Arc 3 - Prologue: Prepare for the storm.

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The state of Altoris is chaotic, with killers on loose because the city decided to use the name Nulv to attack anyone oppose them. But this is the perfect moment to strike, the meeting as always has all seat filled except one, i have a lot of questions but Omega can't attend any meeting and only Alpha know where is he. Maybe a way to raise morale but at least i know, Omega know something about the first and the original Higeki, and Tomoe did remind me using this power will be painful even with that medicine or not. The original Higeki is the god of water or half of the god sharing his seat with Tomoe, because of their power, a special ritual is used to prevent pain but leave a permanent marking on his forehead.  The meeting discuss about our first target, the food factory is a good target because of the security force is focused on the wall. But after a lot of discussion, we all decided on our target, we need to finish off the organization behind all the killing using the name of Nulv. Epsilon's father will be a suspect but since he is here we will need a lot of investigate, the first target is the same to the first impression so it is right to be careful. Erina should be our first suspect for this killing but to be safe it is also the right thing to conduct investigate other organizations, Erina is an organization focus on assassination so they should be our main target.  "Maybe you didn't have the same power level as Higeki, or maybe that organization mess with something that you have." "I thought training is tired not painful." "So this is the pain he suffered... side tracked again." "Of course it is painful, it is always painful to grow a pair of horn everytime. But according to what i saw, how powerful was Higeki anyway ?" "Higeki isn't always the god that you saw, maybe this world changed him. Higeki is not just the god of water, he is the merciful side of water, his song always used to relief the pain of his friends but he is still a powerful god able to reverse day and night." "But what about the water blades ?" "That is mine, but Higeki can control those blades if he want to even he never learnt to control them before." "But why you still stay in this form ?" "This is what happen when i am staying far away from him, we can't maintain our form like how he is a star and i am a stuffed animal. Now, let's continue, we need to raise your pain tolerance." The hardest part of the training is the pain, the original Higeki have to endure this everytime he used his full power then i should be able to do at least a part of that. Embrace all these feeling, my creator's anger, his pain, his sadness and of course, never forget his caring toward other, i want to become him, i want to be him. I want to care for my friends, i want to protect them but is this the right direction for me ? It is the truth that i want to be stronger but not like this, i want my friends to be stronger and that is the reason for my inventions. That is the reason why i endure these pain because i want to protect myself and that is the only reason i want to protect myself or that is just what i thought. "Higeki, you need to go to south now." "Something happened ?" "That child from sector 2...." "I am coming." So he comes to us after wandering in the outskirt, i only can hope that i am not too late, that child he is far too dangerous. A puppet that no one control and maybe he remember he is the one who killed his own father in that rampage, but no matter the reason, he is very dangerous. The moment we arrived the south of the haven we saw that child with weapon created from snow and blood, calling him a human, he is no longer look like a human. The creature that slowly rotting away because he is no longer a living breathing person, he is a doll and much more important, he is a dangerous puppet. "This child." "The child that we failed to defeat, Father, drink this." "Your new invention ?" "It is a kind of energy drink, don't worry, this time the drink won't make you faint maybe a little bit nausea." "OK but what are you drinking ?" "You are no match for him, so i decided to join in this battle, don't worry, i know you will protect me." "No, I..." "Too late, he is approaching. Tomoe." "How ?" "Explain later, you can control the blade right, go and help my father, i will help these people." "We will talk about this later." Of course i know what is the main ingredient of that medicine, a certain ingredients are extinct in this world and the mansion have them. The main ingredient has a lot of strange properties but what attracted me is the fact that this plant has thaumaturgical properties, a little experiment is enough to test every possible outcome and combination. The effect of the medicine will wear out eventually so it is the best to use this medicine when it is necessary, it should take twenty minutes for savant to be here so i can only hope that Tomoe is skilled with his blade like what he said. "You are a strong opponent but i am stronger." Tomoe's blades combine into one shining