chapter five Revelations

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Alpha Nick's P.O.V No, No, No. This can't be happening, you can't die. "GET A FEMALE DOCTOR TO THE PACK HOSPITAL NOW! I'M ON MY WAY! NOW!" I screamed mind-linking the pack hospital, urgency laced my voice and all I heard back was a chorus of 'Yes Alpha'. There was no way I was going to let any other male touch her, especially after what she had just gone through. I ran as fast as I could, watching as the blood from Alexa's body seeped through the once white shirt, turning it red. I started running faster, as we approached the hospital, crashing through the doors, knocking them off their hinges. The female doctor I had ordered was there, waiting for us. "This way, quickly, put her down on the table." The doctor said, as she saw Alexa in my arms. I rushed in, laid her on the table and the doctor rushed over to start checking on her injuries. "Carla, I need you to check her. He was trying to rape her." I said, anger and sorrow could be heard in my voice. "Alpha you must leave the room, I need to do a physical and check everything." The doctor said, trying to stop the bleeding to Alexa's nose. "I WILL NOT LEAVE! I AM HER MATE!" I yelled, just as David and Trish walked in through the door, stopping dead in their tracks when they heard what I had just said. "What did you just say about my daughter?" David asked me, with a shocked and angry look on his face. I guess the cat is out of the bag now. "Your daughter, Alexa, is my mate and I'm not going to leave her side." I said, looking back to them. "Does she know that you are her mate?" Trish asked me, placing her hand on David's arm, trying to calm him down. I held my head down, feeling sorrow. "She doesn't even know what mates are. She knows nothing about it at all. Do you know what that bastard put her through?" I spat, feeling my anger rising as I thought about everything my mate had been through. David stepped forward in a protective stance, seeing me as a threat after I raised my voice to his mate. "When we found her she was in a cage, wearing a shock collar and had a tracking chip implanted in her neck." I explained, lowering my voice. "No! My poor baby." Trish gasped, holding her hand over her mouth, as tears started to form in her eyes. David pulled her close and hugged her tightly. Doctor Carla worked on Alexa, while David, Trish and I stood just outside the door, giving them room to help her and It felt like we were waiting for hours. "Alpha Nick you can come in now." Doctor Carla said, taking off her blood stained gloves and coat. I hurried inside the room, quickly followed by David and Trish. I stood in shock as I looked down at Alexa, she had an oxygen mask on, an IV in her arm, bandages were dressed over her forehead and she had stitches in her nose and both the bottom and top of her lip. It made my heart break seeing her looking so weak and vulnerable. "Is she going to be ok?" I asked, not taking my eyes off Alexa. She nodded. "He penetrated her, but didn't break or rip anything. I gave her a heavy sedative to calm her down and help her sleep, she will be out for a few days, but she will heal. Alpha please be patient with her, she's been through a lot." Doctor Carla replied and Trish cleared her throat. "What do you mean he penetrated her, but didn't break or rip anything? Did he rape her?" Trish asked, holding her breath and waiting for the doctor's response. "He penetrated her, but he didnt go all the way and break through her hymen. Technically she is still a virgin, but I'm afraid that she might not see it that way, when she wakes up." Doctor Carla explained and we all breathed a sigh of relief that we found her just in time, before he could go any further. "Thank you doctor." I said, Doctor Carla nodded and left. I stepped back and turned to face David and Trish. "You are welcome to stay in one of our rooms." I said, but David and Trish both shook their heads. "We are not leaving our daughter's side, not now, not ever again." David firmly said and I completely understood where he was coming from. "Okay, I'll have a room prepared for you here, so you can be close to her." I replied, they both nodded. "Carla, can you prepare a room for David and Trish? I need it to be close to Alexa's room." I mind-linked Doctor Carla. "Yes Alpha. Straight away." Doctor Carla replied. "Your room will be ready shortly." I said, turning to David and Trish, they both nodded and I walked to the chair next to Alexa's bed, sitting down and taking Alexa's hand in mine. "Please Alexa. Please be okay." I whispered to her, pleading for her to be okay. David's P.O.V Alpha Nick had kindly had a room prepared for us close to Alexa's, but we didn't use it that night, we stayed next to Alexa's bed, watching her intently and praying for her to be okay. "What are we going to do now?" Trish asked me and both Alpha Nick and I both gave her a confused look. "What do you mean? About what?" I asked her, wondering what she was referring to. "We finally found our daughter and I'm not going to leave her again, but it's obvious she won't come back home with us, since she has found her mate, even though she doesn't know it yet. So what are we going to do?" Trish explained, causing me to sigh. I knew exactly what she meant now and I really wished I didn't. The thought of us being