Episode 2

1197 Words
Waking up to the sound of birds chirping by my window, I got up to greet the sweet creatures. “morning to you to” they stopped and flew away, walking over to the bathroom I needed to freshen up before I attempted to go other to the schools. The hot water hit my back making me flinch, wondering what I had done now I looked at my back in the mirror as I shrugged “brilliant more scratches I bet that’s from when we ran through the thick of those trees” hearing Silver snigger at me I gutted "oh shut up". I’m not a vain person but I do try to avoid scratching myself so people don’t start to ask questions that I can’t explain. Getting back into the shower to wash my dirty hair, after a while I managed to get all the dirt out. Wrapping my hair up in a towel I wrapped another round my body, making my way out of the shared bathroom and back to my room when I bumped into a hard wall. Stepping back, I rubbed my nose and went to walk round when I heard “it’s rude not to apologize for walking into someone”. Turning round shocked that I didn’t smell this person, looking deep into his dark blue eyes for what seemed like longer than what it should have been. Blurting out “I’m so sorry I thought I walked into a wall” he frowned at me as he turned around to go to the bathroom he spat “whatever” huffing I made my way back to my room hoping to forget about the encounter with the stranger. I dressed myself in making my way into town hoping to get some more clothes before making my way to the different schools. Managing to get a pure white blouse and a black pair of trousers with black dolly shoes, while I was at it, I picked up some new underwear. Making my way back to the inn I started to get changed, looking my image up and down to make sure I was presentable I started to make my way to the primary school. Waiting by the front entrance the receptionist asked if I had an appointment, shaking my head she phoned through to the principal. She hung up the phone and asked me to take a seat and the principal will be with me in a moment, I felt like I was sat on egg shells until the door opened and I heard “Miss Ellis, I hear you are looking for a job come through to my office” that husky voice I’ve heard it before. There’s no way, I know it’s a small town but surely it can’t be him. Slowly looking up the figure, noticing the long slender legs, his trousers seemed like they were a size too small. My eyes kept rising as his shirt clung to his chest, I could see his eight pack. His sleeves clung to his biceps showing how big his arms actually were threatening to rip the shirt open. Biting my bottom lip my eyes finally met his as he wore a smirk, he knew he was handsome, he seemed to like being checked out. Dragging his left hand through his dusty blond hair making some fall to the side of his eyes “Miss Ellis, this way” he bought me out of my daze, following him through the corridor and to his office. He offered me a seat, sitting down I crossed my legs as I could smell my arousal as I thought “what is wrong with me?” Silver answered “nothing he’s a nice piece of meat, I want a taste” rolling my eyes at her I tried to ignore her comments. “Miss Ellis, we do have a few positions open at the moment but I would like to aske a few questions and you will need to provide the necessary information for us” nodding he continued. Feeling nervous I answered all the questions the best I could, he stood up walking round to the front of his desk. He sat leant against it while smirking at me “final question” nodding at him his face became darker “what’s a rouge like you doing here?” my eyes shot up looking at his now golden yellow eyes. Springing up from my chair I backed away from him “how did you know?” a dark evil laugh left his chest “you don’t know much do you?” shaking my head, looking at the floor “I’m sorry I will leave this territory, I don’t mean any harm” I started towards the door to leave and never return. Being yanked back he pinned my wrists against the wall, growling at me “I don’t think so” whimpering I looked at the floor “I haven’t done anything wrong” he sat “you enter someone else territory that in it’s self is wrong” my eyes shot up “I’m sorry I really didn’t know”. Letting my wrists go I fell to the floor rubbing my wrists as he grunted “get out and never return” nodding I left his office and made my way back to the inn as I got a small bag with the few clothes, I had with me. making it into the forest, I went behind a tree stripping completely putting everything into my small bag. Shifting into Silver’s form we ran as fast as we could making it out of the territory, I think. We found a cave that was covered in moss, unless a wolf comes by no one should find us sleeping in here, we should be fine for the night. We feel asleep in our wolf form to keep us warm, the night passed by quickly we woke to the sound of paws against the mud, leaves and twigs. We jumped to our feet listening to how close they were, the pounding got closer and closer with every second we waited. Sprinting out of the cave straight ahead hoping to get away from whoever had now found us, running in the forest making sure no humans could see me. We got to a hill running as fast as we could up it, we came to an abrupt halt as we came to the end of a cliff. We turned to try and make a U-turn so no one would see us but they caught up to us way to quickly, the wolf's started growling and snarling at us. This was irritating Silver as she spat in my head “showing such disrespect, we should kill them” shaking my head I looked at the five big brown wolf's taking menacing steps towards up. Trying to step back I almost lost my footing, getting my breath back I shift into my human form looking back over my shoulder. This took the wolf's off guard, they didn’t seem to be expecting it from someone they had just cornered. One of the wolf's snapped his sharp teeth in my direction as the others stood still, turning round I did the unexpected and jumped off the cliff. Falling into some trees I tried to grab a thick branch, hitting it wrong I fell into another branch managing to stay in the tree.
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