blade, with the speed of light, his blade cut through what left of the puppet. The blade then turned into countless smaller blade and pierce through the puppet turned it into dust but that is only enough to stop the puppet. With the last ritual, somethind disappear from the child and he crumble at the right time as savant and the reinforcement from sector 8 arrive. Tomoe look at the spirit of the child slowly vanish, let out a loud sigh and turned back to this stuffed animal form, his eyes they were filled with sadness and longing. "So i will explain very quick." "Good because we want nothing but a quick answer." "Simply that is Tomoe and i accidentally brought magic into this world so apologize ahead for that." "No harm taken, it is war where we must use every advantages that we have to win. How is the state of everyone Omikron ?" "Everyone is good." "Beta, how is our allies in the outskirt." "They will arrive in the next five days. Negotiating with them is quite a feat." "I know you can do that, you are my right hand man afterall." "I think it is your turn to do the explaining part." There are tribes live in the outskirt, they are neutral to the city since they can live in the wilderness of this ruined world and they don't need any resources from the city. They are large in number as remain as a looming threat upon the city but the city can't attack the tribe because of their sheer number and maybe because they are having some kind of contract. Being cautious is the reason we are still living after all, i am not surprise if these tribes have thaumaturgy ability after seeing what i can do. They are living in the wilderness of a ruined world after all but it is great to welcome new guests to the haven since there are a lot of empty houses. The wound that the child inflict on the citizen are strange, they can be cured but the wound have a certain pattern, they are not some random cut, all of them formed a certain letter. What are you trying to tell me, and that last moment that you share with Tomoe, what did you ask him, there are so many question i wanted to ask you because of my sympathy or the fact that i want to use you as a way to win this war ? I don't know and maybe i am jealous because you are no longer in this world you can stay among the star where my creator currently staying. I have my father and a lot of friend but this calling, this wailing my creator imprison among the star, i am longing for your decent on this world. But i doubt that you have good intention because of the way you act, you are a dangerous god but i hope when you see Tomoe it will recover the wound in your heart. And i will avenge for you for what they did to you. "You don't have to do that." "Tomoe." "Higeki is blinded by his rage, never use the reason that this is vengeance to fight in this war. I have lived for hundred of years and those use vengeance as a reason always lose everything in the end." "I don't use vengeance as the only reason. I have suffered enough and as a doctor, i can't stand the fact that i can't those patients that fall before me and i can't do anything." "In the end, you never need our help." "No, i do but sometime and for a limited duration. I don't really like pain and i must stay concious, i am a doctor afterall." "Then i must apologize, i used you as a version for original Higeki, maybe i need him and i miss him so much that i consider you as the original Higeki. You are a different person, you are you and no one else you are unique and no one can take away that part from you not even god." "Thank you Tomoe." "And can i see that plant ?" Tomoe examine the plant and i can focus on my current work, prepare for the ceramony to welcome our tribal friend. Every detail must be examine and not only the amount of food and decoration goes up but also my anxiety. This is the first time i have to meet people who aren't my patients, but everything will be alright and you did a great job, that is everything father and grandfather said. They encourage me to relax a little bit, even they live in the outskirt they are living, breathing creatures like the rest of us living in this city. And most of all, prepare to deal with Enira is something just appeared in my mind, i will let savant took care of that for now.  "Higeki, we will go to take care of that matter, according to Lilia's father information we have the location of the Enira now." "Alright but you trust him ?" "Of course not, we used Lambda's machine to scout that place first." "Good, i will take care of this matter, we need to welcome our guests. But you also go ?" "I will stay with Lambda but i can't attend any meeting in that duration." "Alright. So how many people are we expecting ? According to the elder from sector 2 we have five hundred apartments." "That mean we have place for at least two hundred thousand people, that should be enough." "Alright, i will take on the rest from here." A lot of job to do and so little time left, i should ask more people to work with me as the council of this haven. There are just so many things to do.
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