Chapter 9

1695 Words

I had been avoiding Riven at all costs, even though it was killing me. I even asked Beth if I could take a job at Cassy's little book shop. Of course, Beth had been fine with it, so I found myself behind a counter with an old-fashioned cash register in a musty little store surrounded by books. Cassy would be leaving soon for her honeymoon with Merlin, so it had worked out perfectly for both of us. She sat at a table where coffee was served, observing me closely, "You know, sometimes people don't even realize how wrong they are." "Is this about to be a lecture on Riven?" "No lecture. Just follow your heart and the rest will fall into place, even if there are bumps along the way." "Cassy, that's fairytale nonsense, nothing is like that in the real world." "Ah, Minx, always the negat

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