No Mercy

1076 Words
Author: Kall.Berti Editor: Shaduum Three cycles had passed and the small door of the restorer was opening and Shangrall, although feeling well, still felt her face on fire from the despicable slaps she had received from her father, the emperor. _How are your highness? Asked Krashiri visibly concerned. _And how should I be, you worm? Shangrall replied stupidly. _I just wanted to know if you feel any pain in your body. He insisted, showing pity and curiosity. _Of course I'm fine. She lied. _Are you sure, little highness? _I heard you perfectly when my father sent you to set the dial to number five. So how do you think I would be, you useless? She did not understand why Krashiri was so insistent. _It's because I put it at number four, little highness. Confessed Krashiri finally. _You disobeyed my father? She asked him without believing what she had just heard. _Yes ... Yes. Krashiri replied, already regretting his act. _You know that being his daughter I can punish you, don't you? She smirked. _Yes, I know, little highness, but I did it for you. he replied feeling that it was too late to regret it. _Can I ignore this or ... Shangrall said making a play on words to confuse Krashiri. _Yes thanks highness ... he thanked her sweating. _But I am not finished yet, Krashiri. Her malicious smile grew. _You can ... Continue your highness. Krashiri finished in shame. _Or I can tell my father ... What do you choose? _Don't say anything to your father, little highness, I beg you. And I can be punished ... But please, don't say anything to the emperor. _Okay, Krashiri, you know what is best for you. And so I will do as you ask, but you will still owe me a favor. _As you want little highness ... As you want ... _So let's go to the training room, so my dad won't suspect anything. _Yes let's go. And Krashiri was trembling from head to toe, trying to imagine how Shangrall would punish him. _Do you know what I like most about this training room, Krashiri? _No little highness. _The diversity of rustic weapons that my father insists on bringing from the defeated races. _It is so that we can learn how our enemy fights. _I think this is a tremendous uselessness, not the weapons, these I admire and admit that I even feel a certain passion for them, even though at times they seem so primitive. _These weapons are from a people far below us on the evolutionary scale, little highness, and we always observe how they use their weapons, so that we can apprehend and defeat them with their own weapons. _But why learn to fight with an inferior race if we can do much better than any of them? And one more thing Krashiri, when you say "we", are you including yourself too? _Yes, little highness. _Because a garbage like you ... Tunc! _It should never even exist, which will say it wants to match a warrior race like us, the true kriishens. Tunc! It was Shangrall attacking Krashiri with a wooden club, hitting him on the back and feet until he fell, keeping his head very close to the club, which was now wet with his bodily fluids, which were running down his body. _A garbage ... A worm ... See how you stink. How can you believe that you are part of the kriishens? _Please, little highness, don't hit me so hard, I'm already old and I can't take so much punishment. _See how you bastard talks to me. Tunc! _Please, little highness ... Stop. _All right, just because you're asking me, I'll change my form of punishment. I'm going to give you this thing called a shield and you're going to try to defend yourself. If you manage to stay three times in a row without taking a single hit, then I stop the punishment. Is it good for you like that?_Thanks little highness. Krashiri is very grateful. _Slapt! It was the rustic weapon that Shangrall had chosen. It was painful and treacherous. It circled the arzio, whistling like a turbine from a Galardem, the emperor's small, fast war spaceship for private use. _Ouch! little highness! This weapon is more terrible. _Slapt! And with that weapon she hit Krashiri's already sore back. _And why is she more terrible Krashiri? _Slapt! _Ouch! She catches me by the flanks and I can't defend myself. _Slapt! _The idea is precisely this ... This is a punishment and not a duel. _Slapt! _But this primitive weapon is very terrible. _Brilliant Rhaór! I missed the blow. said Shangrall _Slapt! _Ouch! Not this time. _Slapt! _I missed the blow again, I can't believe it. _Slapt! _Don't forget little highness, if I deviate three times, your highness ends my punishment. _Slapt! _This will not happen your worm, I am a Kriishen princess. _Slapt! _Ouch! _Slapt! _And I will never miss the blow again. _Slapt! _Please stop. Have pity on me. _Slapt! _I do not know what it is, because it is something that my father, the emperor did not teach me. _Slapt! _Ouch! Learn from Tallium little highness, learn from your other father. _Slapt! _I have no other father! _Slapt! _And I don't want another father. _Slapt! _My only father is the emperor. _Slapt! _And he is not afraid of anything. _Slapt! _And he does not obey anyone. _Slapt! _Do not forgive. _Slapt! _And do not forget too. _Slapt! _Did you hear your useless worm? Did you hear Krashiri? Krashiri! You can't leave me talking to myself like that. Do you hear me Krashiri? But Krashiri was covered in his bodily fluids and unconscious. Because he didn't have a single part of his body that wasn't hurt. Then Shangrall feared and left him on the floor and ran to his rooms, changing clothes for one that made her more comfortable and prepared to sleep hidden somewhere in the palace. Perhaps she would pass the nouge in some dungeon that had not yet been used by anyone, the important thing was not to be detected by the emperor, as she knew that if he caught her for what she did to Krashiri, her punishment would be terrible. She was determined, she would go to the cazzio of Tallium for the morning, before the birth of Rhaór. And thinking how happy he would be with her return, she laughed maliciously.
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