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_When I was inside our spaceship in space with Shacktuliam, I discovered that her organism did not breathe the same chemical composition as mine. I realized that I would lose her if I didn't do something to prevent it. The breathable element of Shacktuliam that was in our little navigator was wearing thin, and soon I was going to be alone again. As if this difficulty were not enough, before we left, she had contracted something on her planet, which made her become strangely bulky. I didn't care at first, but seeing that she was in terrible pain I wanted to make her give up on that trip. But as in a short time, she learned to communicate in my Kriishen language, she managed to convince me that it was no longer possible to be without my company. And she claimed that what had made her round was just a mild infection and that she would tell me the details after she got better. _And was her state of health serious, highness? Asked Krashiri in dismay. _Yes Krashiri ... I think it was. _And your royalty did not know what it was really about? _Of course not Krashiri. I was never an expert in medicine and I hadn't even studied the physiology of other beings _But it didn't end on the navette, isn't it royalty? _No Krashiri, of course not and you know ... But she came very close to that. When she stopped moving, I panicked and as it had never happened to me, I felt that there were changes within me. Instinctively I took her in my arms and watched as two tiny drops of water fell from her eyes. I followed her trajectory as if it were the most important thing at that momentus and when those waters entered her mouth, I realized how much I cared about that female. I thought about what I could do at that moment to prevent her from going to the realm of eternal forgetfulness, for lack of the vital element for her breathing. I pressed my face to hers and with my mouth, I covered her mouth. I was breathing through my nose, and blowing into her mouth ... Okay, I don't know how, but my body had found a way to process the breathable element that it needed and in a short time she was breathing in tune with me. I kept thinking about what I had done, because everything was lost for her, for me ... for us. Thankfully, I had tried something, as it made all the difference and she would survive. _So our soldiers found you two intact, royalty? _Yes, they found us and accommodated us in the best possible way, and provided a nasal micro filter so that she could breathe on our planet too, and all because everyone respected me. As I was on board one of the few ships that had remained from the once great imperial fleet, we arrived in a short time and fearing the reaction of my brother the emperor, I asked the pilots and the rescue crew to not comment on my companion. . I couldn't take the risk of displeasing him, so we arrived at Kriishi Meriam and I was received with parties and joy by my people. My brother was also very happy to see me, but the joy lasted until he knew that only I among my brothers had survived and that he was accompanied by a female from an un cataloged race, from an un cataloged planet. And what was worse than that, in addition to this planet not being properly cataloged in our galactic map, any of its species were strictly f*******n to have contact with any of our race.
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