Arc 4 - Chapter 4: Desire.

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"You have a nightmare again ?" "Not really, i just have a conversation." "With Higeki ?" "Not really, it is some other entities, there were a lot of voices." "Then you are becoming me, the voice you heard, they are not just simple voices, they are the wishes of people. You are becoming a hub, you hear the wishes of those who worship Higeki and you transfer that to him." "The same happen to you ?" "Except the city worship a god that passed away long ago so all that wishes bottled up inside me." Expectation is a curse but at the same time, why not expecting something ? Wishes maybe a burden but wishes can be a blessing, wishes can be hope. For the first time i heard their wishes, they are so pure and simple, people wish for good health, people wish for luck, some wish for wealth and some one of them i hear they wish for vengeance, i am not going to stop them. Everyone can wish however they want because that is their freedom. Hearing these wishes make me feel warm from inside, their beautiful wishes like countless stars light up the sky. "This world have a different name, Altoris is just the presumed name, the original name of this world is Hygracid." "Then why you let it changed to Altoris ?" "War can change a lot of thing, before the saviour arrive, before the war among warlords begin, this world is a harmonious paradise. And then i think you can guess what happened." "They want more..." "So they in the end, they break the paradise. There is no fallen angel, there were no war, it is just a change it faith. And that is the moment i lost my power, because i can't provide for their desire." Discard a god because they have no use... so when i gone, can i trust these people not discard father ? But that doesn't matter, because i know father will return to his world when this war ended, he will leave this world to its people because all he needs is vengeance. Maybe Orthios will reclaim what was his and maybe he will dominate this world the choice belong to him to restore heaven or to punish the people. But for now, with his aid, we can win this war, Kiux also lead us to a hidden part of his garden, inside the garden is the plant i used to use to use thaumaturgy. The plant have other usage, people use it can use thaumaturgy but those with thaumaturgy can it to increase their power like Kiux used it to transform into the Orthios's primal form. But it has limited use and one person can only use the essence of the plant ten times in their lifespan. Overdose can lead to a lot of dangerous result. "Everyone live in this mansion, what happened to them ? Why are they here ?" "You can't help them, no one can help them, different from us they are normal people, those creatures attack them and they carved a curse of certain death. There is nothing we can do, we can only give them the last moment of their life in peace." "I understand." "So you abandoned your immortality... do you have what you gave up for ?" "I am having it right now, i am enjoying every last moment of my life." "How long do you have ?" "I lost count, maybe i still have nineteen years but i will try to make every moment worth." We managed to know more about Hygracid, the origin of this world and its fall, not exaclty something comfortable to listen to but it still worth to hear about. Hygracid is created based on a system of the first world created - Kritias, the only different is the fact that Hygracid only have one humanoid race while Kritias has many races. Orthios is the first human to achieve the harmony between human and nature and soon he became a god through belief of human and a lot of creatures. Orthios's power was beautiful that it turned Hygracid into a paradise but Orthios didn't know he gave human too much and let them prosper and that is the beginning for the war between warlords, a war that lasted for who know how long. "I made a mistake, and that Saviour is the one that reverse everything, he took away everything from people and that is the moment the Saviour become the Puppeteer." "Why do we call him like that ?" "Because he enslaved a world, every thought is restricted. But i guess you know the rest of the story... now think about it, maybe i know why he did that." "Because he wanted what you wanted, a paradise." "So the original purpose of WORLD is restoring that paradise, continue the wish of the Saviour." "Still WORLD is a human organization, they will be distorted by greed, now, they only want absolute domination over this world. So answer me Orthios, will you be the same as them ?" "Kal... no, father that is you right ?" "You can say that, the man name Kal devote himself to worship me that i can enter and leave his body even without his permission." And for the next fifteen minutes, father argues with Orthios, questioning him his motive, father have no desire to rule this world so he will have to ask its future ruler afterall. It would be unfortunate if another Saviour appear and dominate the free will of people but in the end, i think all world begin and all world will end. Life and death, destruction and creation, one can't exist without the other, being a doctor, that is the oblivious truth, nothing can be eternal because that is just stagnation. Just like Orcress, the blessing of eternity is the curse of stagnation that held him back from happiness that he deserve and it also held him back from the realization that he needs to know. "I remember that now, what WORLD did to me, it is not just suggestion, it was hypnotization." "You mean, you do all of that when you still conscious but you can't control yourself ?" And Orcress just broke down, he cried and fainted and Kiux have to carry Orcress back to our room, maybe during the conversation father and Orthios speak some certain words that trigger him. But again, i must keep an eye on Orcress, his mental state is very unstable, and without anyone he can talk to, he can do a lot of things that make everyone regret. Father and Orthios still talking but at least they don't shout so maybe there are some improvement. Orcress's mental and physical state is terrible so we decided to get him a wheelchair so he doesn't have to walk, learned the fact that you were hypnotise for that long... compare to the moment i lost my arm, he is much worse. We tried to convince him to eat but he just eat a little, i am sad but what can i do, i can't do anything much but watch him, maybe father or Orthios can help but by what method. "You say you will make every moment left in your life worth, do you want to do this for the next nineteen years ?" "..." "Because i know i can't, watching you like this." "Remember when i asked if you can end my existance ?" "Don't talk to me about that, now what, you are afraid of death, you fight so hard, you run so hard from them and now you wanted to give up ?" "..." "Answer me Orcress, you want to give up after everything you have been though ?" "..." "Speak something, answer me ! After everything we sacrificed for... no, after everything you sacrificed for, after everything you gave up for, are you going to gave that all up ?" "..." "I want you to think... are you ready to gave that all up, when you leave, how will other feel... i will give you time for you to think." The future he fought for, i have to believe he won't give up, we are so close to the finish, there is just a few small step and i don't want him to give up. We fought harder than all of us and it isn't time to give up, this is the life that he fought for, the life he sacrificed for, sacrificed his immortality for his freedom and now, this is not the time to give up. But i can't just go in there and stop him, he has to decide everything but the room have surveillance so we can intervene but for now, i want him to think about what should be his direction for the future, we all need time to think. "You let him decide ?" "I let him decide... he should know what to do next, he should know what is his purpose." "I just worry he will do something that filled us with pain." "I believe he will do something that he know that is the best." Trust is only for those who believe in something that impossible to happen but i believe in his strength, i believe in his determination. The Saviour isn't a good man but i believe he is different, Orcress is created by him but Orcress isn't him, he can write his own future and decide what memory he should have. So Orcress, please fight against fate for the first time, please stand up, you can see much more, your future is your to decide and that is what we all need to end this cycle, the pain we been through, i know you can use it to make yourself stronger. Never stop struggling, you are not a patient, you still need to fight and don't let go, you still have nineteen years. "Thank you Higeki, that really touching." And after what i hear, light fill the mansion and i believe Orcress found something more than simple determination, in his hand is something that we thought he forsaken it, something that taken from him. WORLD can't expect this but what he has can change everything, in his hand is a simple instrument, a pure white instrument in his hand, a white conductor baton.
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