Arc 3 - Chapter 1: Prepare for the firestorm.

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"Welcome to the haven chieftain. I am Higeki, please let everyone enjoy the feast, the trip was tough so i hope you can enjoy your time." "Thank you for your courtesy doctor." The celebration went smoothly, it is not that bad for the first time i speak with someone who isn't my patient. The chieftain is a relaxed person, humanity create alcohol to relieve and having fun but i never like them in the first place and now even more question in my mind. The world is ending but people still make alcohol, maybe this is a way for them relieve the pain of living in this dying world. Miracle liquid that make people forget the pain relieve them from the painful reality but maybe just a sip to see the world in the eye of those who drink this liquid. Bitter taste for sure and nothing else, maybe because i am something that created so the original Higeki give me some kind of resistant.  I am updated with the information about Enira Organization, Lambda and Omikron make sure everything is under their control. Delta and Iota infiltrate their base, Enira Organization has a tall building as their main base but they also have a lot of smaller base. And that is the reason why Lambda is one of the most powerful person in Savant, he received another title that fit for is power - The Fairy King. The small machines, they are the worst fear that anyone can think about, these fairies serve him in a lot of devious ways and one of those ways are self destructing themselves. "The night is filled with joy so i think there is no need to let them know about this battle, and we should send a message." "What about the remnant of Enira ?" "There is no remnant, Lambda is the king of faries and Enira did one thing that no one dare and enrage him." "I plucked their feathers, torn their wings, broke their beaks so they will never sing again. Now, i need a rest, Iota, Theta, Epsilon and Xi, everything is finished, retreat in the next five minutes." An enraged emperor and there must be some secret or it is just the the matter of pride, but there must be something those people in Enira know about Lambda and that secret is the reason why he is so angry. But my thought is interrupted when the chieftain want to discuss about the place for his people to live in this haven. We mentioned the building and offer them to live there, i would be a process to get used to a new life but that is the best that we can offer since we can't let our new allies sleep under the star. The chieftain hesistate but agree since a new way to live could be a positive change. "So that is the simple walkthrough for operating every device in this apartment. And because our the current state of this world, we would suggest no one should leave the haven during the night." "You don't need to remind us doctor, the boy guide us here also mention us everything and the city also started to attack a lot of tribes, sadly we are the only one who remain." "I am so sorry, again, my action is too slow. Do not bear that burden chieftain, you can think that they are somewhere better now, this world is a suffering so maybe they are residing among the star, watching us." "So doctor, is this how you overcome the guilt ?" "I never forget the my patients that i saved and i also never forget those i can't save. Everyone lives and fights because this world is constant struggle and those who fall, i consider them as people who deserve to rest." "You are too kind doctor. So am i deserve that rest ?" "No. We have to live and fight to see the future for our children, but i believe in our victory." I will do anything to anything to win, but somehow, i can't shake off the feeling that the city leaders know everything like they have an imposter in this haven. The imposter giving out information but it is possible that among the Jbys there is someone who still work for the city. So we come up with a plan, a trap for the imposter and that is the moment for the first time i heard that voice. Omega of the savant have a plan and he apologize because he won't be able to listen to my question, he discussed with the Alpha and they agree upon a plan. And that is the moment i realize there is another member of the savant that kept hidden even from most of the member. He doesn't seat among the savant but act as another secret weapon used to deliver punishment toward traitor, and his letter is Sampi. Sampi always observe and wait for the perfect moment for him to strike, he observes everything and everyone, always observe. With the plan using me as a bait since the city leaders desire my life so much. Our suspicion and calculation let us know the fact that this imposter appear not long ago, maybe the traitor appeared after we decided to save the people of the sector 8 so that person would know our plan and notice Enira. The traitor only can be in Jbys or sector 8. Not all of them but one of them since both leaders from Jbys and sector 8 are people that we can trust, the plan is very simple. But with this new discovery, Sampi can focus on those who acting suspicious from sector 8 and Jbys and he doesn't need to focus on everyone in the haven. The next step is observation, during the festival everyone can enter and leave the haven as long as it is not during the curfew and Sampi can simply observe if anyone leave and notice Lambda to send one of the fairies to follow that person. And my part is acting as a bait since our little traitor will try everything to know my schedule and this will require a few days. The festival continue and like a machine i go to the ruin of sector 8 at the same time everyday for nearly nine days but finally the imposter started to report but stopped by Sampi. The imposter is a young man from sector 8, and when he tried to escape there are some blade thrown toward him and he is pinned to a wall near there. From the top of a building is large saint bernard walking on two feet and in his arm is a small child carrying a lot of blade that shaped like peacock's tail feathers. But that is simply an illusion, they are not peacock feathers but small blue blades but what surprise me is the saint bernard that walk on two feet. "Finally we meet doctor and finally i got you in my sight, you traitor." "You also follow him ? And who are you ?" "We never met before... you can call Alfred, this is my brother Alermond. Right now, let's discuss what to do with this traitor first, he must leaked a lot of our information to the city leaders, even the location of the haven." "That could be a possibility." "Doctor, you fought for far too long and sacrifice so much, let me handle of this problem and then we can finally sit down and talk about everything." The little boy took out a set of headphone and put it on the head of the traitor, a type of hypnotize, reform his thought and finally he gives his command. The traitor must tell every details he provided before was wrong because he wanted to make sure that no one was follow him. And most of information was false information. After that, a council meeting is held and we come to an conclusion that we have to prepare for a war. The elder of sector 2, the representatives of sector 12 and sector 10 agree with decision, the chieftain and his people say yes immediately since they have been waiting for this moment.  "So we finally have time to talk, Alermond, you don't need to prepare anything, i got everything here." "Alright brother." "So your brother, can you tell me the tale ?" "Of course that is the least i can explain." Alermond and Alfred both of them were human in the first place, they were city leaders and researcher at the same time until the tragedy occured. Alermond took the bullet before Alfred took down all of the assassins, this event stir up hatred in Alfred, dragged the corpse of Alermond into his lab he can see nothing but red and his mind only have vengeance. And that is the moment a bright blue light appear, the light whisper to him said it will save Alermond but in trade both brother will bear the form that it wanted and destroy the leaders. And that is the reason why Alermond had the form of a saint bernard and that is the reason why they wanted to work with us not for the blue light but for the hatred toward the city leader. But the price is much more cruel, Alfred is skillful with his dagger and he can finish off anyone but finish off someone who can fight back will cost him a lot of energy and that will require Alermond. They can't be seprated before and now, that bond is inseparable. "You have been through so much." "I had but i am happy now, my brother and i will always stay like this till the end of time. But that is not enough, i still want vengeance." "And we are the same, i also want avenge but can i ask a question ?" "Please, go ahead." "Do you know anyone name Higeki when you were working as a researcher ?" "We didn't work with him but we know the other called him a miracle, an infinite battery to finish their ambition." "So that is how they saw him... then my vengeance is justify, they wanted to use a child for their ambition." So we prepared for the war, people are trained to use weapon that created by the factory and the blueprint from Lambda. The owner at the time work as the maintainer and the head engineer of the factory, the weapon is complicated but after some explaining it is much easier to understand. For the chieftain and his tribe, they used melee weapon to Lambda decided to increase their defense and a lot of devices are made for that. We are still preparing but when this is over, the firestorm will swept through the city.
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