VC 2: A Bitter Reunion

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I am entirely focused on the papers on my table the entire time. If my secretary doesn't knock three times to get my attention, I won't realize it's time for my first meeting today. I also stretched right away because my neck began to numb while signing the important documents my secretary had placed on my table the day before. "Miss Laurent, fifteen minutes before your meeting," she reminded me. "The Conference Room is also ready. The Board of Directors is starting to gather downstairs." I nod and quickly adjust my clothes. As I step out, the three follow me to the next floor. Some employees paused because of my sudden exit from the elevator. They greet me before continuing with their tasks. They already know the purpose of my visit to this floor. We promptly entered the conference room, prompting everyone inside to stand up. "Good morning, Miss Laurent," everyone greets me as we enter, and I nod in return to acknowledge their greetings. I stood in the middle to begin by addressing the purpose of our meeting. "Let's start," I say, and they all nod in agreement. After an hour, they applauded. I am impressed that they are pleased with the good news I shared. Despite the exhausting nature of managing large companies in different countries, it feels gratifying to be praised for the achievement I've worked hard for, like today. It's not easy to let go of everything because, as long as I can remember, this company has been the fruit of my ancestors' labour, and I am one of the wealthiest women in the world. Moreover, I have people to handle everything, including my best friend Ly and a few others I trust, including Mamita. "I'm so proud of you, Miss Laurent," Mr. Yu says after the meeting. "You always impress us because you never fail to negotiate with investors who plan to invest in the company." Some people attending the meeting have left as they have another appointment. Others, like Mr. Yu, have stayed to catch up and discuss business. Mr. Yu, in particular, has been waiting for me near the door, so I need to stop and talk to him to avoid seeming rude in front of everyone. As much as possible, I want to avoid any conflicts among them because they could negatively impact the company. I also want to uphold the image of the company that Mamita has carefully preserved since Papa Lo died. "Thank you," I said, gazing at his delighted face as he revelled in the continued success of the company he's now part of in the Philippines. "I'm doing all of this not for myself but for everyone; I want to close more deals and attract more investors and partnerships, too." "And more money, too," he adds, causing me to shake my head mentally. "I'm happy to hear you're still interested even in partnerships. And I hope we have more partners to gain more connections worldwide." I am well aware of his desire to amass wealth, not to fatten the banks where his money is stashed, but to indulge in various women for the pleasure of his physical desires. He is the town's ultimate social libertine, an older man with a reprehensible attitude. Surprisingly, he has managed to avoid any public scandals so far. There haven't been any reports exposing how shameless he is, likely because, from what I know, he has used his wealth to cover up any potential scandals. Although I can't verify the truth of these rumours, I often hear them from the other executives and other employees who catch wind of such stories in the vicinity. However, I have yet to witness any concrete evidence, but I can sense that the old man in front of me is hiding some skeletons in his closet. His appearance, smile, demeanour, and the way he speaks are glaringly obvious. We permit him to live as he pleases as long as he doesn't involve the Alfanta Shipping Company. "I need to go, Mr. Yu. I have meetings to attend. Excuse me," I quickly excused myself before he even contemplated touching his sinful hands on my porcelain-like and smooth skin. I notice a few Boards of Directors nearby exchanging knowing glances. I know they've been waiting for the right moment for me to find a reason to remove Mr. Yu from the company. They've been advising me on this for a while, and some have even provided evidence supporting why he is no longer fit to stay. I share their sentiment, but I require strong evidence and a compelling reason related to his performance within the company to oust him and acquire his shares. "Are you okay, Miss Laurent?" my two bodyguards immediately asked upon seeing me silent and lost in thought. They are twins, and since when I was a little girl, we've been together, so we know each other quite well. "I'm fine," I said, forcing a tight smile. "That old man's face is infuriating," one of them, Kuya Mario with blonde hair, couldn't help but say, his brother Kuya Luige, nodding in agreement. "I feel you," my secretary Yana adds. Kuya Luige, with his black hair, agrees. They are identical twins, so they look alike. When we're outside, they call me Miss Laurent. When it's just us, they call me Lau because I