Only One Option

496 Words
Author: Kall.Berti Editor & Translator: Shaduum Tallium did not want to believe what he was hearing because he feared the decision of his most precious asset in the momentus. _From what I understood in the diaclo of the discussion with the emperor, when I discovered the truth, I would have only one option. _And what option would that be? Tallium asked, already suspicious of the answer. _I think I don't need to talk about it, dad. But make sure of one thing, it's about my destiny. Tallium was disturbed by her daughter's response, she seemed not to be very comfortable with that subject. _I can't understand my brother's reasoning. At the same time that he seems kind to me, he also shows mercilessness. _He is a very possessive father, and what is his, no one can ever enjoy. _Then why did he allow you to come and meet me? _Maybe pain in the conscience. Krashiri replied promptly. _Consciousness? Ache? Could Krashiri explain himself better? _See well royalty, according to your calculations, our Rhaór will become a super new one and then ...Cabum !! Our planet, our civilization, will cease to exist. Then, in a rare act of piety, he decides that his dear brother, who is you, sir, will finally know the truth. After all, if we all go to the realm of eternal forgetfulness, why not do it in an easier way? _Easier Krashiri? Like this? _Simple royalty, without remorse and without guilt. _I do not know Krashiri, my brother does not seem to be that type of kriishen who cares about good feelings, but in any case, I will grant you the benefit of the doubt. _I have to go, dad. Shangrall interrupted. _But that fast? Tallium was surprised with a terrible sense of loss. _If I manage to please the emperor I will be able to come here more often. Shangrall almost apologized. _And how do you intend to do that? Tallium suspected. _I will have to deceive him. She disagreed with another excuse that did not convince Tallium. _And how do you think about doing that? Now was the momentus to catch her in contradiction _Saying that you did not let Krashiri say a word, that we fight and because of that we will resolve later. She was quick with excuses, blatantly a liar, but Tallium didn't care about that, he needs her. He desperately needed her company. _Are you sure it is safe to do this? Tallium still insisted on seeing if she held on to her purpose. _No ... But I will do it the same way. It was a masterpiece, giving as an answer something that could not be denied. _So be careful Krishaliam, I will be rooting for you. Tallium replied, with the certainty that her daughter would hardly be sincere with him, because as soon as she met him, she already showed that she did not like or trust him at all. It was really a shame.
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