Arc 4 - Chapter 5: His true story

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"I thought they took it from me long ago. I thought it was stolen." "They can't really take anything from you for you are his children, his creation." "Did you follow us ?" "Not really, i can sense my brother, not really brother, we are just created with the same core." "A fragment of him." The butler from the mansion, i am not surprise afterall everything in that mansion is organized, but why can he leave the mansion, something serious happened and that is everything that i can presume. And i don't need to ask, according to him, WORLD made through the barrier but from one hundred soldiers they are reduced to ten soldiers. That ten soldiers carry out the order from WORLD to destroy the mansion and everything inside it, i only can think they want to send a message. The achievement of a civilization destroyed but at least the Savant and people of the Haven still managed to save something from the fire. The mansion is destroyed and that destroyed something inside him, a certain form of binding and that was burned away along with the mansion. "So you have father's baton." "What can we do with this ?" "Father's baton is not just something for show or decoration, for you are the last of his creation, you are the only one who can manifest father's baton at your will. WORLD can't take your baton, they only deceive you and tell you that you can't use it." "Then i guess i really have to agree with your father Higeki, i am furious. But why can't you tell us anything." "My oath of eternal servitude toward the Saviour, i have to do everything to protect the mansion and everything inside it." "And they made you keep quite or they will destroy the mansion." "So can you give me the list of what we managed to save ?" Some old painting, a few instruments, most of everything else is destroyed, we still managed to save some already extincted plants, but the butler have a different expression. His feeling is a feeling of delight and relieve, he smiles at Orcress and then disappear only left countless feathers and a yellow fragment. His voice appear in our mind, he is happy to end his journey, he is trapped in this world for far too long, witness its rise and fall and only have one duty to keep the mansion and everything inside safe. Now, everything is destroyed, that obligation is over, everything he left us is the fragment of the saviour, the truth about everything. We opened our eyes, the world around us is pure white and everything slowly constructed, we don't know where is this but we know this is the fragment of memories belong to the Saviour. We see a large room where a child playing on a piano and a woman observe him, she doesn't pay attention to what she is doing but she is watching the child. The fabric she make is perfect even she doesn't pay attention to it, she is very calm and she guides the child, the scenery slowly revealing everything around us. The fabric she made isn't her magnum opus because everything around have the same quality and we soon realize this is not Hygracid, because everything around us slowly forming and it revealed this is a tailor shop and those who walk past the door are not human. "Lady Wynria, is our order ready ?" "Yes, i am a little bit busy right now, can you go to section C row 6 and search for the box in the middle." "Splendid as always my lady, the quality is top notch. So can we re order from you again ?" "You know the price, so any special design or pattern ?" "We will take your recommendation." "The color suited for you should be light blue, the pattern can be white crane or white chrysanthemum depend on occasion, your partner could choose purple with the same pattern. Your servants can use light blue with simple pattern." "Thank you for your wise words, we will take the white crane and can we return after the same amount of time ?" "Yes, that should be enough." The moment those people leave, lady Wynria return to her work and the child playing the piano inside. She guides the boy and complete the work on her own, but like everytime, she doesn't care about her work but pay full attention to the boy. But the surrounding fade again and this time we reach a new memories, the scenery slowly appear again, this time we are staying in a hall, Wynria is lying on the bed and this time, the Saviour appear but he sits on a decorated chair in the middle of the room. A conductor's baton floating around him and for the first time, we know what is the true capability of the Saviour, with just a short command, he created a world as we observe his true power. "So he is not a normal person who gained power through belief or any system like that." "His natural power is the ability to create worlds but how, how did he fall ?" "I see it, a new memory." And the memory we are witnessing right now is the memory that we all know but this time we can see the truth, the Saviour become the Puppeteer. But this time, we know what happened in his head, the Saviour is tormented by the wishes of the people but not just the wishes in our dream. The wishes he experienced is the wish of greed and power, and those wishes come from the same council that he created to govern this world. And because of that he must use his true power to destroy the council, and so he did, he used his true power to manipulate everyone and everything, turned Altoris into a true paradise to destroy all those wishes in his mind that drive him into madness. The destroy the council by making them his puppet. But that memory soon fade and we next one we see explain everything, we see his fall, a boy wearing very simple clothing and a long smoking pipe floating around him. The Saviour used everything but it seem like he try everything for nothing, the boy simply ignore everything and with a single touch, the Saviour crumble into countless pieces of light. His power is useless now and after everything finshed, the boy also vanish into a purple smoke. But the memories doesn't end there, the old puppets controlled by the Saviour are free and they formed a plan to create a fake council and now we know there are two councils in Altoris. "Alermond, Alfred, Damien, Suzette, Killuar... i am sorry so much. For all those year i can't do anything and for all those years you have to live in fear." "So for all that time, we are victims fight against each other. We have to return to the haven and we have to quick." "For the sake of everyone." "Wait, let Kiux go with you three." "My deity ?" "We will come later, right now, you all need to act, we will arrive later but you four need to act now." We say goodbye to Orthios and return to the haven, so the truth is revealed to us, the butler have some of the blame but he just perform what he was told to do. The creature appear but that doesn't mean anything much since Orcress can use his full power to crush everything in his sight, the power of the Saviour... no this is the power that he earned on his own. Orcress no longer need anything other medicine, this is the power he inherited, the Saviour is the one who wrong but Orcress is nothing like him. Now, the Conductor shine brighter than ever, with his baton, he performs with passion and because of that, we feel courage running though our vein. This is inspiring. "Careful Kal, don't get hurt too bad before we reach the haven." "Don't worry about me, you should take care of yourself first. We have to be quick." "Look out." Kiux warn us and we see them, raven slowly transform into human, look at them and we know the answer, they are Enira organization, at least they appear in their true form now. Tainted and blackened like their heart, Kiux ready his potion and we ready for this final showdown, Orcress's baton commands chains of light toward the shadows. I can attack them with the water blade while Kal attack with his hammer, the shadows don't put up much of a fight but they can regenerate themselves. We have to fight and retreat at the same time because everyone is exhausted, the shadow is very weak but they sap our stamina so now we have to back off from them. Orcress's power can harm and bind them but they can break free easily since they are nothing but black dust, we have to run toward the haven, Orcress soon weakened and he can't summon more chains. All of us are exhausted and we can't even more. "Not on our sight." "Alfred, Alermond !" "(Let's take care of this. Are you ready Tomoe ? But we warn you first, you will carry both of our soul so this will be exhausting.)" And then i can't even control myself, i only can see everything, Higeki tells everyone to leave without him and in front of me is an instrument. I feel my hand on the instrument and i can hear its sound, so clear and bright, the shadow can't even move during the song and in the air i can see not just water blades but also a vague shade carrying and controlling those blades. The blades cut the shadows and the song seal them, rendering their movement, the performance of a musician and a dancer, a duet that turned everything into dust in front of my eyes. And all that performance, that song is played with one hand, the curtain close with the shadows now are nothing more than a pile of black dust, brushed away by the wind along with my consciousness.
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