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I look at my phone and I'm still on the phone with Darren, I check the clock, it reads 2:13. "Darren," I call for him and he looks down. "Looks like sleeping beauty is awake." "You could've hung up to save me the embarrassment of snoring in front of you." "It's fine. It was cute, but go back to sleep you have school." I was fully awake at this point. "I was about to tell you the same thing Mr. College Freshman." "I don't have classes till the afternoon, that's why I'm still up," He paused to look down at me, "You, on the other hand, need sleep, and fix your shirt." I look down and see the problem. "Sorry." He shrugged it off looking back at the game as I fixed my straps and my chest. Freaking hate having big boobs. "What are you playing? 2K?" "Yea, Kal, go back to sleep." "Tomorrow's Friday. You know every Friday we have a half-day. It's only a couple of hours and then I can go home, so I don't care." "Don't complain to me on the phone when I call you after school tomorrow." "Yea yea, whatever. If I complain then you're gonna hear me complain. Fight me." "Whatever. Send me ya'lls schedule for this soccer season and what are ya'll doing for Halloween, since you know this year it's tomorrow." I lay back down and look for the schedule to send to Darren. "I don't know. The girls were talking about going to a Halloween party. I've never been to one, so I was thinking of going, why?" "Just curious. I was thinking of hanging out with ya'll. I don't really care for parties, but I'll go." "You have to dress up in a costume." Darren sucked his teeth, "Why? Know what I'll just go in some sweats and a jacket and say I'm a gym teacher." "Imma kill you. Please, Darren, I'll owe you for the rest of my senior year, please!" "What do you want me to dress up as?" "I don't know. Diego is going as Britney Spears, Yas is going as Red Riding Hood, and I'm going as a black Barbie. Match a costume with one of us or go as something else, just dress up." "What about the others?" "Cat and Shawn are going as Coraline and Wybie, cause Cat loves Coraline. D and Payton are going as an angel and a devil." "I'll think about it." I rolled my eyes and closed my eyes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I woke up to my alarm blaring and I groaned. I should've listened to Darren earlier. Regardless I get up and start my routine for school. Showering and brushing my teeth while brushing and combing my hair. I slick my hair back into a bun and put on a dark red hoodie dress that went to my knees that said Black and Smart. I text Darren good morning and head downstairs. I eat and my Mom drops me off at school. Yas comes over to me and booty bumps me into the lockers and I hit my head on the other lockers above me. "Whyyyy?" I whine out holding my head and she laughs as Cat and D round the corner and they also come over. "Cuz you laughed at me yesterday." "So petty, what's for breakfast?" "A bacon egg and cheese sandwich." A student said holding a plate. "Yess, thanks." I love the breakfast sandwiches and would sell my firstborn child for a lifetime supply of these sandwiches. "You had breakfast at home didn't you?" "Don't judge me. I wanna be fat and enjoy some sandwiches cause they're the bomb." I say doing a weird little dance to the counter. "Morning lunch mom." Yas and I both say at the same time. I childishly stick out my tongue at her before turning to the counter and smiling at the lunch lady. I got extra sandwiches along with the three behind me. We thanked her and walked to the Spanish class and started the school day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It's the end of the school day and we're walking to Ashmont. As we walking, we talked about school, work, and finally the Halloween party. "We should invite Darren to go to the Halloween party," D started off. "He asked me what we were doing for Halloween, I told him it was ok as long as he dressed up. I told him to match Yas, Diego, or me or just dress up as something else as long as he dressed up. He said he'll think about it." I replied, "He said he wanted to spend time with us this year, so I think he's gonna come." "We're meeting at the party or going to someone's house and then going?" Cat asked. "What about the guys?" I ask. "Diego can come over and get changed with us and the guys can wait downstairs." Yas "Why do I feel like you're talking about my house?" I asked dreading the answer. "Cuz we were." The three girls said with a shrug. "I hate yall so much, but that's fine. Mommy's working and Daddy's going to an event with his friends. My oldest brother will be with my Dad and my older brother is doing whatever he wants, so everyone can come over from a little bit and get ready." "Yes! You're the best Kalina!" "I know, only when it's beneficial for ya'll." I joke going back to eating my food. "We would never!" "Ok Evy from The Mummy." They gave me a questioning look. Uncultured swines! Great movies, how do you not know these movies?! I silently cried to myself as the others looked at me like I lost my marbles. Cat and I head over to the trolley after seeing Yas and D off. "What are you, Diego, and Yas planning?" "Nothing, we're leaving it alone. Just like you want right? We're leaving it be." I glare at her and she throws her hands up. "I believe you. Tell me when you're home and we have to talk about when you guys are coming over tomorrow." She nods and I quickly hop off the trolley.
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