confused as I explain. "Um.. I.. dated.. Justin, the teen singing star's, agent and I helped Justin a couple years ago. He said if I needed anything to call, so I did. He is right about your age anyways and says he will be your date and is headed here now.. So we need to fix your make-up because you guys are going to have a wonderful night. Justin is a good kid." "Justin?! Like that Justin?!" She points to a poster on her wall of him, causing me to laugh and nod. She squeals in excitement hugging me so tight, "Thank you so much Tobe! You don't know what this means to me!! Thank you!!" I look over at Rebecca and she looks like she is in a type of shock and awe at me. I have never seen so much love in her eyes at me, for me. Katie gets to her make-up bag quickly to start fixing her make-up since that's the only thing that needs tending to right now "I'm going to head downstairs just for when Justin shows up." I smile and nod trying to give her some space, she doesn't need me in her face when she is already having a rough moment. I get up and leave the room, getting ready to head downstairs, when I feel a hand on my bicep, stopping me. I look over and see it's Rebecca. "Hey Beck. whats up?" I turn to her asking curiously as she jumps up on her toes crashing her lips to mine. I wrap my arms around her instinctively pulling her into me. She breaks the kiss, staring up at me as she explains her actions. "That's was one of the sexiest things you have ever done. You made my baby girl's night tonight. She already says she likes you and thinks you would make a great step dad. But after calling us your girls, threatening those assholes, making everything better for her by fixing her problem, and making her get confidence back. All without even being asked or directed that way.. is the most fatherly thing you have done for my girl and I wish I could just rip your clothes off, making you feel as good as you made her feel." Who knew helping out anyway I could with them would make her feel this way. I reach up touching her cheek gently. "Anything I can do to help Kit out and as for the rest of your statement, I'll hold you to that because we are still going to have a great night together. I'm just happy he didn't turn me down. I helped him out years ago and he said he owed me." I state to her as she looks at me curiously, then inquires. "What would you have done, to help out a kid?" I laugh to myself reminiscing of that night before I explain. "Well his agent was a random girl I was planning on taking home that night at this party.. So I was just hanging out with her and this kid she is an agent for. We were at a charity ball and they had ice sculptures everywhere. Justin was playing around touching one of the ice sculptures and it tipped over crashing, completely breaking apart all over the ground into a thousand pieces. He was so worried he was going to get in trouble for his accident, so I just took the blame saying I did it.. My father was already mad at me anyways for getting wild and crazy at the party, so I figured what would it hurt to make him a little madder. So I just told everyone I did it, acting drunker than I actually was." "Gosh without even meaning to you still seem to have such a big heart. How did you get so sweet and me so lucky to have you?" She asks rhetorically. "I have told you so many times that I'm the lucky one and I know it.. you and your kids are the only reason I have, to motivate me to be a better person.. I hope you honesty know that. I just hope you all feel the same." I state as she smiles even bigger. "Well Katie says she adores you and even told me she would like you as her step dad and I know Eddie adores you as well but I don't know how he feels about the whole step dad thing." She states to me as I smile and respond knowing the answer to this. "He told me the other day that he wouldn't mind one bit if I was his step dad." I say as she smiles even bigger retorting, "See nothing to worry about, they love you and want you to be their step daddy." "Well what about you? You're the only one I don't have an answer from.. would you want me to be their step daddy some day?" I ask her so honestly as I feel my heart race in anticipation of her answer. "I would only be so lucky to get the opportunity for that and I would bet money I would agree without hesitation I can promise you that." She says to me leaning in to kiss. I pucker up my lips and leaning in to meet her halfway, when we hear a knocking at the front door. I groan and peck her lips turning to head down the stairs. I open the door as I see the girl I slept with years ago. "Hey Tracy where's Justin?" I ask looking around her. "For one thing you have to sign these supervision contracts, so if anything happens to him we know who to blame." I nod taking the paperwork from her and signing the couple of papers, then handing them back. "Next thing.. your not really calling for ME at all? Just Justin?" She asks sounding so sad, making me feel bad. "I'm sorry Tracy but I was just calling you for Justin, like I said on the phone I'm happy in a relationship." I say pulling Rebecca to me and kissing her lips with so much love. "This is my lady Rebecca and Rebecca this is Tracy, she is Justin's agent." I explain as they shake hands. She waves to us then opens the car door for Justin