away from Alexa would kill us, but Trish was right she had a mate now and would be Luna of this pack. "I don't know what's going to happen next or how it's going to work, but we will make it work somehow." I replied, smiling reassuringly at Trish, but she just sighed and looked back at Alexa. "May i make a suggestion?" Alpha Nick suddenly spoke up and I nodded, curious as to what he was thinking. "Like you said you don't want to leave Alexa and you also know that I won't leave her either, she is my mate and the Luna of this pack. I hope you don't mind, but I have already been thinking about this and I have a lot of territory, you could move here." Alpha Nick said, stunning both of us with his suggestion, it was quiet for a few minutes, until Trish broke the silence. "What are you saying? Are you wanting us to join your pack?" Trish replied, speaking up first as I was still speechless. "No. I'm giving you some of my territory so you can move here, but you will be the Alpha of your own pack and I won't interfere." Alpha Nick explained further and I must admit, I was curious as to how this would work. "The territory is an hour out, so you can still be close to Alexa, but not close enough that our packs are on top of each other." Alpha Nick continued and it sounded like a great idea. "What do you think?" I mind-linked Trish, but I didn't need her to reply to know that she already agreed, it was obvious by the smile on her face. "Yes, no doubts about it. Yes." Trish mind-linked back, I could sense her excitement through the mind-link and Alpha Nick must have sensed it too as he chuckled, shaking his head. "Well as you can tell from Trish's poker face, it's a yes." I laughed, looking at my excited and happy mate. Alpha Nick's P.O.V I had been thinking about this ever since I found out who her parents were and that she was my mate. It was the only thing I could think of to make everyone happy, as there was no way I was going to let Alexa leave my side or my territory, especially after I had only just found her. "Okay, it's a deal then. Ill mind-link my pack and get them started on building and clearing the area." I replied and David nodded, while Trish just smiled brightly. "Cut down the trees and make a clearing on the territory an hour away from here. I need a pack house and other houses built straight away." I mind-linked my pack, telling them what I needed. "Yes Alpha." They all mind-linked back and I could feel each and everyone of them moving across the territory to start on the task I had set. "My pack is starting on it right now." I said, but David looked like he was deep in thought. "Very well, I'll send my guards over to help them. I'll pay for the territory." David said, but I held my hand up. "No, there's no need to do that, we are old friends. I'm giving you the territory, it's an hour out so we won't be close." I replied, shaking my head and refusing his offer of payment, David and Trish both nodded and accepted my gift. David's P.O.V "Okay, well I guess I'll mind-link my pack and tell them to start packing everything up and make their way down here." I said, to which Alpha Nick nodded and Trish clapped her hands together over her chest. "Beta Jeffery, I need you to brace yourself for a big surprise." I mind-linked my Beta and waited for his response. "Okay, I'm intrigued now. Is it a good surprise?" Jeffery mind-linked back, causing me to laugh at his curious and paranoid side, which made Trish shake her head in understanding and Alpha Nick to look at me confused. "It's ….well….a bit of both. First of all we found Alexa, that's the great news. Secondly we are moving the pack, so pack everything up and start to make the journey down here." I mind-linked him, waiting for his surprise and complaints. It was silent for sometime and I wasn't sure if he heard me or not, until he finally spoke up. "You found Alexa! That's brilliant, I'm so pleased for you. Wait, what do you mean that you're moving the pack?" Jeffery replied, happy and then confused. "Trish and I don't want to leave Alexa, but she has found her mate in Alpha Nick, so we are not leaving her and Alpha Nick has given us territory for us to live on and have the pack on. It will be our new pack territory, so get everything packed up and move down here." I explained and yet again waited for a response, but this time it was a lot quicker. "Yes Alpha, I'll get on it straight away." Jeffery replied and I ended the link. "Okay, that's all sorted. I've mind-linked my Beta and he's going to arrange everything from packing everything up to renting moving trucks and bring it all down here." I said to Alpha Nick and Trish jumped up excited, causing both of us to laugh. "Okay great, well your homes will be built fast, we have fast builders here, but in the meantime you are more than welcome to stay here or at the pack house." Alpha Nick replied, but I cut him off. "It won't be long before our homes are built, i too have fast builders, but that means it's going to be noisy around here for the next few days." I said, but Alpha Nick shook his head and smiled. "Very well go and rest, I won't be leaving her side…." Alpha Nick started to say. "And we won't either." I interrupted and he sighed, looking back to watch Alexa sleeping from the heavy sedative the doctor had given her.
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