consider them family, always with me wherever I go. "I just really hope he makes a mistake or gets involved in some scandal, that disgusting old man," Kuya Luige expresses. "I can't relax when I know he's around wherever you are. You know, Miss Laurent, how he looks at you. He has no shame left in him. And he's happy that you've closed another deal. In his mind, he's probably thinking he has hit the jackpot again." "When someone looks like money, that's really how it is," Yana comments. "He'll be attracting many clams around him again," Kuya Mario says bluntly. Fortunately, it was just the three of us in the elevator, and we didn't encounter any other employees or those from the Conference Room. Our work code is not to discuss the personal lives of the living unless it's work-related. So, no one dares to ask or question Mr. Yu's abilities because of what he does. He is good at handling business, but then again, he's just too repulsive, and once exposed, everyone will be affected, for sure. That has a significant impact on the company. I can't help but shudder every time I remember my first day as the new C.E.O. of this company. "Are you okay?" they asked me simultaneously, noticing my silence as we reached the first floor. I nodded and remained silent. Yana quickly bids goodbye, heading back upstairs while the twins join me in my car to go to the lunch meeting Yana mentioned earlier. "Did Yana tell you who I'll meet at the restaurant?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowing as I spotted a familiar and popular restaurant in the city. I'm hoping we're not going to that restaurant. "She didn't tell us," Kuya Mario responds. "But there was something off with her when we asked about it again." I slump in my seat as I think about who I might encounter when I enter that restaurant. That's where we're heading. Yana's actions would not be strange if we weren't discussing that person. I recall the time when Yana saw me angry, and it was because of that person. Maybe that's why she reacted that way when Kuya Mario and Kuya Luige asked her. If it is indeed him, why? "Cancel it," I immediately told Yana when she answered my call. "But, Miss Laurent, he told me he'd come here to confront you if you cancel it again," she reluctantly informed me. "He's been calling for a week now. I even saw him in the lobby asking where you were and why you'd been absent for a week. You know what he can do if you decline his lunch meeting again. I don't want him to cause trouble here, Miss Laurent. I'm sorry." She quickly explained. I pinch the tip of my nose in frustration. I decide to end the call and quickly signal to the twins that we'll get out of the car, which they promptly follow. Even from a distance, an employee from that restaurant noticed me. He smiles and greets me as he opens the door for us. He even guides me to the meeting area for lunch. "Your meeting is in the V.I.P. area, Miss Laurent," he informs me as he suddenly stops at the entrance to the restaurant's V.I.P. area. "Long time no see, by the way, Miss." He bows before leaving. We continued walking until we reached the farthest section, where he always reserved a table. "Stay here," I instructed the twins, noticing they were about to follow me inside. I saw them exchange glances before shaking their heads. "It's a strict reminder from your Mamita that we should not leave you alone, especially when he's with you," Kuya Mario reminds me. "She doesn't want a repeat of what happened before." I sigh. I know why, but it's not something I can avoid for the rest of my life—the person inside that V.I.P. room. I know that once he makes a threat, he will do everything he can to carry it out. My life is already too quiet, so as much as possible, I don't want to disturb it just because of him. He is not worthy of everything. "I can take care of myself," I assure them. "Besides, you're just outside the door. If anything happens, you can still hear us shouting at each other. And that's the cue for you to walk inside. I'm confident he won't lay a hand on me if he sees you." They both sigh before nodding. I was about to open the door when Kuya Luige stopped me. He quickly hands me the pepper spray he always carries. I don't know how much he has because he always gives me one. Nonetheless, without fail, he always hands me pepper spray, which I accept. The person inside won't see what we're doing because the door to one of the V.I.P. rooms are not transparent. "Thank you," I said before finally entering. "Spray everything, if possible," they added as a final reminder, and I just nodded. "I'm glad you came," he says happily when he sees me, one of the people I despise on this earth. He even stands up to greet me, but I avoid him. I go straight to my designated seat, leaving him embarrassed. He deserves it, after all. "You're getting ruder, Laura," he says, still smiling, but I know he's getting annoyed. I choose to ignore it. "Laurent," I correct. I couldn't help but tightly clench my fists after he deliberately called me by Mommy's name to provoke me. He's starting again. "Why so