
A True Lifestory: Part 2 A Demon’s Obsession

opposites attract


This book contains scenes of non-con, violence, murder, and language, that can be disturbing to some readers, so read with caution.

Then he was reminded by the necklace she gave him. He had been so angry, that he didn’t even look at it before.

He took it out of his pocket, and saw it was a black chain with a pendant shaped as a rose, having this red stone on the top. His eyes widened as he immediately recognized it.

“Stella?” He called out, as he opened the door once again, and she looked up at him. He could clearly see she had been crying, but she dried the tears away, as soon as he stepped back in to the room.

“What do you want now, Armaros?” She spoke as she avoided any eye contact with him.

“I just wanted to say that I remember who you are now..” He spoke as he walked over to her.

“Okay, so?” She replied, as she pulled her knees to her chest.

“Stella, I’m sorry.. I didn’t know that..” Armaros started, but he paused as he wasn’t even sure what to say.

“Why does it matter anyway.. You already made it pretty clear that I have no idea who you are!” Stella questioned, as she hided her face behind her raised legs.

“You don’t get it, do you?” Armaros knitted his eyebrows as he sat down on the bed.

“Get what!” She asked as she finally raised her head to look at him.

“You walked in on demon territory, and everyone here now knows you are a werewolf, and you seem to be completely blind to everything that’s going on..” He replied, while he stared sharply at her.

“What do you mean?” She asked as she corrected herself, leaning her back against the headboard.

“Demons and werewolves aren’t in a very good place right now, and.. You really have no idea, do you?” He started to explain, but he halted, as she just looked like one big question mark.

“My dad, have never talked about, what’s going on between them and you, demons.. He only ordered me to stay away from your kind.” She replied. As Armaros couldn’t believe his own ears.

“We are at the breaking point of a war right now, and you just placed yourself in the middle of it!” He revealed, as she started to chew on her lip, as she thought about what he just said.

“But.. I’m not even able to shift, so I’m not even a threat to anyone.” She tried to reason, but Armaros shook his head.

“You’re wrong..” he stated, as he shook his head.

“You turned up here as a wolf, Stella, but somehow you are different, and I need you to tell me why!” He ordered, as he took a hold on her hand, as a jolt went through both of them and his pupils immediately expanded, as a result, making him forget all about what he actually was trying to find answers to.

“And.. That’s all you wanna know?” Stella asked in a low voice, as she stared in to his eyes. He could feel how his heartbeat started to rise, as his eyes were fixed on her lips.

Then a small scream left her lips as he pulled her closer, not able to resist the temptation anymore.

“I don’t know what you are doing, but you're driving me f - king crazy, Stella!” He growled, as he suddenly kissed her greedily before he bit down on her lip, making her whimper by the sting of the pain.

“You’re playing with fire, you should make sure you don’t lose control of it.” He whispered as he pressed his eyelids closed before he reopened them.

“Here!” He spoke, as he gave her the necklace back. He then let go of her and quickly headed towards the door.

“I want you to keep it.” Armaros stated, as he was facing the door, not even turning around, before he stormed out of the room.

“What the hell just happened?” Stella asked herself, as she put a finger to her swollen lip and a drop of bløød was evident on her finger, as she removed it from the spot.


Armaros stormed out of the room once again, and ran down the stairs.

“Jinn! I need to get out. Now!” Armaros ordered, as he walked pass Jinn, Amon and Corson playing cards, while Damien leaned against the wall, with a lit cigarette in his hand, and a sulky expression.

“Of course sir.. B-but where to?” He asked nervously, as he hurried behind him and out of the front door, towards the parked car.

“Just.. Away from here!” He snapped and jumped in to the car. He felt like he needed to get away from her, or he would end up going too far.

She was just as he remembered her; still just as innocent and sweet as when he met her in the forest, all those years ago, though now she had grown up in to this beautiful girl, who looked sexy as hell.

But he wasn’t the same person, as he was back then – Not even close. He was nothing more than a monster. He wanted her so bad, but he knew he would ruin her.

He knew the right thing would be to let her go home, but just the thought of letting her leave made everything turn inside of him – he couldn’t! He knew he needed her, more than she probably would ever need him.

He knew he was being selfish, but he couldn’t let her slip away – not now – not ever..

