Chapter 4

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Tate’s pov I followed after the older man, trying to remember his name but failing. Silently, we slid into the car parked out front as I quickly sent a text to my Omega Lindsey to gather my belongings and bring them to my room after school. We arrived at the packhouse in record time even though it was about twenty minutes away. There was a packhouse specifically for the Alphas, Betas, and Gammas and their families. Just like there was a packhouse for only the Elite as well. The rest of the pack warriors and Omegas took residence around the town. The Elite man dropped me off in front of my packhouse and drove the car to the lot. I didn’t know if he was coming inside or not, but I forgot about him quickly and went to the conference room, sure that it was the place the meeting was taking place. I stood outside the doors and took a deep breath, then a second one, trying to center myself. It was in this room that I last saw my mother, lying dead on a table. I shook my head, clearing my thoughts as I opened the door. For a moment my eyes snaked over to the area she was lying before my father cleared his throat, annoyed I had paused and failed to introduce myself immediately. I cleared my throat, walking casually to my father's side. “Hello, my name is Tate, the future Alpha of this pack.” I heard murmured hellos and watched as heads nodded. It seemed like what I assumed was right. Two older adults and three teens. I didn’t question it, noticing that there was a small child that looked to be thirteen and assumed it was a little sister. I looked at the elders in the eyes first. “As I was saying before Tate arrived, I understand you worked hard for your positions. But it is not our fault your Alpha was too weak to protect you and ultimately it led to their whole line's demise.” He growled out in disgust and annoyance. I could feel the tension radiating off of the old Dark Wood pack members, making me shift uncomfortably. My father glared at me, annoyed at my nervous habit. I cleared my throat, knowing I had to say something. “There are a few things we could do, father, if you agree.” I started, staring at my father. Alpha Titus nodded at me to continue. “As you all know, each Alpha chooses his Beta and Gamma, and my father has a Beta and a Gamma, as do I. Now, normally we accept their mates as the second Beta and the second Gamma. None of our Gammas or Betas are currently mated. I’m sure we could easily form unions to keep titles if everyone agrees to these unions.” The air was heavy as everyone thought about the decision. Alpha Titus looked at the Beta and Gamma of the Dark Wood pack, who both quickly nodded agreement. My father mind linked his Beta and soon enough, the door was opened and the others filed in. Father’s Beta and Gamma were followed by my Beta and Gamma. “Well, it seems like we have a slight problem with this,” Alpha Titus noticed. His Beta and Gamma were men, and the Dark Wood pack’s Beta and Gamma were females. That was fine, however, there was indeed a problem with the teens. First off, the Beta was a male on both sides. The Gamma was interesting. It turns out both the girls were Gammas. Normally, they only pick one per title, but the Dark Woods pack must have either wanted the two girls to show who was better or decided they were both worthy and was not going to let them marry. The older Gamma was very pretty, looked to be seventeen as well, and was staring at me intently. The younger girl was quivering, tears filling her eyes in despair. “What do you think we should do, father?” I questioned softly. Alpha Titus sat back and folded his hands. “This was your idea, Tate. You figure it out. You’re going to be a future Alpha soon, once you come of age, and I feel you are ready for me to step down.” I frowned, puzzled. I looked back and forth between Kurt and the two Gamma females. Finally, I had an idea. “I think I have an idea. But first I need a minute with my Gamma to see if he’s okay with it.” Alpha Titus nodded and I took Kurt into the side room that I was taken into many years ago when my mother passed away. I shuddered as I looked around, finally resting my eyes on Kurt. “You want me to marry the thirteen-year-old, am I right? Unless you're going to try to convince your father that I can have both women. I don’t think they’d go along with that unless they are fine with a threesome” he joked, wagging his eyebrows at me. I laughed, smacking him on the shoulder. “No. In all seriousness, we have already hit a snag with the Betas. I’m not going to renounce Alarick to have a female Beta for their Betas benefit, he will have to just turn into an Elite or remain an outsider until he submits to us Alphas.” Kurt nodded, waiting for me to continue. “I am expected to find a woman worthy to be Luna and I doubt my father will want me to wait five years for her to become of age. So my idea is that the older female Gamma becomes my future Luna and the younger one becomes your future mate. That way you don’t have to settle down right away, you could keep playing around or become serious, whichever you want to do. I know you’re not interested in marriage, but it gives you a longer time than it gives me. So, honestly, it helps us both out. Are you okay with that?” Kurt frowned, crossing his arms, his dark blue eyes studying me. Finally, he nodded, bowing his head. “I am fine with it. Though I have told you repeatedly, you need to stop seeing me and Alarick as best friends