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He successfully managed to keep myself and my children isolated. Fully removed; issues amongst one another secluded and manipulated into believing that I was completely and totally alone. I was alone, regardless of any, and everyone’s, attempt to remove me from the situation that I had found myself abandoned, defeated and lost to the rest of the world, altogether; separated between and across county lines, isolated from everyone I knew, he successfully managed to cause the inevitable cut off and detachment from, almost (almost) all, of my familial. The few ties and tethers that I managed to hold the threads of became loose. They began unhinging themselves and drifting away, each one, more quickly than the last, floating up and away. At the very end, only one (maybe two) of my sisters remained; left clinging selflessly and hopelessly to drops of dew covering the blades of grass which blanketed an imaginary meadow of our memories. I was alone, despite being blessed enough to share my life, love and maternal nature with four beautiful children. I was alone, despite “having a partner/ being in a relationship” (both of which were anything, other than), in the same way that anyone can (or rather can’t), have, when they’re stuck in an abusive, dead-end relationship. I attempted to drown my thoughts of escape, in the dark, numbing, freezing depths of water that had begun filling my lungs more and more every day. It didn’t matter. My innate nature began to react subconsciously. My actions seemed premeditated, when I hardly even held the capacity to think at all, anymore. My dying mind and heart knew deep down that escaping was exactly what I would have to do to survive. My body reacted, and did what was needed, just as it continues to do every day, exactly how it should have and what I needed it to, in order to survive.
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