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SCARLETT POV My father is finally arriving from his business trip this evening. I could have called him and told him everything over the phone. It just didn’t seem appropriate to drop such a bomb on him over the phone. I made sure the kitchen prepared his favorite meal to soften the blow. He always really liked Michael, especially since he's his godson. It was a relief that Michael didn’t come by today. He had tried visiting the night of the incident and yesterday. The nerve. I had the guard message me when my father arrived so that I could intercept him before he locked himself in his office. I made my way downstairs and caught him right as he entered the house. He smiled broadly at me and opened his arms for me. He had been gone for almost a month. I ran into his arms and enjoyed the safety of his arms. Although I was able to live here while at college, I hardly ever see him. “How have you been darlin’?” He kissed the top of my head and squeezed me. “Good. I missed you daddy.” I turned into a five-year-old in his arms. We pulled away and he started to make his way to his office. I quickly ran in front of him and he halted his steps, giving me a questioning look. “I had your favorite meal prepared for dinner. There is something important I need to talk to you about.” I gave him a pleading look. He nodded his head and went to the washroom to clean up before dinner. I sat at the table going over the speech I had prepared. I wasn’t worried about the wedding being off, I’m sure he would understand. I had more than that to tell him and I wasn't sure if he would try to change my mind. He walked in, taking his seat at the head of the table. Dinner was served and we ate in silence. I wasn’t sure how to start. “Are you going to tell me your important news?” My stalling amused him. “Yes.” I took a deep breath and decided that it was best to get straight to the point. “The wedding is off. I’m moving to Manchester at the end of the month. I will be transferring to Manchester University.” I blurted all of that out in one breath and took a long sip of my drink. Shock. That’s what my father’s face expressed. His fork was full of food, half way to his mouth. When his fork fell and he sat back examining me like I was his quarterly report, I stiffened. He held up a finger and raised one of his thick eyebrows. “Explain.” Was all he said. If only it were that easy. How do I tell him that his godson is a cheating bastard? “I called off the wedding and decided to apply for a transfer to Manchester University.” I said simply. “Why?” His voice was calm but I knew better. He was restraining himself from asking me if I had lost my mind. “Michael isn’t who I thought he was.” I really didn’t want to go into detail but I could tell from the look he was giving me that he wasn’t going to let this go. He seemed disappointed in me. As if I did something wrong. “I walked in on him and Kelly getting it on like dogs in heat. Would you like to see the video?” I didn’t intend to be so crass but I couldn’t help it. I was still so mad. His eyes widened and his jaw clenched. He got up and was half way to the door when he turned to face me. “How did you get a video of them?” He asked incredulously. Oi vey. Why did I have to tell him about the video?! “I was in shock when I saw them. They didn’t notice me, they were kind of busy. I don’t know why, but my first instinct was to document it in some way. I didn’t want there to be any question about what they did.” I didn’t even know it at the time, but I was being very mechanical about it. “Do you think it was a one-time mistake?” He asked, sounding hopeful. “No! Kelly admitted that they had been at it for a year. Even if it was one time, it wouldn’t lessen the betrayal.” I snapped. My father held his hands up, motioning for me to calm down. “I’m sorry darlin’... I just... I didn’t think he was capable of something like that. I would never have allowed him near you if I had known.” He walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. “I understand that you are upset with them for what they did. You shouldn’t run away though.” He was trying to give me advice but he was so wrong. “I’m not running away! I’m taking back the dream that I almost abandoned for him.” I said defensively. He was deep in thought when his phone rang. From the look on his face, he did not seem pleased with the caller. I was almost sure he would take the call from his office but he answered right there in front of me. “Hello there Brent.” His voice was not welcoming when he answered his best friends' call. I wondered if Michael had told Brent what he had done. Was he calling my father pleading his son’s case? Or was he still in the dark? I’m sure that everyone received the notice about the cancelation of the wedding. “Did your boy tell you what he did?” My father gritted each word through his teeth. After a few seconds of silence from my father, he huffed and let out a humorless chuckle. “I suggest you ask your boy what he did.” He hung up the phone and looked at me with a sad smile. “Michael appeared shocked when his father showed him the cancelation notice for the wedding.” The son he never had, that’s what my father would call Michael. “I can send him the video if it would help.” I suggested with a nervous chuckle. He looked at me like I had gone crazy before he threw his head back and laughed heartily. I got out of my chair and walked over to him. Hoping that this was his way of approving of all of my recent decisions. “You’re going to be just fine Scarlett. In fact, you’re better off.” He took me into his arms and soothed my worries away. I was going to do what I had panned with or without his approval. It felt so much better to know that he supported me. He may not always be around, but when he is, he’s the father I need him to be. That’s what matters most.
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