Bad Morning(19)

1102 Words
Zalia I flipped the open sign on my boutique and put on the coffee. There’s no way I would be able to get through the day without some black magic. It’s barely eight in the morning and I’m already exhausted. I woke up to see hundreds of messages from friends, colleagues, my agent and my publicist. I could really care less what they think of Nigel but it was nice to see that most of them were supportive and happy for me. My agent wasn’t really worried since I had finished my last modelling contract and I was days away from ending my relationship with her anyway. My publicist was the only one who was taking this way too seriously. She sent me a long voice message of how the public was going to eat up the whole high school sweetheart story. She was thinking of interviews, a little documentary on my YouTube channel and daily updates on my **. I cut her off firmly and told her that under no circumstance was she to book any interview regarding our relationship. I’d seen too many of my friends and colleagues spoil their relationships by trying to capitalize on them. I have kept s pretty low profile since I got back so I’m glad reporters are not hounding at my door but it’s only a matter if time before they figure out where Nigel lives and try to catch us together. I like my job and I’m passionate about helping plus size women feel comfortable in their own skin but sometimes being famous can be a burden. My boutique was named Size Me Up and there was nothing indicating that it was for plus size women. I plan on selling clothes that cater to plus size men too. It’s such a pity that despite the fact that women are being urged to embrace their bodies more, men are still pressured to have the perfect body. I had already met three designers, two of whom were men who were interested in making a clothing line to cater to the plus size male market. I was pretty excited actually. The chime of the bell drew my attention from my brooding. I must have looked weird just staring into the mug holding my coffee. Pasting a smile on my face I turned to welcome my first designer. I’m pretty good at disguising my feelings and smiling despite what I was feeling but I couldn’t hide my shock. Standing in front of me was a man in his late fifties, covered in tattoos, each more colorful than the last. He reeked of alcohol and had a sleazy glint in his eye that I didn’t trust. “So this is the shop for the fatties, I figured they’d appreciate a man showing them some attention.” I was angered by his appearance but his words just made me furious. I hate men like this. He was no prize either with his greasy, balding black hair and obvious beer belly. “Sir, please you’re in a place of business and your words will not be tolerated, I have to ask you to leave.” I said in my best snotty, clipped voice. “Come on, I’ll be good for business, how many fat broads get offers anyway, they’ll be lucky if I look at them. Besides I didn’t want to do it but that woman gave me a hundred bucks to come in here and ruffle your feathers. Easy money, how could I turn it down?” He said while pointing outside, I frowned when I saw Sonia standing outside laughing, clearly she hadn’t given up her childish tricks, I wish she’d just grow up or disappear, I don’t really care which. I gave the man a cold stare without saying anything for a minute, he began to shuffle and I knew I was making him uncomfortable. He turned around and left without a word and I has to stop myself from going outside and giving Sonia a piece of my mind. A few minutes after he left and it was clear I want going to mind her Sonia came into my shop once again. It seems her life is so pathetic that she spends her time trying to bug people from a school that she left a decade ago. I wonder if she notices how much of a loser she really is, she and Nolan really. Her oh-so-loving boyfriend had been caught once again with an actress who was in town hooting a scene for a movie. And Sonia is here at the fashion district of New York bright and early on a Monday morning for another shopping spree. Their relationship is the textbook definition of unhealthy, whatever therapist who has to deal with them deserves an award. “Still with the same nerd form ten years ago, how disappointing, after all that talk about loving your rolls and all your fat you’re still scared of rejection so you settle for the adoring little puppy who pants after you. Pathetic.” She flashes an acidic smile that is supposed to make me feel bad but just annoys me more. “Listen here Sonia, I’ve put up with your childish games quite enough, you’re the pathetic one and you don’t even realize it, I’m with Nigel because I love him and he loves me. Not like you and Nolan, he obviously does not love, respect or value you. You’re the adoring puppy running after a man who doesn’t care if you’re made the laughing stock of the entire world due to his indiscretions. You follow him like the insipid, insecure person you are, content with the tasty crumbs like cars and shopping trips he throws you once in a while to keep you loyal to him. Now get out of my shop before I throw you out, this is a no b***h zone.” Her mouth hang open and she tried to come up with something to say but I firmly grabbed her arm and shoved her outside, shutting the door loudly in her face. Rubbing my forehead I fought of the beginning of a migraine, I hope Nigel is having a better morning than me because mine is turning to absolute s**t.
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