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Pilot: The Birthday Party
[Stella’s POV] “Happy birthday honey!” My mother greeted me, as she came into the kitchen and hugged me. I had been sitting by the table looking at my phone, as she strolled through the door. “Thanks mom.” I replied as I returned her hug, as I had put my phone away. A bright smile covered her lips, as she leaned against the chair next to me. “What would you like for breakfast – pancakes or waffles?” Countless people told me that I had inherited my mother’s beauty – sure, I had her hair color and a lot of her facial features. And then I got my father’s green eyes and his tanned complexion too, and though I had my mother’s caring heart, I also got, my father’s award-winning temper, so you could say that my dad and I often had our differences, but my mother was always there to help patch things up between us. “Pancakes would be great!” I replied with a smile, as I turned around, as my eyes followed her towards the kitchen cabinet. “So, are you excited about tonight?” She asked, as she placed a bowl on the kitchen table, while she continued to take flour, sugar, and baking soda out of the cabinet, before she headed for the fridge, where she took out the milk and eggs. “Yeah, it’s going to be spectacular, mom!” I replied excitedly, as she smiled, while she started to stir in the pancake mix. I can’t even begin to describe how excited I was about this party. It was my first party without adults involved, and though I knew my father wasn’t a fan, he had promised, so he would have to live with it. “I’m glad you're excited honey, just remember the rules, right?” My mother reminded me, as she surely turned to me, making let out a frustrated sigh. “Don’t go into the forest, and no alcohol – How should I ever forget, when dad has told me a hundred times?” I replied, as I rolled my eyes. “Listen, Stella, I know you and your father have been fighting a lot lately, but he's just trying to look out for you.” My mom stated as she rested herself against the kitchen table and looked at me. “But he just doesn’t get it, mom! He is treating me like a child, and I’m 18 now.” I argued, feeling a bit annoyed, that she had to take his side. “I know you don’t get it right now, but one day, you will appreciate everything your dad has done for you – you know I lost my parents early on, and I wished I'd had what you have now.” She explained. “If being smothered all the time is a good thing, then right, I get your envy.” I scoffed, as I turned around a little dramatically. I knew I wasn’t completely fair, but I was just getting sick and tired of my father’s constant helicopter parenting. “Shouldn’t you speak a little nicer to your mother?” A familiar voice stated as I turned towards the door and my uncle, Vlad, came into the kitchen. “Uncle Vlad?” I blurred out, as I was a bit surprised, by his sudden appearance. He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow, and I knew exactly what he was trying to do. “Fine! I’m sorry, mom.” I spoke, as he walked over a hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. “That’s my girl.. And happy birthday!” He added before he pulled away, and gave me a smile. “Thanks, uncle Vlad.” I replied, as a smile spread across my lips too. Besides my mother, Vlad was the second person I felt like I was able to talk to without being judged. He had always been there for me, almost like a second father, and I knew he always had my back if I needed anything. Soon everyone else started to come in as well. I had been told it was a tradition from my father’s old pack, so there was always shared breakfast at the tribe’s pack house. “There are pancakes today, ordered by the birthday girl.” My mom spoke, as she placed the first round of pancakes in front of me. “Here you go, honey.” She added, as she placed a hand on my shoulder. “Thanks, mom! And sorry again.. For what I said, I’ll try to be more understanding.” I replied, as my mom smiled. “I know honey!” My mom spoke, before she kissed me on the top of my head.
 “I think Nathan likes you!” My cousin Bella yelled in my ear to get through the loud music, as I couldn’t help but laugh. “No way! We’re just friends!” I stated, as I glanced at him. He was talking to some of his friends from across the room, and my cousins Kyan and Jaze. As I looked at him, his eyes caught mine, and he sent me a smile, and I smiled back at him. “Come on, Stella! I know when a guy likes someone, and I’m telling you – that look right there – that is clearly love!” She argued and I proceeded to roll my eyes. Sure, Nathan was a tall, good-looking guy with dirty blond hair and piercing blue eyes. But he and I had been best friends since we were ten years old, so he was more like a brother than anything else, so I didn’t look at him that way, and I didn’t believe he did either. “Gross! He is like a brother to me, so don’t say that!” I spoke as I pushed her on the shoulder. “Fine! Don’t mind me then.” She replied, as she lifted her hand up in surrender, before she took a hold on me. “Let’s forget I ever said anything and let’s dance, miss 18!” She smiled as she pulled me on to the dance floor, and we started to have fun. After half an hour of dancing, Nathan suddenly came over to us, as he pricked my shoulder, making me turn around instantly. “Stella! Can I talk to you for a moment? — Alone.” He asked as he swiftly looked Bella’s way. “Sure.. I see you in a