to come out of the car. She gives him instructions on what he can and cannot do tonight as he hops out of the car with a pep in his step. Justin has a huge smile on his face as he shakes my hand and giving me a hug. "It's nice to see you again Toby, I'm glad I can finally help you out for helping me." He says to me as I nod saying, "You're helping me out a ton Justin, thank you. Her date left last second because his dad made him ask my girl out just so he could try to date her mom.. but I guess he didn't want her as a date.. so I kicked them both out of course.. and your the only one I could think of that would make her feel better." We both smile at each other as I realize we are just standing outside. "Oh I'm sorry, come in Justin.. this is my lady Rebecca.. Beck this is Justin.. Oh we do have a limo and chaperone coming to take you guys out to dinner and to the dance." I explain to him making him smile and nod. "This will be my first actual dance. I have played the parts for dances but never actually been to one. I'm excited." He says to us as I watch his eyes light up. "Wow who is that?" He asks staring up behind us. Rebecca and I turn around to see it's Katie with her make-up all fixed and looking more beautiful than ever. "Oh Justin this is your date Katie.. Kit, this is Justin." I say introducing them. Katie gets down the stairs smiling shyly at Justin who just looks mesmerized. It's adorable. "You look amazing, that boy is stupid for not wanting you as his date." Justin says to Katie as she smiles big and replies, "Thank you, I appricate you coming so last minute to help me out." "If I knew how beautiful you looked, I would have come sooner." He says making me chuckle at that comment because with that comment he has now plastered a smile on Katie's face.. making her happier than ever tonight. I'm so happy Justin agreed to this. Another knock echos besides us at the front door. I open it and it's the driver for the limo. "Hello, let me make sure the kids have everything they need before you take off with them." I state as I walk into the other room. "Hey Eddie?" He jumps to attention looking nervous, like he got caught doing something he wasn't suppose to.. With him having lipstick on his lips I can tell what was happening in here.. keeping him completely distracted from everything else going on in the house, so I decide to catch him up. Eddie clears his throat answering, "Yes Toby?" I smile knowing exactly what was going on but not bringing too much attention to it. "So.. we had an issue happen, I know you probably didn't realized since you were obviously distracted in here.. but your sister's date admitted in front of her that he didn't want to ask her to the dance.. but he did because his dad liked your mom.. so when they saw me here they ditched her.. so I called a friend of mine to be her date.. just don't be alarmed and have fun.. Your limo is here and waiting for you guys." I state as they both make their way to the front door. "Ok everyone your limo is going to take you to dinner first where we have reservations already set and then to your dance and back ok.. do not ditch the driver and don't get wild and crazy.. but if you need anything, I know most of you have my number so just call and I'll be there in no time at all." I explain as they all smile. Eddie and Brittney look shocked just staring at Justin. "Oh sorry, Justin this is Katie's brother Eddie and his date Brittney. Now that you all know each other you better get heading out before your late!" I say shooing them out so I can get time with my lady. "Ok don't you two have too much fun either, remember what I said upstairs." Eddie says with warning pointing at me until I respond, "But what if I want that?!" I ask him as he thinks for a moment, smiles then replies. "Then fine I guess I could handle it, just for you two. Have lots of fun in that case.. Bye.. thanks again." He says smiling even bigger as they shut the door behind them. "What was that about?" Beck asks me walking my direction until there is no space between us and she is leaning into my frame against the wall. I smile pretty big at her until I nonchalantly respond. "It was guy talk about our futures.. together." I say vaguely to her as she nods but I can tell her mind is reeling. I just dont know how to tell her that I would start a future with her by making a baby.. I don't even know if she would want to do that again because of the fact that she already had to do it twice before. Mostly though, I'm scared because I feel that type of information might be too much for her right now and I want to take what I can get without pushing too many limits.. I have been throwing the way I feel about her at her, in full waves. I'm so afraid that one of these times it will be the one thing that makes this all be too much, before she wants to go.. getting away from the overwhelming feelings I give her. So I'm going to stick with what I know she is fine with right now, until I get the guts to actually take that step. But I have a few parts of that commitment, that aren't even done yet to make that step just yet.. So it gives me more time to try to figure out how I want to do all of this without overwhelming her.. because I know her kids are on board already... thankfully.
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