Back To The Emperor

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Author: Kall.Berti Editor & Translator: Shaduum Shortly thereafter, in one of the many halls of the kingdom, was the emperor Kriish g*n Kallium, doing what he liked best ... fighting. Upon seeing Krashiri, he paused for an instant, giving his opponent an opportunity to hit him with a sword stroke, seriously injuring him. _So Krashiri, how was the negotiation? _Ó greatest highness, my emperor was wounded. Krashiri spoke, showing apprehension for his majesty. _This here? Now, don't make me laugh. And with just a swipe of a sword, he blocked another attack at the same time that he was passing through his opponent, who did not even have the opportunity to understand the maneuver that had destroyed him. _So Krashiri, tell me immediately what my brother said about the letter. _He was very surprised by the news that Shangrall is his daughter. _He believed? _But it is clear that he believed, my brave imperial fighter. _Excellent. So for sure he will find a way to save our planet. _But of course, yes, my emperor. And why wouldn't he do that? _Pay close attention to what I'm going to tell you, my lackey. My brother would never be on this planet condemned by Rhaór, if he did not have a very strong reason to stay. Even I couldn't stop him if he really wanted to leave. And what would be the best reason to keep him here if it weren't for his own daughter? I know that his mind is the most evolved of our entire race, and thanks to him we have the best weapons, the best clothes and we are the most unbeatable race that has ever existed. It is true that not all merits are his, but we live for much more tempus than any living being and we are exempt from any form of known disease. And why Krashiri? _I do not know majesty. Krashiri replied, full of ignorance. _Because of all this technology that is part of our planet, you useless. This cut, for example, for any living being could represent even the end of their existence, but not for us. Machines that restore our cells are scattered throughout all Kriishen homes and thanks to that, it can be said that we will never visit the realm of eternal forgetfulness ... We are immortal. _It is true your immortelence, we are immortal. Krashiri agreed, fearing the emperor. _See this great unfortunate man who hit me with a good sword stroke, I will allow you to put him in one of these restorative machines and if there is a good amount of cell with life in his body, he will be restored in a matter of cycles. _Yes, oh great emperor, these machines are really very efficient. But nobody knows them by that name. _No matter what the name is, Krashiri, the important thing is that by nature we were already an invincible race, but mortal. Now with the technology that we have at our disposal, the realm of eternal oblivion no longer concerns us. But if Rhaór really explodes, then nothing that exists on our planet can free us from total annihilation. _And why don't we move to another planet, O merciless emperor? _Because only here do we have the necessary conditions to live and breathe without the aid of any equipment. Here is our cazzio and we can never abandon it. And I like it here too. _If this is our cazzio, then why don't we take it with us? _Don't be moluco [crazy] Krashiri, This is impossible ... And why not? Perhaps it is not a bad idea. Go after Shangrall and ask her to come here immediately. _Oh great benevolence, I will go immediately. _Then stop talking softly and walk, or better, run as fast as you can and tell her not to be late. _Yes, Your Highness. Krashiri shouted, already almost out of sight of the emperor.
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