The ambush

1106 Words
     Just as Teodryll said to Anfroy, the army made its way to the borders of the northern realm. The sun was no more and the sky was full of thick gray clouds, surrounded by mountains whose peaks were covered with clouds of storm and nothing else on the horizon. The land was white and the snow crunched as the soldiers marched forwards, some were shivering and some were fine. Teodryll`s soldiers were fine, as Anfroy predicted they have crossed the borders countless times and are in fact used to live into this kind of condition. His soldiers were shivering and had their arms crossed covering their body with every single piece of clothing they could find, the hypothermia was catching up with them.      The worst came when a storm was upon them, it was blowing so hard as it was pushing them back but the army prevailed and pushed back. At night there were screams and hisses from the soldiers because of their wounds, some of them never even made through, sadly the cold got the better of them. The whole army would stop and pay respects and give them a decent burial. Some of them even lost some of their limbs. Their hands and feet became black from the frostbite. Anfroy at one point had to warm up his sword on the campfire and chopped off the leg from one of the soldiers. Everybody knew that he would only be a burden to the others and that perhaps fate should have been kinder to him and maybe he should have died.      “There is nothing we can do for him,” said Cedric as he pulled out his sword and walked toward the soldier.      “No!” Anfroy pushed him back as Cedric looked at him and backed off. He put the sword back into the sword case.      “This is the fate that awaits us…” he turned at his soldiers. “Is this what you want to end up like?” the soldiers chanted amongst each other, they knew their leader was right.      “What are you doing?” Anfroy grabbed him and pulled him aside.      “I am doing the smart thing, as all should you!” he yelled at Anfroy`s soldiers.      “Stop it at once! Nobody is leaving,” ordered Anfroy.      “Enough!” Teodryll intervened. “We are not far now, you can hold on,” he moved away. “Somebody tend to him, we can spare his life,” he stopped at the soldier who got his leg chopped off.      “We are putting our men at risk, and for what?” asked Cedric. “So that we can defend a castle that does not even belong to us?”      “This is more than the fate of one castle, this is about the existence of men. If we don`t defend this castle our villages will fall, I suggest you get your head straight,” Anfroy walked off as Cedric sighed and kept walking forward.   ֎֎֎        The undead horses stopped on a clearing in the forest, the general got off his horse and starred at a man laying against a tree it seemed like he had a wound on his head. The skeleton looked up and saw the canopy of leaves that covered the sky, there was nothing up there, he and the skeleton soldiers moved up to the man as he opened his eyes.      “You should have just kept moving,” said Franco, the skeleton general was confused and looked up as Francis jumped from the tree and stabbed the general in the back. Hugo and Liza did the same for the rest of his followers, but they did not scream nor die, Francis looked at the general`s angry eyes and the skeleton just pushed away Francis as he moved towards the helpless Franco, but Aelizia jumped in front of Franco and casted a protection speel repelling the general back. Cristina`s arrows didn`t do much as well as they just pushed away from the skeletons but they remained persistent and kept coming at them. Francis and Hugo kept fighting them off striking deadly blows but they would just not give up. Aelizia realized that their only weakness is light magic. She stepped up and casted a light ball that struck one of the skeletons and shattered the rusty armor in seconds, Hugo ran up to the armorless skeleton and swished his sword across its rib cage. The skeleton`s bones broke into small pieces before turning into dust, Aelizia casted the same light ball at the second skeleton as Liza killed him off. The general was a different story the light ball did not work on him, Alelizia knew that it was going to take much more than that, she grabbed her staff firmly in both her palms and pointed it toward the skeleton. She casted a light ray directly at him, the general held his ground firmly as the ray pushed him back, he repealed but Aelizia pushed even stronger. Both of them screamed at the immense energy and magic, the grass and leaves below them had already evaporated from the immense scorching heat and what was left was dry sand. Cristina shot an arrow toward the skeleton but the arrow was just burned by the ray`s heat. She pulled another one, now she took some time in her aim and shot the arrow below the ray straight into the knee. The general`s left leg kneeled to the ground but he still kept fending off the ray. Cristina shot another arrow straight into his right side of the stomach as he held the wound and removed the arrow, but what he forgot about was the ray that pierced straight into his chest, the armor repelled the magic but it soon started cracking and it finally shattered in pieces. Aelizia let go of her staff as she barely had strength left to stand up, Francis and Hugo ran up and simultaneously stabbed the skeleton in the chest finishing him off.      “Are you okay?” Cristina ran to pick her up from the ground.      “I`m fine,” she stood up.      “Here,” Liza handed her the water canteen as she took a sip and moved toward Franco who was lying on the ground, she helped him get up as she barely stood as well.      “How`s your wound?” she asked.      “I`m fine, I can walk,” he let go of Aelizia`s support and walked a few steps forward before falling on his face.      “Oh…” Francis ran up to pick him up and carried him.      “We need to hurry up, he needs professional help,” said Liza as she took charge and led the way.
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