Episode 2. The Vengeful Spirits

1539 Words
Stein's POV  More than a century ago, humans used to live very differently. Human evolution did that for the humans to save the human population that’s been declining for centuries. Alpha, being the highest and most dominant of the three ranks is the one that’s responsible to impregnate the Omegas—the lowest of the ranks, they experience heat every once in a while and release pheromones that would attract Alphas to mate with them even if they didn’t mean to release it. The world has been like that until I made my birthday wish twenty years ago. After that, the world’s never been the same. It actually changed for the better—except for me. Yes, a birthday wish that turns out to be my holy demand. I’m Stein Cai, son of Xenon and Phoenix Cai in body but in soul, I'm an Angel--a special one because I am still alive when I became one.  Ever since I noticed that I won't age, I immediately cut off my connections with everyone, and that includes my parents. To make sure no one would recognize me, I left the country and changed my identity. Also, ever since the extinction of the ranks in the world twenty years ago, I became a hunter. A hunter of the vengeful spirits. Vengeful spirits are the tainted souls of the dead people who passed away in a horrible death. They live of the humans’ fears and insecurities. They corrupt the minds of the humans and suck out the happiness inside them to make them kill themselves—that’s what makes the vengeful spirits a threat to the mankind. Why Vengeful spirits? Because they have a connection to my mission--the mission that would set me free from this curse, and that is finding the last Omega. So, for the last twenty years after becoming an Angel, I decided to use my skills as an Angel to exterminate every last vengeful spirits. I’ve been living a quiet life, slowly exterminating the dark forces when I met this ghost—Tricia and now, we’re both trapped in a dark alley with a vengeful spirit. “Aaah!! V-Vengeful s-s-spirit!” The ghost screamed and hid behind me. I glared at her and clicked my tongue. I’ve never seen an actual ghost for my twenty years of being a hunter. Tricia looks like a human at first glance but when you look at her longer, you’ll notice the slight transparency of her skin. “H-Hey! S-Stop looking at m-me! There’s a freaking vengeful spirit in front of us!” She said to me with fear in her voice. I sighed and took out my sword. Blue flames started emanating from my body and sword. Tricia moved away from me. I smirked at her. “In front of you!” She shouted and closed her eyes. I slowly shook my head in disbelief and without looking at what’s in front of me, I wielded my sword and slashed the vengeful spirit in half. The growls and the screams of the people from the fear that it ate, echoed throughout the dark alley. Tricia slowly opened her eyes and looked around. The confusion is visible on her face. I saw her mouth open when she saw the remains of the vengeful spirit—the ashes, on the ground. She then looked at me. “What’s up with you getting scared over a mere vengeful spirit? It was obviously weak.” I said to her and vanished my sword in the air. “What’s up with you being unable to send a mere ghost upstairs?! And excuse moi, that WEAK vengeful spirit can eat my soul in one gulp!” She shouted at me. I yawned. All these time I thought ghosts are also scary beings but turns out, they’re still just like humans except they’re dead. I also that the ghosts and vengeful spirits are just one. I turned around walked away but Tricia followed me. I squinted my eyes and raised a brow on her. Actually I lied about the fact that the vengeful spirit was a weak one because it definitely isn’t. I ended up using all of my energy just to kill it with one s***h to prevent it from causing a destruction in this alleyway. It’s eyes were glowing red and it means that it’s been fed with a lot of human fears—probably around thirty people. It may have been able to make a person kill himself by sucking out the happiness from it. Vengeful spirits’ targets are the ones who are those who have weak mental health. Those who are suffering or depressed because they’re easy to control. I yawned again and looked at Tricia. Tricia is smaller than me, her height’s probably around 5’2. She has a long, black hair that reaches up to her knee—it’s really long, and her she has hazel-colored eyes. She’s wearing a plain below-the-knee dress and she doesn’t wear anything to cover her feet. She’s already dead but her lips are still red, it’s as if there’s still blood flowing inside her. Based on how she looks like, I guess she’s around twenty to twenty three years old. Whatever her real age is, she died very young. “When did you die?” I asked her while yawning. She crossed her arms above her chest and squinted her eyes. “I told you, I don’t remember.” She said to me. I continued on walking while she followed me. I covered my face with a face mask and snatched my phone inside my pocket and placed it on my right ear. I’m talking with a ghost that normal humans can’t see. I don’t want to be labeled as a crazy man. I need to pretend like I’m talking to someone on the phone. “Woah, that’s clever.” She said. The side of my lips curled up. “When did you first arrive the earth?” I asked her without looking at her. “Thirty one years ago.” She answered and ran in front of me. I didn’t stop walking, instead I passed through her. I smirked. Tricia immediately walked beside me. I could feel her glaring at me. “That was rude!” she shouted at me. I ignored her but behind my mask, I was smiling and I haven’t smiled like that for twenty years. --- We continued our banter until I reached the apartment room that I was staying in. I didn’t expect this ghost to follow me here. I was about to open the door to my room when she suddenly passed through the wall. Ah… ghosts... So the thing about ghosts having the capability to pass through walls is true. I took a step back when Tricia’s face suddenly popped in front of the door. “Hey, someone’s inside… you know him?” she whispered to me. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. That’s impossible. I always lock my door every time I leave the apartment. I looked around and when I saw that everything’s clear, I took out my sword from the air. I slowly opened the door and was about to point the sword in front of me when I felt a sharp object on my neck. “You’re fast, but still not fast enough.” It was a man’s voice. I looked in front of me and smirked when I recognized who it was. “Gabriel.” I said. Gabriel smirked at me and made his sword vanish. “G-Gabriel? The Gabriel, Gabriel?” Tricia said with confusion in her voice. “Yeah.” I said and entered the room. “T-The actual Archangel Gabriel?” she asked again. I saw the side of Gabriel’s lips curl up. “It’s been a year since the last time you showed up. What’s up?” I asked Gabriel without looking at him. “It’s about your mission.” I raised a brow at him. He's here to bother me with my last mission again... “Can you send me upstairs?!” Tricia excitingly asked Gabriel while jumping to get his attention. “Your last mission.” He said. “Hey! Hey! Send me up there!” "I have no clue what you're talking about” I said him with my right eyebrow raised. “Notice me!” “You were sent here for a reason Stein. You must do your mission to be sent up to Heaven again. You belong there, Stein, you’re only here for a short time.” He said to me. “So, what about it? The mission?” “Hey! Yoohoo!” "You still haven't found them?" He asked me and I rolled my eyes. I heard Gabriel sigh. "You know... if you don't find them, you'll be stuck as an Angel forever... right?" I clenched my fists as I let out a deep sigh. I was about to tell him to help me but he disappeared. I looked beside me and saw Tricia who’s just sulking and glaring at me. “Why are you glaring at me?” I asked her. “Angels are douchebags!” She said before vanishing into thin air. --- NOCTURNALBEAST
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