Tallium Ends The Fight

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Krashiri's wide, frightened eyes looked like they were going to pop out of their sockets. Still falling to the ground due to the push that Tallium had given him as soon as the fight with the stranger had started, he seemed to be gathering the courage to get up and try to explain what was happening. And dragging himself cowardly to meet Tallium, he pleaded on his knees: _My great Kriish Tallium, owner of my life and mighty warrior, I humbly ask you to spare my life and the life of this one who is in your hands ... And with a little pause he completed. _And at the tip of your sword. _It is better that you start explaining to me exactly what is happening here. Tallium demanded, however, without letting go of his victim's neck that he was already becoming unconscious. _I'll tell you everything, greatness, but right now I ask you not to tell the emperor anything about it. As you know, he has little patience and could annihilate me. _Don't worry about that Krashiri. If I do not like what you are going to tell me, I will finish you myself and give what is left to my brother. _Oh no! Don't tell me that. I know that your greatness, besides being an excellent warrior, is also Krishífic [Pacific.] And has a good pump [Heart.]. _Since I am not provoked in my own cazzio. _But it has a good pump, doesn't it have your greatness? _And a good sword too ... Do not confuse things. Ploft! _And take the karkaço [carcass.] From that puppy from the shadows of my presence. Screamed Tallium, releasing his opponent completely immobile to the ground. And being annoyed by that unpleasant event in his home, he aimed a kick and with it, he threw away the one Miclos behind was being choked by Tallium's thin, but vigorous fingers. Observing the strength of Tallium's kick against his protégé, Krashiri couldn't help commenting: _Like the emperor. Your greatness is really part of imperial royalty. _Krashiri, don't make me lose tempus. I have many important things to do. So be quick and objective, because I've already lost too many Miclos with you. And by the way, who is this useless you are protecting? Krashiri rushed to him, helping to lift a body that still showed signs of immobility from the ground. He tidied up his ragged and torn clothes first, and then his immense turban, old and clumsy. The slowly recovering figure looked frightened sideways, trying to lean on something in that room, because Krashiri did not seem to be strong enough to support him. _Who is this useless karkaço, Krashiri? _It is someone who needs your protection, O imperial greatness. _Stop flattery, I am not my brother and I am not an emperor either. Be quick and objective in your responses, or I will do you worse than I did your protégé. _Unfortunately I will take a little while sir, because I will have to tell you many details of this story, to prove that it is true. _Still so Krashiri I insist that it be as soon as possible, or I will make you regret the cycle that you were born. _I will try to be brief my lord, I will try yes. A few anouciclos behind our small fleet of spacecraft equipped with powerful raw matter feedback engines, went out to wage war on the planets closest to our sector. _We have always done this Krashiri. _Yes royalty, but these anouciclos were the first, painful but very special for someone. Especially for the emperor who tested the speed of his conquests using his most recent ships. We didn't have the resources now and everything was very rustic, although we were ahead of any other race in technology, we were tired of going so far to plunder. Our long-distance ships did not give any comfort to the Kriishen soldiers and the return with the defeated enemies on board, next to us, ended up stressing us out even more. Most of our warriors, not enduring so much tempus in confinement, freaked out and got into friction with our prisoners, who languished in droves as a result. That's when we didn't arrive on a planet that only had dust, ice or stones. So sometimes we traveled far away just to be disappointed, in addition to the long and tiring return. _You can continue Krashiri. Tallium agreed, remembering how the technology of his race was still precarious in many ways, until he improved it. _Thank you sir. Well, knowing this, our emperor decided that we would continue to travel through space and dominate all the planets, but only those that were close to our space quadrant. [ Solar system. ] But so that we would not be totally unaccustomed to the difficulties of war, he sent us to the planet called Plantares, one of the furthest from our multiverse, but still close compared to the ones we were going before. As this planet had already been visited by one of ours, we knew that its resistance was going to be low and its raw material, the abundant wood, would benefit us a lot. _I remember this. Tallium agreed. _We were excited by what we thought we would find. And that helped in our spirits, because we could not use the impulse to infinity [Jump into hyperspace. A fictitious shortcut to cover great distances in space and in a short time.], The technology of our ships was worn out, the distance was dangerously short for that and threatened to tear themselves apart if they did it more than once per trip. We had to settle only for the thrust of the engines with a lot of force, but little speed. I myself often wanted to tamper with their systems, but my brother, the emperor, prevented me from doing so, calling me a curious adventurer. Tallium looked on with regret, recalling all the disappointment he had given his brother at the time. _I'm sure yes. Our emperor did not trust anyone and precisely at that time you were responsible for half of the fleet that would support us, in case something came up that would resist our first attack. And the emperor did not want to suffer any casualties because of some off-cycle repair on his ships. Reported Krashiri. _Yes, for the first time, my brother had given me the command of half the fleet and the order to fight without casualties in his people and I tried not to disappoint him. But a cloud of cosmic dust, charged with kriishigamma radiation [A Kriishen variation of the real gamma rays.] Affected our navigation instruments and we ended up on another planet by mistake. Tallium counted this part with remarkable sadness. _Yes, and in the meantime in the other half of the fleet, of which I was a flight reporter, our first attack was not successful because we encountered much greater resistance than we expected. And for very little, we were not shot down on our first appearance. But our captain didn't have the same suarten and he blew up half the ship when we got too close to the ground. Krashiri, however, seemed excited by the narrative he was doing. _I know ... Because of the imperial rule number one, of being f*******n to ask for help, almost all of you were disintegrated. But as I was in charge and had just found the true route, to the enemy planet, I ordered my fleet would advance quickly and attack anything that looked like a firing tower. Now Tallium seemed recovered from his past sadness, but he was not as excited as Krashiri, who remembered his past in astonishing detail. _Yes, royalty, it was close. We still lost some of our ships, but that made no difference in our great victory. Exclaimed Krashiri as if he had just won that fateful war from his past. _Great victory, Krashiri? Tallium was outraged. _I think this is not quite the term to be used.
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