Krashiri Wants to Chat

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Tallium knew that his brother said these things just to provoke him, because since his companion had left for the realm of eternal oblivion [she died], he showed no interest in any other female of his species and his sense of humor had moved on. extinguished and the emperor always looked for some occasion to irritate him Tallium no longer had anything to do there, he had lost his tempus for nothing, although he should have foreseen it. He saluted his brother once more, bending his body to revere him: _Isshii Kriishium! Emperor. And he hurried out towards the gates that were already beginning to open, when a squeaky voice bothered him. _Wait Tallium, please wait! _I am not intimate with you Krashiri and I have a title before my name. _Forgive me, I rectify my mistake, O great Kriish Tallium. _Don't you need to exaggerate what you want? _I would like to talk to your royalty. _So it's not me, I'm not royalty, Krashiri. _Forgive me once more, O most great brother of my emperor. But I really need to talk to you. _Then talk Krashiri, what is so important to tell me? _Not here, nor now, it is not safe for me. Can I find you later? Then a shout was heard from the palace: _Krashiri! You Shilluvian worm, where are you? _I am already going your intriguing majesty. He screamed in response. Tallium looked at that comic picture with pity, then that servant of his emperor brother with pleading eyes pleaded: _Please, if you don't accept now, I don't know when I'll have another chance ... Yes? And with his eyes full of brightness [Full of tears.] He went away. _Okay Krashiri, but stop whining, this is shameful. After all you are a kriishen and you are part of a warrior race. Do not forget that. And the little kriishen feeling a little more important, he repeated: _Yes, a warrior race, the biggest of all. I will not forget that. _Then be in my cazzio [house.] In seven cycles and fifteen miclos [minutes. ], neither more nor less. _I'll be there, thanks big ... _Now get out of here. Tallium surprised him with a half smile on his lips as he went to his cazzio, which even near the palace, although within reach of his brother the emperor's hands, was far from the other onlookers. The emperor himself knew that if Tallium wanted to run, he would run and could not be stopped. After all, Tallium was directly responsible for the beneficial evolution that affected his planet and all his people. With his great inventive genius, he was causing revolutions in the industrial food sector, where processing factories were already launching their products ready to be consumed at the speed that their eyes blinked. In terms of armaments, it was dozens of different configurations for the same weapon that remodeled itself according to the need for greater or lesser firepower. If there was a stupendous aerial defense close to the ground, it was because of the wonderful gliding wings also developed by Tallium. This was a way of compensating for the deficiency of their powerful ships that would cause more destruction to their own people than to the enemy that attacked in several places near the inhabited surface of the planet. Such an invention, however, did not allow it to be used, to raise more than a quarter of kalimons in altitude, being efficient only when its enemies were already on the ground, becoming easy prey, but things did not happen as fast as Tallium wished. He was one and his builders were unable to follow neither his ideas nor his complex reasoning for the best development of things. Resulting in a large number of obsolete inventions, due to the lack of supervision by Tallium himself. It is true that he had been working at a fast pace for a long time, so that if he continued at that pace, they believed that he could end up getting sick in a way that not even the revitalizing machines could help him, thus compromising the work of the whole team. But in exorbitant health, he believed that in one way or another, he would see Rhaór explode before that. his brother could delegate many powers to Kriishi Meriam, he was more than an accomplished warrior and he feared no adversary, regardless of race. Armed or unarmed, he had never run away from a fight, but what he had to be skilled at war, he seemed to lack in common sense, as he was headstrong. How could Tallium do anything against Rhaór? Even if his technology was a million times higher than the existing one, there would be no way to intimidate a force of the galactic nature with weapons or any military apparatus. If it were necessary to blow up Rhaór, he would probably find a way to do it. But to contain an explosion of such a gigantic proportion as that which Rhaór would cause was impossible. Toc toc! The old way of knocking on the door took him out of his daydreams and brought him back to reality. He looked at the tempus marker [Clock.], Seven Cycles, fifteen Miclos and five Ticlos [Seconds]. From when he visited his brother until now, the tempus had passed by shortening in such a way that he was absorbed in his thoughts, he did not feel. _You are late Krashiri. Tallium spoke looking again at the tempus marker on the wall. _Please, Kriish Tallium, let me in. _Push the door. Then the door started to open slowly, while light steps entered the room that resembled a labortarium [Laboratory] more than a cazzio from the imperial family. It was Krashiri who was walking with some difficulty, hiding something from Tallium. _A bad Diáclo [day] today Krashiri? _No Kriish Tallium. Diáclo good, very good. Krashiri replied while disguising his true intent by meeting Tallium, drawing his attention. _Then why are you almost walking sideways? _The emperor was in a bad mood after you left. _Ah! I'm sorry Krashiri. I didn't mean to make your job any more painful. _No need to feel sorry for me, I do not deserve it. _Why this inversion of self-esteem? Didn't I tell you a few cycles ago that you were part of a warrior race? _And I said that to the emperor too. _Said? And what did he answer you for? _Nothing, just laughed and made me fly as if I were flying a fast navigator ... Very fast until I hit the wall and fell to the ground. _I really am sorry Krashiri, I ended up complicating your life a little more, wasn't it? _I can't think like that Kriish Tallium, my life was already very complicated, but now I believe that it will improve a little. _I'm not understanding you ... Wait ... You didn't come alone Krashiri ... What does that mean? What betrayal is this? A shadow creeping between the many pieces of equipment dismantled on the huge table in the cazzio, left Tallium in a state of complete alert. Never in his life had he had such an experience, this intruder would repent and pay for this affront to his own life. Invading the palace was a crime worthy of immediate execution and as his cazzio was on the perimeter of the castle, soon his home was part of the castle and because he was a member of the imperial family, this gave him the full right to comply with and enforce the law.
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