Arc 3 -Chapter 2: Approaching.

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"Active the first defense system." "Alright, Omikron, start setting up the trap." "Gamma, use the system of the haven and hide the factory along with the garden. Increase the production speed of weapon to 300%." "Of course Alpha." "Xi, Delta, Theta what is the scale of our enemies ?" "They have at least three thousand people, they used latest technologies, there are a lot of vehicles." "This could be troublesome... Iota, i trust that you can handle those vehicles along with Rho ?" "Rho is back. Of course we will, those vehicles will be decimated. Compare to me, Rho's explosive is extreme dangerous." "Alright, taken note for that." "Also everyone, your support mean a lot to us. Without everyone here, we won't stand a chance against the city leaders." The news of the attack shook the haven but no one show fear even women and children didn't show fear and ready for this battle. They are armed by the weapon created by Gamma's factory not to mention the army of fairies that capable of causing massive destruction. And who am I to stand against the will of the people, they want a battle, to return what the city leaders did to them then they shall have that battle. They are armed and prepared for this battle, they learned to fight since the moment they knew about what the city leaders did to their family and those they care about. They held back the rage in their heart and now the right moment has arrived, they waited this moment for all of their life, a chance to relief the feeling in their heart. But they know that letting out that rage during the battle won't benefit them instead it can bring more harm than good, using their rage as their strength but don't let it control their emotion. It took time to prepare everything and i am a patience person, therapy for every families in the haven, manage their temper and that is my responsibility since they are all my patient. Control their anger is tough but i managed somehow and now, everything is perfect and people can become the storm on their own. The march of the people can sweep away everything on their path, this is the mistake of the city for rely on technology and ignore the people. The first attack from the city destroyed a part of the wall around the haven but after the dust cleared, the tribe lead by chieftain Da'Mok, those who depend on technologies shall fall when those technologies choose to betray them. The fairies hack the system while the barrier Lambda design for the tribe to prevent ranged attack, the assassins tried to attack but they are stopped by Epsilon and the members of Jbys.  "Seeing this war, are you happy ? Do you feel joy when you destroyed the harmony that i am trying to create ?" "Your harmony using your people as steeping stone. I never know justice can be this derange and twisted, or you just being the legendary savior ?" "There are sacrifice toward perfection." "And those sacrifice are in vain, are you blind or you are seeing our world in the eyes of some one who use too much drug ?" "I will destroy that little haven of your." "And i will end you with countless water blades pierce through you. The insult that my creator took and a man like you with an ambition that destroy the world, i can't allow you to win." "Higeki, who are you talking to ?" "Just some bastard sit on the peak look at us like stepping stones." "Then it's time to bring down the star and the ivory tower along with it." The battle continue, the tribe hold their dominance over the battlefield but the star of the show is Epsilon, her merciless blade cut down everything that approach and her elegant moment allow her to move like a shadow. Da'Mok with his dominance strength and now even with a lot of defensive layers, he dominates the battlefield but not like a dumb fool, the title chieftain also show his wisdom. The city tried to attack from another direction but Alpha already predicted that and Iota along with Rho have a lot of mine set in that place. And like what they predicted, a loud bang and that mean their plan failed but now they know what can we do to fight and win this war. Sending a message to the man who sit above and see us as nothing but pebble, you are facing an angry world. But every battles, every wars there must be casualty, even the will of the people is strong, there is no such thing called avoid every wounds. Even Epsilon has wounds but i let one of the female doctor to take care those wound since i won't be easy for me to act and beside, a lot of doctor from sector 10 is qualified. Da'Mok himself and his tribe tried to act tough but human's mental has its own limit, their wounds is not severe but required a lot of herb since there are a lot of wounds even they are minor wounds. Nothing that the secret garden can't handle and after this session i am starting to appreciate them a lot more than before. They are the vanguard, without them, we won't stand a chance to against the attack from the soldiers of the city. "We have high pain tolerance, don't worry about us that much, there are people who were hurt during that battle." "Will you be quiet and let me do my job, i am not the only doctor in this haven so it would be a great help if you can let me do my job. Stop saying you are fine and it is not that painful, the pain you bear, you think it is only your ?" "Higeki..." "No, listen to me and stop being a stubborn child. Your wounds are not severe but there are many wounds and they keep building up, and that is not everything, i am a doctor and seeing you in pain, that cause me more pain than you could feel. So shut up and take the treatment." A bond between people, these pain i felt from them, according to Tomoe this is how Higeki felt when his allies is in pain. By carry some of their pain, he lessen that feeling of pain they are having but he only can do that for the Salvatore and it require a song as a code to prevent himself from carrying the pain of too many people. I myself as a replica should have some of these power but i am not a musician like him so maybe this power have some modification... maybe the ability to sense those in pain to help them.  With our victory we decided to expand our activities to prevent any schemes the city leaders are having. Setting up ambush and countless camps, we are the one with advantages, the more time we have the better. Lambda can use that time to develop weapon and Gamma can have more time to produce them with better quality, these ambush also sap our enemies and lower their morale. Time is a precious resource and now, we are the one with the advantage, and at the same time it is a disadvantage to us. The longer this war drag on the longer the people of other sector that we can't save will suffer, but i will not treat them as the stepping stone, there must be a way to save them but at the moment it is simply impossible.  "Alfred has something that he wanted to speak about." "I will be there Alermond." It is not just Alfred and Alermond but also Alpha, father, grandfather and a lot of other leaders. According to Alfred's prediction, the city leaders or at least half of them should be freak out and the other half will do everything in their power to increase the productivity to benefit them. Only one of them is the most dangerous, he who called the Conductor, he is the leader among leaders, the one who decide everything and his words cause every leaders to work in the way he wanted. The Conductor has thaumaturgical abilities according to Alfred even that power is not equal to original Higeki or Tomoe but he is a cruel and schemeful man, he can forsake everything for the sake of perfection.  "A very dangerous man. I feel like he is the same maybe share some similarity to the Savior. Could he be a fragment of the Savior ?" "That could be a possibility, no one in this world can have that obsession toward perfection like him, he would do everything to reach perfection. That is what i got from our encounter and in the end, he is the one who took one of my eyes." "There is something strange, he is the leader among every leaders but what is the reason for his true intention, i think there are more to the fact that he is created based on someone." "His talent is his thaumaturgical abilities then there should be a limit to that right ?" "Of course, he needs sources to obtain that power and one of the sources, you must know what is it... He harvested countless dimension and use them to increase his power." "We already have a plan for that, now we need to penetrate that wall." "Then i think Higeki's grandfather should have the blueprint for that wall, afterall, he was one of the engineers." "I will explain to you and Korvos after this but first, this is the blueprint for the wall. It is design with a lot of layers but like a lot of people in the city, the head engineer also a greedy corrupted man that used the low quality material resulted in that hole." "A stain on the perfect eden can be our weapon to strike down the tyrant. Everyone, we learned his weakness, let the next discussion is the plan to strike him down, let's dismiss for now and continue with the ambush plan."
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