chapter 6 Moon Goddess

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Alexa's P.O.V I felt like I was walking around in the dark and couldn't stop thinking that the master was going to come back and hurt me again. I was scared, until I saw a light shining brightly and it made me want to go forward, so that's what I did. I walked closer to the light and it started to get bigger, then suddenly I was in a field full of flowers. I looked around confused as to how I got here, but I walked barefoot in the field and could feel the grass under my feet, it all felt so real. I wasn't scared anymore, in fact I felt safe here, but I didn't know why, I just did. I walked over to a big oak tree and sat underneath it, enjoying the smell of all the flowers around me, when suddenly out of the blue a woman was sitting beside me. Her sudden appearance made me jump out of my skin, but the white haired, blue eyed lady just sat back and smiled at me. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." The woman said, I nodded and tried to calm my breathing down from the shock. "Who are you?" I asked her and she just smiled once more. "My child, I'm the moon goddess of all werewolves and all other creatures." The Moon Goddess answered and I sat there stunned. "So why am I here with you?" I asked, confused. "You went through something horrible my child, you're currently laying on a bed at the pack hospital. The man that held you captive in that dreadful cage is dead now, your mother ripped his head right off his shoulders." The Moon Goddess said and my eyes widened at the information I was being given. "Child do you not remember?" The Moon Goddess asked me, but all I could do was shake my head no, causing her to sigh. "It's alright, if you want to be told, I'll tell you, but you won't remember when you awake, I'll make sure you will only remember certain things." The Moon Goddess said, I nodded. "I want to know, Moon Goddess." I replied, the Moon Goddess sighed and started to tell me everything that had happened that led me to be in the pack hospital. I was full on crying, I couldn't believe that Alpha Nick was my mate, I didn't even know what that meant and my old master tried to rape me. Tears flowed down my face and I pulled my knees up to my chest, shaking my head and rocking back and forth, as I tried to calm myself down. I had been through so much, I turned my head, looking at the beautiful Moon Goddess. "Will I remember any of this at all?" I asked her, tears still streaming down my face. "Only if you want to, if you want you will remember some, like Alpha Nick being your mate, do you want to remember that." The Moon Goddess asked me and I nodded. "I don't even know what that means." I sighed, but The Moon Goddess smiled, "He will teach you honey. You will start smelling his scent of mint and strawberries, he already knows you're his mate. He's letting your parents have half of his territory, so they can build their homes to be close to you." The Moon Goddess said, but I just sighed, this was a lot to take in. "Will I remember the attack?" I asked her, hoping that I wouldn't. "Not at first, but when you meet a new friend called Braylan, she will hug you and you will then start to remember, she has the power of helping others to remember, even when she doesn't mean to, but you won't remember this, you will only remember that Alpha Nick is your mate." The Moon Goddess explained and I nodded yet again. "It's time for you to get back child, you have been asleep for five months now. Time travels faster here." The Moon Goddess said, standing up. "But how do I get back?" I asked, standing up and expecting to see a door or something for me to go through. "Leave that up to me dear." The Moon Goddess smiled and before I knew it, I started to hear loud beeping noises from the machines and I felt something on my face. Alpha Nick's P.O.V It had been five months and Alexa still hadn't woken up, I hadn't left her side the whole time except to go to the toilet. Day after day, night after night I sat here, holding Alexa's hand and praying to The Moon Goddess for her to wake up. Today was just like any other, I sat here holding Alexa's hand, when suddenly I felt her move and I looked up from her hand to her face. "Alexa sweetie, if you can hear me move your hand again, move it baby." I said to her and all of a sudden she moved her hand again. "Carla come into the room now!" I yelled and she came running through the doors, looking up at her. "She moved her hand." I excitedly said and Carla checked her heart and made sure she was ok. She checked the machines, her IV and changed the bag, hanging it back up. "Alpha you need to move please." Doctor Carla said and just as she said that Alexa's eyes suddenly opened, but then quickly closed from all the bright lights. "Put some of these lights out and shut the blinds." I yelled and as soon as the room was dimmed I sat down next to her. "Alexa baby, you can open your eyes now sweetheart." I whispered to her, she blinked a few times then slowly opened her eyes, just as David and Trish ran into the room. Alexa's P.O.V I looked around the room, but started to smell a scent, mint and strawberries, I looked to where I thought it was coming from and it was Alpha Nick. "I really don't know what this means, but I feel a connection to you and all I want is to be in your arms right now." I said, slightly confused and embarrassed. "It's called mates, sweet heart. We are mates." Alpha