bit, Bella!” Then we walked out outside, where the sun had left the sky a long time ago, and was replaced by a stream of stars covering the dark night sky. I could hear how the music slowly became a distant bass sound, with every step we took away from it. “Maybe we could go to the forest?” He suggested, as I shrugged, while I shortly glanced towards it. “I don’t know Nathan.. You know, we have been told not to.. And my dad would kill me if he knew.” I stated, while I returned my gaze to him. “Oh, come on, Stella, you’re 18 now.. Why don't you live a little!” He insisted as he gave me a gentle puff on the shoulder. “And besides, we are practically adults now.” He went on, as he raised his eyebrows and waited for my reply. I sighed as I gave him a reassuring smile. “Fine!” I sighed, as I rolled my eyes at his stupidity. He would always talk me into all sorts of things, but if it wasn’t for him, I probably wouldn’t even have asked for this party, so I owed him for that. “Yes! Come on.” He beamed, as we headed into the forest, and we just walked around – talking and laughing for a long time. “So.. What did you wanna talk about?” I then asked, as I clearly knew that he was stalling. When you know a person for almost half of your life, you pick up on a thing or two. “Yeah.. About that..” he spoke as he stopped in front of me. “I just wanted to tell you that I think you are a fantastic person, Stella, and I really like spending time with you..” he spoke, as I smiled. “Well.. I think you’re pretty awesome too, Nathan.” I replied as I fist bombed his arm. He smiled, and I could see he surely calmed a little, but then out of the blue he kissed me, making me take a step back in shock. “What are you doing?” I blurred out, and I could see he was pretty surprised by my outburst. “I’m sorry, that was probably a little too effusive..” he stated as a strained chuckle left him. “You think?” I rhetorically asked, while I for a moment tried to collect my thoughts. “I’m sorry, Nathan, but I don’t have that kind of feelings for you..” I replied, as he just looked at me. He wasn’t saying anything, and I believe it took some time before he finally realized what I was telling him. “I don’t get it.. I had a feeling that.. Like we..” He spoke as he turned around, and a frustrated sigh left his lips. “You’re a great guy, Nathan, but you’re just.. More like a brother to me, so I’m just not where you are.” I explained, as I placed my hand on his shoulder, but he shoved it off. “Don’t!” He growled, as I lifted my hands up in surrender and took a step back. “Relax! I didn’t know you would take it so personal, I’m not trying to hurt your feelings or anything.” I tried to tell him, but he was not in the mood, obviously. “Of course you don’t!” He shot at me. “I’ve been in to you for over a year now, and you haven’t even realized it!” He yelled. “What do you want me to say? I can’t give you something I don’t have!” I yelled back. “No! Cause you rather wait for someone there might not even be what you think he is – you were a fücking kid Stella, how about you grow up, instead of you still walking around with that stupid necklace!” He shouted, before he stormed off, and I just stood there totally blown away. “Arghh!” I started yelling as I began to stomp through the forest. I was too angry to go back, and I didn’t wanna look at Nathan’s stupid face either, after how he just acted. He might believe it was childish that I still kept the necklace that some boy I met once, ten years ago, gave me, but he was the only one who knew about my thoughts that he might be my mate, so for him using it against me was really low. I could understand he was hurt, but I just wanted to smack him right there and then. I tried to get myself to calm down, but I felt like I was beginning to lose control of my anger and I just needed to get released from it, and then I suddenly blacked out. [..] Nathan walked back to the party, as he found his friends and tried to forget about his fight with Stella. After an hour, he began to get a feeling that it probably would be a good idea to look for her and apologize for his reaction. He knew he had been unreasonable, but he was just so angry at that moment, and couldn’t handle the rejection, but then Bella suddenly walked up to him, as she seemed pretty upset. “Nathan, have you seen Stella?” She asked, as he knitted his eyebrows. “No, not since.. Are you sure she hasn’t gone to her room?” He asked, as he started to become a little worried too. “No, I have looked everywhere, and I can’t even pick up her scent anywhere – did she tell you where she was going or do you know if she has been upset about something?” She questioned. “Uhm.. We kinda fought a bit and then.. I left her in the forest..” He explained, as he scratched his neck. “Are you serious? You left our cousin in the woods in the middle of the night!?” Kyan growled, as he took several steps over to him. “I’m sorry, man! I thought she would go back.. I had no idea that she wouldn’t..” He explained. “Then show us where you went.” Bella replied. Nathan agreed to do so, as they all headed towards the forest. But she wasn’t there. “If something has happened to her, I’m going to kick your ass, Nathan!” Jaze yelled as he grabbed hold of Nathan’s shirt. “Take it easy, Jaze. I know you are mad right now, so am I, but I think we need to call Aunt Cathrine and uncle Chase.” Bella stated.

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