and start commanding us or your father will start yelling at you again.” I nodded, accepting his criticism with ease. I was considered too nice by my father but if it was necessary, then I would command them. Together we walked out and I stood facing my father, my jaw set. “The youngest Gamma will be engaged to Kurt,” I said. There was an out-roar from the Beta and Gamma of the Dark Wood pack. They hoped I would spare the young child and force her at least to be an Elite. My father held up a hand and they quieted down. He nodded at me to continue, knowing there was more to say. I looked at the older Gamma, noticing she was angry. She thought I was going to make her an Elite over the younger girl. I could see the fiery passion she held and nodded, knowing my father would approve of her strength. “As for the older Gamma, she will be engaged to me, to become my Luna.” I finished. She gasped, eyes widening and then narrowing into a cold smile. It was not something I found attractive, but that didn’t matter. We would produce Alpha pups of a very good pedigree and, hopefully, they had Alpha blood, unlike my little sister who was strangely born with none. I nodded to her again and took her cold smile as agreement, turning to look at my father. It shocked me slightly to see he had the same cold smile on his face as well. “Yes, I like that arrangement quite nicely. She is strong indeed and will make a great Luna. Almost as lovely as my dear Silveen, your current Luna.” I nodded my head in agreement. I couldn’t stand my stepmother, but she is a great Luna and I couldn’t discredit her. The little girl was quietly sobbing into the Dark Wood pack's Beta chest as he glared at me. “What about me? I have no one to be betrothed to. It’s not my fault you’re unable to accept women as your Beta or Gamma. Why must I be the only one without a title?” He said with a snarl. I glared at him, but before I could speak, my father stood up. “I understand what you are going through. You had a mate, did you not? You’re eighteen and I heard you had found your mate. She is dead and you will have no other unless the Moon Goddess wishes it. I’m sorry for your loss, but you can find another to love. I did once. Lovette was murdered. And you barely knew your mate. It was for the better she was killed before you marked her, it hurts less.” I watched as the Beta's mouth quivered, the only sign that what my father said was true and bothering him. “But I am sorry we are unable to provide you with a fiancé befitting of your title. You are left with a few options. You denounce your title and submit it to me and become an Elite. Or you stay as a Beta for a Dark Wood pack and be considered a guest until you choose to move on with your life and either accept and be an Elite or leave and go to another pack and try to be their Beta. But I have nothing else I can offer you. Now, shall we proceed with the submitting?” He sat down in his chair and one by one the older Beta and Gamma submitted to him and proceeded to stand with their betrothed men. The Gamma girls submitted to him as well and went to stand by their betrothed, the one to be Luna standing up proudly and glaring at everyone. Lastly, the Beta glared at Titus. “I choose to remain a Beta guest until I am ready to move on.” Alpha Titus nodded his head in acceptance. “Never forget if you decide to stay and want to be an Elite, you will always be welcome to the title.” The Beta bowed his head in acceptance and turned, walking to the door waiting for someone to show him the way. I turned to my new group while my father talked to his in murmurs. “You are betrothed but not married yet. So, for now, you are to be given separate rooms, but not too far away, so that you can get acquainted with us. Kurt, show this girl her room. What is your name?” She looked up at me with widened light green eyes, her long pale blond hair shifting and struggling to get out of the pigtail buns she had on top of her head. “Lilian. Or lily, whichever is easier for you.” She replied with a throat full of held back tears. “Right. Kurt, show Lily a room next to yours. Assign her an Omega to give her whatever she needs. Alarick, I need to speak to my father. Could you show these two to their rooms? I sorry what are your names?” The Beta looked at me with dark chocolate brown eyes, glaring at me. His long blond hair reached to the middle of his back braided and swinging as he turned around to look at me. “My name is Ulric.” He growled out, making me immediately bristle. I had to calm down and smile and nod. The girl had a less mean and more calculated look in her golden yellow eyes that clashed slightly with her shoulder-length straight dark red hair. “My name is Sevra.” She replied in a pouty voice, making me cringe a little. I nodded at them and they all walked away, along with the other Betas and Gammas of my fathers. “How are we to announce them?” I asked quietly. “Tomorrow is your birthday party and everyone will be there. We make the announcement then. The teens start school on Monday and the adults will soon be married, within the month I presume.” I nodded, still slightly excited that my father accepted my plan. I could see the pride in his eyes as he nodded at me. Of course, I had to sacrifice myself to make him proud, but I always knew it was going to happen. At least I will marry higher than he did. Silveen was just an Elite, Sevra is a Gamma. I couldn’t have gotten luckier if I tried.
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