grumpy?" he asks once he's seated. "I came here for a lunch meeting that you insisted I squeeze into my schedule today, not for a worthless reunion," I straightforwardly state, my reason causing him to cut the steak on his plate forcefully. It creates a loud noise, but I stare at him emotionlessly. "So, if you keep talking about nonsense topics, I'd better just leave because I am wasting my time on our so-called meeting." He slowly lowers his utensils, a darkening aura surrounding him as he gazes at me intently. I can't believe this is his true nature. It's far from the demeanour he's been showing us since then. And I can't help but feel a mix of sadness and pain at the prolonged pretense he maintained in front of Mommy. I wonder if Mommy knew about this before she passed away. "Don't let my patience with you run out, Laurent!" he threatens. "You know what I can do to you, so do what I say and answer what I ask," he adds firmly. Instead of feeling fear like before, my anger and resentment towards him intensified. I wanted to rip his face off right that instant, but I restrained myself. As much as I can, I still want to respect him, albeit only as a human being and not as a father. "I am no longer the girl that you can manipulate and deceive whenever you want, Mr.," I said, meeting his piercing gaze with determination. My fists turn white from the tight grip, but I don't care. I am bracing myself for whatever he might do to me now. "Your courage is growing, huh?" He says with a loud laugh, seemingly amused by what I'm showing him. "What are you boasting about besides the company you inherited and hiding under your grandmother's skirt? Nothing, right? You should be grateful because I've done you a favour, Laurent! More than you know!" It has been fifteen years, and I think my life will be at peace after his sudden departure and turning his back on our family, but I am wrong. I need to remember that he can go wherever in the world he wants. He can do it when I am Laurent Alfanta, but he can't when I am Finn. I am glad he doesn't know about it because Mommy also kept a secret from him—one I only discovered when she was gone and my life was in shambles. "Is that also the effect of your fiancée leaving you?" he asks mockingly, a question deliberately chosen to open a topic that, as he knows, is still sensitive to me. "Anyway, he dumped you like trash during your wedding, so I won't be surprised if you've changed completely." I was about to stand up but stopped at his following words. "Why are you saying that s**t?" I said, tilting my head after leaning back in my chair. "You look like a kid looking for a fight; is it because you're not getting enough attention from your new family that you're bothering me now? Does your stepson not treat you right? I am irritated and furious when he suddenly laughs, giving me the impression that he wants to play with my emotions again by using the past, but I don't show it. I hide it all behind blank stares as if I don't care about what he's saying. He also manages to conceal his emotions by continuing to laugh. It's good that we both know how to act in front of each other. "What?" he asks me with a laugh. "You just can't accept that he chose his family over fighting for you. It means you are not worthy of his fight." He utters those words without any hesitation. That's it! I stood up to leave him. "I'm wasting enough time on you now," I added coldly. "And, by the way, stop pestering me before I start pestering your life," I said, giving him a meaningful look. "Are you still accusing me of something I never did?" he asks in disbelief, followed by laughter later. "Because you don't have anyone else to blame, you're blaming me for everything you shouldn't. Poor you, Laurent." My hands are itching to slap him hard due to his thick-skinned audacity. But I keep reminding myself that I still need to respect him because he is still human despite his animalistic behaviour. Even though we are in the V.I.P. Room, I still need to be cautious of every move I make. There are CCTV cameras here, and I know he won't hesitate to use them against me. I won't let that happen. "And pray even harder that you had nothing to do with what happened," I walked until I was in front of the door before facing him. "Because once I find out what caused Mommy's death, and you're complicit in what happened—you'll regret it. Don't let me catch you because I won't hesitate to put the law in my hands. And, by the way, it disgusts me that you are my father. I forgot you are a desperate jerk. The reason why my mother was forced to marry you." I leave him there, walking away with a loud opening and closing of the door. Kuya Mario and Kuya Luige glance at me in surprise, but they don't ask. They know when and where to speak, and I am thankful. I am seething with anger after the conversation we had. As we leave the restaurant, my breath deepens, and my heart beats faster. I close my eyes tightly while biting my lip. "You are okay. You are safe." I repeated to myself over and over again.
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