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I rush up into my room and flop on my bed I call my parents, then just lay sprawling out and shutting my eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep. I was somewhere I didn't recognize. I was under a stone gazebo with a variety of pink, red, and white flowers wrapped around the pillars and hanging over the edges, the sky was a clash of colors of reds, oranges, pinks, purples, and blues which reflected over a body of water further ahead. "The house is back that way Kalina." A voice said behind me. "I know. I prefer to take in the sites." I respond back to him. "We have a whole month to ourselves. We can travel around and see the sights tomorrow." "Why wait until tomorrow when's a gorgeous view before me." "You're right about the gorgeous view." I smile at his words and turn to him. "You're corny as hell for saying that Darren." He shrugged in response and pulled me closer placing his forehead upon my own and my breath got stuck in my throat as he stared directly into my eyes. "We're really married. This feels like a dream." Then he lightly pulled away and got close to my lips, "Can I kiss you?" He whispered softly, I responded by pulling his face closer to mine and he got the hint and kissed me. I pulled his body closer to mine and Darren deepened the kiss. I felt my right arm vibrate and looked at it in confusion then Darren spoke. "Don't worry it's just me calling, answer it." I blinked and everything went to black. I woke to my arm vibrating and I saw the reason why, my phone was ringing, I turn it over and see Darren calling and I answer it. "Hello?" "Oh my God, she's alive!" Darren exclaimed, "So where were you the past couple of hours. Everyone was concerned when you didn't reply to them and especially Yas." That woke me fully and I go to check my phone and he's right. "My phone was still on DND from school, I forgot to take it off before taking my nap." "That's weird cuz I called once and you picked up on the third ring." I roll my eyes. "Whatever, I'm alive, not sure what day is right now, but I'll remember it soon enough." I groan out as I rolled over on my bed to see the sunset. I went to sleep around 1:30 and it's 6:18. Damn, that's like 5 hours. "Just had to make sure Kalina. Well, I'm heading back to my dorm. I don't know if you wanna stay on the phone till I head back-" "I'll stay with you." Why did I respond so quickly?! Darren didn't comment on it and we kept talking as he walked to his dorm room. He asked about my day and I asked how his classes were, we asked each other questions like what was your favorite game that came out or was going to be released soon or if you had to travel anywhere like anywhere in the universe where and why would you go? This continued until he was in his dorm room and then the conversation to the Halloween party tomorrow. "So everyone who's going is going to the party is coming to my house to get dressed then we'll leave to go to the party. The girls and Diego will get dressed in my room while the guys dress in the bathrooms." "Diego gets special treatment because?" "What do you mean special treatment? He's in charge of hair and make-up. Along with making sure our costumes are good, and I'm not sure why that seems to be a problem." "It's not, I was joking Kal. I know Diego does yalls hair whenever you go out." Didn't seem like a joke. I open my mouth to respond, but Darren propped his phone up and took off his sweatshirt. His sweatshirt caught in his shirts underneath and exposed his ab-filled stomach. I HAVE TO LEAVE!! I hung up, put my phone on DND, turn off my ringer, and put my phone on the other side of my room, flopping on my bed punching my pillow. The universe hates meeeeee! I pull up my iPad, put that on DND also, and put on some music as I walked down into the kitchen to make myself something to eat and write in my journal. Today isn't my day, at all! As I was writing my dream from earlier another daydream/vision slipped into my mind. I was in Darren's room, I was on his bed, wearing an off-the-shoulder black top with a black flared skirt with two white stripes at the bottom, and knee-high socks with three white stripes at the top. Darren's at the end of the bed playing a game. I smile evilly, just as he was about to take a shot I kicked him in the back making him miss his target. Darren sighed as he didn't turn around to look at me, he just got up put his PlayStation remote where the television was, and everything happened so fast that Darren laid in-between my legs and let his head flop onto my chest before picking his head back up and looking me in the eye. "You came all the way here without a bra on?" I nod shyly in response, and looked away from him, it was silent for a little bit before he said something. "This is what heaven feels like." I laughed and brought my hands together on his back, then sliding my hand upward to his hair and started playing with his hair, feeling his breathing even out and relax further. I continued playing with his hair until I started falling asleep as well. I snap out of my daydream state and look around trying to recollect where I was at the moment. Before collecting my s**t and check through the window to see if my dad was home, but not yet, regardless I go back to my room and sleep. I wake up to the sun shining in my face. I need thicker curtains. I'm tired of waking up early on weekends. I groan as I get up knowing damn well that I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. I feel around my bed for my phone and I shot up when I didn't feel it, then calmed down when I remembered where it was then got embarrassed again when I remembered seeing Darren the way I did yesterday. I look at my phone to see all the missed messages, calls, and notifications from yesterday. Well s**t. Might as well, text them. I take a shower as I wait for their responses, with my phone still on DND. I closed my eyes as I imagined the evening with my friends and then opened them. I should clean my room before they come over. It won't be much to clean up and then check their responses, or check responses and clean at the same time. I shrugged as I thought my options over. I took my phone off DND, turned on my ringer, and got to cleaning up my room. It's now 2:30 pm, I decided to rearrange my stuff so we have more room to change and move around, this is great for when I dance in my room. My phone rings and I look seeing D ask in our group chat. R we still going to ur house Kal?-D Are you feeling ok? U don't have to go if you aren't feeling well.-Yas I see Diego and Cat typing so I respond. Yeah u guys r, sorry I forgot to turn off my DND before I took a nap last night. I toss my phone and begin to finish fixing my room with newfound vigor, preparing for my friends and their boyfriends respectfully.
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