A Stranger At Cazzio

1287 Words
His brother could delegate many powers to Kriishi Meriam, he was more than an accomplished warrior and he feared no adversary, regardless of race. Armed or unarmed, he had never run away from a fight, but what he had to be skilled at war, he seemed to lack in common sense, as he was headstrong. How could Tallium do anything against Rhaór? Even if his technology was a million times higher than the existing one, there would be no way to intimidate a force of the galactic nature with weapons or any military apparatus. If it were necessary to blow up Rhaór, he would probably find a way to do it. But to contain an explosion of such a gigantic proportion as that which Rhaór would cause was impossible. Toc toc! The old way of knocking on the door took him out of his daydreams and brought him back to reality. He looked at the tempus marker [Clock.], Seven Cycles, fifteen Miclos and five Ticlos [Seconds]. From when he visited his brother until now, the tempus had passed by shortening in such a way that he was absorbed in his thoughts, he did not feel. _You are late Krashiri. Tallium spoke looking again at the tempus marker on the wall. _Please, Kriish Tallium, let me in. _Push the door. Then the door started to open slowly, while light steps entered the room that resembled a labortarium [Laboratory] more than a cazzio from the imperial family. It was Krashiri who was walking with some difficulty, hiding something from Tallium. _A bad Diáclo [day] today Krashiri? _No Kriish Tallium. a good diáclo,  a very good one. Krashiri replied while disguising his true intent by meeting Tallium, drawing his attention. _Then why are you almost walking sideways? _The emperor was in a bad mood after you left. _Ah! I'm sorry Krashiri. I didn't mean to make your job any more painful. _No need to feel sorry for me, I do not deserve it. _Why this inversion of self-esteem? Didn't I tell you a few cycles ago that you were part of a warrior race? _And I said that to the emperor too. _Said? And what did he answer you for? _Nothing, just laughed and made me fly as if I were flying a fast navigator ... Very fast until I hit the wall and fell to the ground. _I really am sorry Krashiri, I ended up complicating your life a little more, wasn't it? _I can't think like that Kriish Tallium, my life was already very complicated, but now I believe that it will improve a little. _I'm not understanding you ... Wait ... You didn't come alone Krashiri ... What does that mean? What betrayal is this? A shadow creeping between the many pieces of equipment dismantled on the huge table in the cazzio, left Tallium in a state of complete alert. Never in his life had he had such an experience, this intruder would repent and pay for this affront to his own life. Invading the palace was a crime worthy of immediate execution and as his cazzio was on the perimeter of the castle, soon his home was part of the castle and because he was a member of the imperial family, this gave him the full right to comply with and enforce the law. Even though he was Krishific [peaceful], it was impossible to forget that fluishin [Blood.] of a legitimate Kriishen flowed through his veins. And in a fraction of Ticlos, he already had one hand on Krashiri's neck and the other hand on a strange and very thin sword, apparently too fragile to withstand a single attack from a normal sword. Suspicious that this could only be the beginning of a perfidious ambush, he looked the other way, looking for some other companion of that little rascal Krashiri, who might want to catch him off guard. Always attentive, when he glances at one of his trophies, he can see the blurred face of the invader reflected. A figure continued to move subtly until it hid in the shadows behind a protruding wall. Dressed in various pieces of clothing and hidden in the shadows, he did not allow himself to be identified nor did he show what his real intentions were. But Tallium, with anouciclos of experience, knew what to do and decided to ignore this mysterious figure, who took advantage of every dark corner of his cazzio to sneak in and observe everything that was there without being hindered. Finally, a somewhat high-pitched voice, from a distance, still in the shadows, asked with remarkable concern that he would not end little Krashiri's life. _Please do not annihilate him! He is not to blame. _Guilt of what? Tallium asked impatiently. _To be here. _And who are you? _I am ... Kriish ... Shangrall. He responded hesitantly. _Please, O very great Kriish Tallium, release me that I do not wish your harm. Still gripped by the neck, Krashiri's threat was ridiculous. _If I let go, I leave here without causing harm to anyone. _I wanted to see you try Krashiri. Meanwhile, the intruder's voice was trying to impress Tallium, speaking in a lower pitch. _Release my friend, Mr. Kriish Tallium. _Otherwise what? You shadow pup. _I'll show you who the puppy is. _No Shangrall, do not do this, please, or you will ruin everything. But it was too late, as the figure who was wrapped in old and torn clothes wielded a sword, very old too, but which still contained some cut in its thread. He advanced furiously on Kriish Tallium, who did not know whether he would defend himself or laugh. Finally seeing that his little opponent really wanted to hit him, he decided to react accordingly. Meanwhile, little Krashiri was already wanting to escape and was desperately looking for a place to hide. Kriish Tallium seemed to be enjoying himself, as he had not participated in a fight in a long time, but his real training could not be erased from his mind or from his instincts that told him that this duel was not a cause for concern. However his opponent was gaining space and even with an old sword, he showed that he had the strength to wield it. But he lacked the experience that young age had not yet given him. Even though he had good agility, he attacked without much skill or technique, with Movimentus [Movements.] Imperfect and moved only by a bad feeling of anger. Clancs and cluncs were heard all the time and it seemed that at some momentus [Moments.] Something was going to happen, someone's suarten [Luck] could end at any moment. _ Now enough as a joke or you will end up breaking something important. _Yes, some part of your body, for sure. Teased your opponent. _Rakrushi! [Scream of indignation similar to "lightning and thunder!"] Screamed Tallium discreetly pressing a tiny button on the hilt of his sword. Zuim! Crash! There was once an opponent's sword, which broke in half. _You used a dirty trick with me, this is not valid. the intruder replied. Tallium was already impatient. _Don't a***e your suarten [Luck.] Cub of the shadows. And he grabbed him by the neck, wanting to shake his head to knock off the strange turban that covered his head and some rags that partially hid his face. _And why not? He spoke boldly trying to hit Tallium in the face, which made him even more angry. _Because it can end well before you think. Then Tallium shook him violently, while threatening to pierce the bold man's body with the sword that kept buzzing and shining an opaque and almost imperceptible light of energy on his blade.
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