Without Compassion

608 Words
Author: Kall.Berti Editor & Translator: Shaduum _Do so Shangrall, go back to your house and when you are able to talk, you can return and I will be waiting for you. _If so, I'm already going. She replied irritably. And she left without saying goodbye, without looking back and without noticing a tear that was beginning to trickle slowly from Tallium's eyes, who did not understand what was happening. And soon afterwards in the palace, without looking at anyone's face, Shangrall avoided the gaze of the warrior soldiers and the curious Krashiri. She went to her chambers and even before going up to the rester, she heard a violent knock on the door, which she opened immediately. _My emperor! She said startled. _What does my lord do here? _I believe that this question belongs to me. He replied sharply. _I couldn't stand the face of that one, who you say is my father. _Plaft! It was the emperor's response in the form of a dry and violent slap. _We say? Krashiri and me? _Plaft! _Forgive me my emperor. _You don't know what obedience is, do you? _Plaft! _I already said my lord, forgive me. _I gave you an opportunity. _Plaft! _What opportunity? She asked during one of the slap breaks. _You redeem yourself before me and your other father, showing a minimum of respect for us. _Plaft! _Stop my lord, please don't hit me anymore. _I'm not hitting you. _Plaft! _If I were hitting you, you wouldn't be talking ... You wouldn't even be standing. _Plaft! _I'll go back there, do as you please, but don't hit me again, please. _Nobody rules the emperor! _Plaft! It was the last thing Shangrall heard before completely blacking out [fainting]. _Krashiri you worthless worm. the emperor shouted angrily. _Yes, my overwhelming master. _Less Krashiri, less, please. I'm not in the mood for these flattery of yours. Take Shangrall and put her in the real restorer and hit the dial to perform her recovery at the minimum level, level five. _Are you sure sir? Asked Krashiri fearfully. _Even you are questioning my Krashiri orders? _Tump! And there went Krashiri flying low because of a powerful right punch from the emperor. he fell less than ten paces from the emperor and on the floor unconscious, beside him was Shangrall. _I ... I ... I don't know if I can handle taking Shangrall, my emperor. I think I'm all broken. _Great, so next time you will not question me. _Yes, O great real pitcher. _And now dial number five for you too ... _But sir, number five restores, but does not relieve pain. _Exactly what I want. What sense does it make if I apply the rules if they leave no memory? If it continues like this, soon our entire race will question my actions as you did and I cannot allow that. May you suffer, that you may set an example, and do not suffer my kriishens. _Yes, my great space highness. _Now get out of here Krashiri, and take this worthless, even if it is like an animal that it is. Dragging her by the braids. _You don't have to worry about me, sir, I can handle myself. I don't need to be dragged by anyone, let alone that footman. _What do you have against him Shangrall? Asked the emperor, astonished to see such petulance in a Kriishen female. _Everything, mainly because he is part of the useless and worthless kriishen race in the Harvest City. _Just like you, little kriishen? Asked the emperor, staring into his eyes. _Yes ... Just like me ... Like me, my emperor? Replied Shangrall in surprise.
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