An Unhappy Return

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_As soon as I returned from the various searches for you, I became a lowly servant of the emperor who, increasingly saddened, ordered me to do things that were not my responsibility, and for this reason I was unable to follow the progress of your adventure, my royalty. So tell me, Mr. Tallium, did the emperor arrest your royalty? _At first not, but he wanted to. He said that he needed to talk to me alone and that it was very important. _And your companion? _She was arrested immediately. _And didn't your royalty try to stop it? _Only screamed at them. I could not bear to see our imperial guard treating the one who had dedicated himself so hard for me. _And what was the guard's reaction to your cry? _None. They were accustomed to repressing multitudes of our own race, when they were furious at the excess fees that our emperor charged them. And it was not going to be a simple cry of mine that would make them obey. _But he didn't feel like reacting, your highness? _Of course I did, but I was tired, hungry, anxious and angry and these four combinations were never good companions for me. So without anyone waiting I attacked the imperial guard to rescue what belonged to me. _And they did not prevent your highness? _They tried, but I was beyond their capacity. My reflexes, my strength, were far greater than I remembered. Something had happened to me in space and I had changed, and yet I had no idea what had caused this transformation. _Using absolute ferocity on our own planet is subject to punishment, Mr. Tallium. So that is why your highness ended up defeating the imperial guard? _No Krashiri. Strange as it may seem, I did not use my absolute ferocity to defeat the imperial guard, but unfortunately I did much more than defeat it, I ended up completely destroying it and when I found out, my brother pointed out his most new war weapon design, Sheri Bolghus. And if it were used, it would destroy me completely. "Now enough, Tallium!", He had said at the time. _So he agreed to release his female, your highness? _On the contrary, I was also arrested and my brother was accompanied with me to make sure that I would not try something foolish. Then he came to me, when I was already under the influence of stunning drugs and told me that I had contracted the same plague from the female that I had brought, so he would not blame me for the annihilation of his imperial guards and that he would try to save me. However, the female was already doomed and in a terminal state of illness. _And what did he do to your highness? _Put me in complete isolation, impossible to escape and my companion put in another place that I do not know which, until today. It was only later that I learned that she was getting worse and worse and I was surprised to know how much she had resisted. I didn't know how she was still breathing our element, since it was harmful to her too. Probably the guards had not changed their nasal breathing filter at the behest of the emperor who alerted everyone of her contagious disease. I don't know how much tempus passed, because I was always under the influence of something that the emperor ordered to be applied to me. But a deacon came to me with news of a double misfortune. That she had left for the realm of eternal oblivion at the same time they sent her to her home planet. I despaired and begged my brother to let me go to see her, before they burned her body in flames to avoid the possible contagion. But turron as he was, he denied me that opportunity, to see my sweet and beloved Shacktuliam for the last time. Tallium sighed, hiding his face bathed in brilliant drops of water. _She wanted to tell you a secret, your highness. _What are you talking about Krashiri? Asked Tallium, his face already dry _From Shacktuliam your companion. _And what is this secret? And why have you never told me before? _I couldn't, not until the right momentus arrived. _And what is this secret? Tallium asked shakily. _That she would never forget you, and in the language she taught me, she would never stop loving you. _Why did you never tell me about it, Krashiri? Have you ever wondered how much tempus I suffered without knowing anything to appease my pain, my longing and my sadness? Not knowing anything to appease my long suffering? And Tallium advanced towards Krashiri to grab him again. _You have no idea what I went through Krashiri.
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