The hole called home

1155 Words
“I don’t think it's strange, I think it's cool,” Kelvin, who had been listening to their conversation interrupts as they both looked at him. “Seriously, it looks good on you,” he continued with his gaze directly at Kyle. “Thanks,” Kyle gives him a slight smile then looks forward again. “What’s it called?” Kelvin asked. “It’s a black jean trouser, white top and blue hood jacket,” Kyle replied. “Who made the stitches and where was it made ,” he asks again as at that point Kyle wasn't sure what to say to him because if he told him where they were made they would instigate that he was the promising hero who will deliver them from the three threats. “Guys,” Gilbert called with his hand waving back at them as they all looked forward to him. Kyle was thankful they were interrupted, if not his silence would have caused curiosity which would have stared up suspicions in them. “Come on, we are here,” Gilbert said aloud as Kelvin and Felix both ran off forward toward him and Kyle followed them from behind. They arrived at where Gilbert was standing as they all looked forward. “Wow,” Kyle exclaims softly at sight of the amazing large walls, at sight he thought it impressive as he became curious what lay beyond those walls. “Welcome to Morag, the secret city of the humans,” Kelvin said to Kyle as his gaze was still at the walls. “Inside those walls we will all be safe,” he continued. “Come on, I’m really starting to get thirsty,” Gilbert said to them as he continued his walk towards the building and they followed him from behind. It takes up to forty minutes for them to arrive at the gate as while they were approaching six armed armies were standing at the entrance, three on each side. “Shouldn’t we first introduce ourselves to the armed men,” Kyle whispers to their hearing. “If I were you I wouldn’t do that,” Gilbert, who was the closest to him, replied as they kept moving forward. “They have eyes, right here all they would try to prevent from entering into the City is anything inhuman,” Felix who was ahead of them added. Kyle kept his gaze instantaneous on the stiff soldier's who stood like statues until they made their way inside the city. “How long has it been since the destruction made by the Thracians and how long has it been since you guys relocated to this place?” Kyle directed the question to Felix since he was the one who told him about how their city was destroyed. He thought it impossible for them to have built such a great civilization in the desert in such a short space of time not to speak of the unbelievable walls which surrounded their city which at sight should have taken thousands of years to build. “It's been over nine years now,” Felix replied as they kept moving forward. “Nevertheless the walls you see here had been for thousands of years,” he shift hi gaze sideways to Kyle. “On thing we at sure lucky for is that our kings are people of grew wisdom,” he looked forwards again. “Our late king Graham and others before him knew that a day like this will come so even while we were living in the vegetation they started up this project. At first the people thought it was madness, but as time went on after the destruction they understood the kings reasons. Graham is late and now his son Author is yet to be crowned king as the day of his coronation will be a week from today, we all hope he turns out to be a great king just as his fathers before him were. “What about the queen?” Kyle asked as Felix furrows his eyebrows slightly with his eyes squinted as he keeps his gaze forward. “The queen is still alive, but she is In a critical state,” he looks sideways to Kyle. “She is terribly Ill the truth that this Is the moment her son Author needs her the most as I am afraid she wouldn’t be able to survive,” When Kyle heard this he was a little troubled. “Do you by any chance know what the sickness was or its cause?” “No, no one knows, it just came up a few years ago, the doctors have done all they could to make her better but none of it seemed to work out, most of the specialists said she was being poisoned but wasn’t able to tell by what means this was done,” he replied. “How old Is Author?” Kyle asks again. “He’s going to turn twenty years old this year, luckily his birthday fell on the day of his coronation, which means no events will be done the same day,” Felix answered. Kyle takes his gaze forward as he stares at the city again with great admiration, its beauty and growth to him was still fascinating, also the population of people. They walked past some soldiers as when they kept going in he saw marketers with their products as they occupied the right and left part. “My goodness, can we move a lot faster, the smell of these foods are killing me,” Gilbert groaned as they all laughed out loud. “Yeah you're right,” Saul agrees. “Wait, one last thing, do you guys have a place you reside?” Kyle shifts his gaze to Felix. “Yes of course, what Rat won't have a hole?” Gilbert interrupts Felix when he was about to speak as Felix looks at him. “Hush Gilbert, that was harsh,” Kelvin looks at him. “If that is the case then you should be aware that there are not just three rats living In the hole but four,” Felix said as Saul and Kelvin laughed out loud. “To me it’s notten,” Gilbert looked forward. “Come on,” Saul runs ahead of them as they follow him. It took them one hour to finally arrive at their house as they stopped In front of a small brick house. There were other neighbors living around, most of them had cattle and some birds. “It's indeed a small hole,” Kyle said to their hearing as Saul looked sideways at him. “Well… looks like this hole is now yours too,” Saul looked forward again as he admired the house once more. Kyle wasn't certain if he would love to go inside knowing well his friends are out there unsafe, or within the walls worried.
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