Nick said, but I just looked down at my hands. "I don't know what that means. Mates." I confessed, but Alpha Nick just smiled at me. "I'll teach you honey, but right now your parents are here. They live an hour away now and they've been here everyday." Alpha Nick said, I sat up with the help of Carla and took a look around the room. "Mommy, Daddy." I gasped, as my eyes landed on my parents. They were just like I remembered. They walked towards me and both hugged me tightly. "We looked for you for so long, we never gave up honey. When Alpha Nick told me he found you, we rushed here. I'm so sorry it took us so long to get here, we're so sorry that these horrible things happened to you." My dad said, but I just looked at them confused. "What horrible things? I was locked in a cage for goddess knows how long, I was beaten, shocked, chased and pulled back to it, but other than that, I'm here in a hospital recovering from this. I just found out Alpha Nick is my mate and I really wish I knew what that meant. I wish I knew why I'm hurting so much." I said, but everyone just looked at me weirdly. Doctor Carla came close, touching my shoulder. "Honey please try and calm down, you have stitches in your back, but they need to come out, can you please turn to your side." Doctor Carla said and I did as I was asked. I felt Carla clipping the stitches out of my back, but it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. "Alright you can lay back now." Doctor Carla said and I laid down on my back. she looked at Alpha Nick, "She can go home now." Doctor Carla said to Alpha Nick and mom handed me some clothes, helping me to the bathroom to get dressed. David's P.O.V My beautiful daughter was finally awake, it was a precious moment seeing her eyes and hearing her voice again, but she didn't remember what had happened and I didn't know if that was a blessing or not. Alpha Nick and I both turned to Doctor Carla and I knew he was thinking the exact same thing I was. "How come she can't remember the attack." Alpha Nick asked, beating me to it. "A part of her brain is keeping it from her and she doesn't want to remember, but when she does she will need all the support from her mate, friends and her parents. Do not push her to remember, she will need to do it on her own, don't force it." Doctor Carla sighed, just then the bathroom door opened and Trish and Alexa came out. "She's decided to go with Alpha Nick. I explained a little bit about mates, but I'll leave the rest to you Alpha Nick." Trish said and I cleared my throat. "If you don't mind I would like for us to go to your pack with my daughter, I want to spend a little time with her before we leave. We'll be back tomorrow to visit." I said and Nick looked at Alexa. "Is that ok with you?" Alpha Nick asked Alexa and she nodded yes. It was nice that he was letting Alexa choose and taking her opinion into account. We all walked out, got in the car and drove to Alpha Nick's pack. When we got there the food was already on the table waiting for us, salad with baked potatoes, carrots and ribs, everything looked good, we sat down and started to eat. I watched Alexa making sure my daughter was ok and the way Nick looked at her, I understood that look, it was the look of pure love and I knew it was time to go. "Alpha Nick thank you for dinner, but we must be going now." I said, wiping my mouth and standing up, Alexa and Alpha Nick both stood up and Alexa walked over hugging me and her mother. "Will I see you tomorrow?" Alexa asked us and I nodded yes. "Yes sweetheart you will, we both love you very much." Trish said, cupping Alexa's cheek in her hand. "Take care of her." I said, looking at Alpha Nick. "I will. Nothing will harm her ever again." Alpha Nick replied and we walked out, heading back to our new home. Alpha Nick's P.O.V I took Alexa by the hand and walked her upstairs, I opened the door and Alexa was so scared that she was shaking all over. I gently touched her arm to try and calm her down. "Alexa, it's ok honey, you're safe. You can sleep in the bed and I'll sleep on the couch, if it makes you feel safer." I said and walked to the couch. "I don't really know you, but I would like to get to know you better. I don't understand anything about this mate thing, but I know i feel safe with you. You can sleep in the same bed as me, but you have to stay on your side." Alexa said, stopping me in my tracks and making me smile. "I'll take you shopping tomorrow, for clothes, but until then you can wear these." I said, walking over to my dresser and pulling out a pair of sweats and a shirt. "The bathroom is over there, you can change there." I saud, pointing to the bathroom, she nodded and walked over to the bathroom to do her business and get dressed. When she walked out, I was already in bed, wearing sweats in a shirt. I normally slept in just my boxers, but I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable. I pulled the blankets back, letting her get in. "I know you're tired Honey, just lay your sweet head down and sleep. If you need me I'll be right here." I said, she nodded and lay down, falling right to sleep. I laid there watching her sleep for a bit, she looked so cute and peaceful. "He softly whispered, "No one will ever hurt you again Alexa, we will protect you until our last breath. You are Luna of this pack and we protect our own." I whispered and laid back, closing my eyes to go to sleep.
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