Story By Wolfy


Hi everyone, I'm Wolfy... My beautiful and handsome readers... I am very grateful to all of you who have visited to read my novels and took the time to view my profile. For more information, you can follow my social media account... My Youtube UCjY4YhkfCPF3VwQ_ncCBKog I'm Wolfy, a multi-platform fantasy novelist. I prefer non-exclusive contracts because I have freedom of publication for the work I create. Thanks to the readers who have supported my story. Your support in the form of LIKE, LOVE, VOTE, FIVE STAR REVIEWS, GEMS, and TIPS. Those are all the rewards that make me love the world of writing in the form of NOVEL even more. For those of you who like the novels that I wrote, don't hesitate to give me support. Some of the platforms where WOLFY writes novels include... Some enter through THIRD PARTIES... So for those of you who find my work but it's in the AUTHORIZED logo, it all happened because the third party has full control over the author's account. Because it turned out that authors can only update manuscripts, without being able to interact with readers and the like.
Updated at Jul 25, 2024, 19:00
Orang tuanya meninggal karena kecelakaan. Sebelum meninggal, dia meminta sesuatu. Mereka berdua akhirnya menikah karena permintaan terakhir dari kakak laki-laki yang juga seorang ayah tiri. Suami yang menurut kabar burung adalah seorang mafia, kini resmi menjadi suaminya. Berbekal kesulitan hidup yang telah membentuk karakternya selama sembilan belas tahun. Dia berhasil menaklukan suami dan mengetahui sebuah rahasia yang membentuk rumor tentang suaminya. Baru saja selesai satu masalah datang masalah lain... Seorang gadis cantik dan menawan datang yang dengan lantang mendeklarasikan diri sebagai calon NYONYA RUMAH. Belum sempat diselesaikan masalah wanita gebetan suaminya, datang lagi masalah lain... Seseorang dari masa lalu suaminya, yang telah mengubah tujuh tahun hidup suaminya hingga meninggalkan rumah. Bisakah Aruna melindungi rumah tangganya yang baru seumur jagung? Persoalan gangster, mafia yang telah menjerat suaminya, bisakah diselesaikan? Ini adalah Novel keduaku yang terbit, baca juga Novel pertamaku WANITA UNTUK MANUSIA BUAS. Novel ketiga juga lagi otw menuju penerbitan dari script, MENJEMPUT ISTRIKU. Selamat membaca, semoga kalian suka.
Updated at Jun 7, 2024, 07:40
The Indonesian version of THEY ARE BEASTS is finished, and now I'm trying to publish it in the English version. Suddenly she came into another world... She's got raped... She left to another man by her soul mate... She's shock, trauma, suffering... She's pregnant... and, it turns out, the man who's fathered the child she's been carrying. Secretly always guarding and watching her without her knowledge. Patiently waiting for a second chance to be with her, make amends for the mistakes he made. ⚠️⚠️⚠️WARNING This is POLYANDRY NOT POLYGAMY!!! Want to know how exciting it is to have four partners at once? First mate by accident The second mate is the one she loves. The third mate with the permission of the second mate The fourth mate is both reciprocal and political Curious about the bittersweetness of having four pairs under one roof?!
Updated at Feb 29, 2024, 22:00
The Indonesian version of MY UNCLE MY HUSBAND is finished, and now I'm trying to publish it in the English version. Currently, I upload one chapter per two weeks. But, if DREAME has contracted it, I will immediately upload the next chapter until it is finished. For that, I need your cooperation, readers. Please read the first 10 Chapters of MY UNCLE MY HUSBAND carefully, and repeat it if necessary (If I still upload one chapter per week. That means, the performance of the first 10 chapters is not good, which will cause the story not to be contracted). Then, if you like it, click LOVE to subscribe to my story. Now, please read the synopsis... Her parents died in an accident. Before her father died, he asked for something. The two of them finally got married because of the last request of the older brother who was also a stepfather. The husband, who according to rumors was a mafia, is now officially her husband. Armed with life's difficulties that have shaped her character for nineteen years. She managed to conquer her husband and learned a secret that formed rumors about her husband. Just finished one problem comes another problem... A beautiful and charming girl comes who loudly declares herself the candidate for the HOUSEHOLD. Before the problem of the woman her husband was in love in the past with had been resolved, another problem came... Someone from her husband's past, who had changed seven years of her husband's life until he left home. Can Aruna protect her new household for the rest of her life? Can the gangster problem, the mafia that has ensnared her husband, be resolved? This is my second published novel, also read my first novel A GIRL FOR THE BEASTS. The third novel is also heading towards publication from the script, BRINGING MY WIFE BACK. Happy reading, I hope you like it.
Updated at May 28, 2023, 06:40
Dia tiba-tiba berada didunia lain... Dia diperkosa... Dia diserahkan pada pria lain oleh belahan jiwanya... Dia syok, trauma, menderita... Dia hamil... dan, ternyata, pria yang jadi ayah dari anak yang telah dikandung olehnya. Diam-diam selalu menjaga dan memperhatikannya tanpa sepengetahuannya. Dengan sabar menanti kesempatan kedua untuk bisa bersamanya, menebus kesalahan yang pernah dibuat olehnya. WARNING Ini POLYANDRI bukan POLIGAMI!!! Pasangan pertama tidak sengaja Pasangan kedua memang yang dicintainya Pasangan ketiga atas izin Pasangan kedua Pasangan keempat balas budi sekaligus politik. ** Bagaimana nasib pemuda yang berusaha agar bisa diterima oleh wanita yang sedang mengandung anaknya? Apakah dia akan mendapatkan kesempatan kedua? Dua pria disisi si wanita, bagaimana reaksi mereka? Maukah mereka membantunya? Penasaran?! Langsung aja ke aplikasi dan baca sampai selesai... Cerita ini telah selesai, dan sekarang saya sedang dalam proses pembuatan sequelnya. Mengisahkan tentang MALIA, cicit keturunan Anindira dan Hans yang menyeberang ke Dunia Modern. Judulnya, SINGA BETINA MILIKKU.
DUNIA MANUSIA BUAS Cerita tentang Lila
Updated at Mar 1, 2023, 05:59
uraian belum siap nanti aja
Updated at Feb 12, 2023, 09:00
Untuk saat ini belum ada tapi nanti akan di buat
Updated at Sep 23, 2022, 21:47
sorry to all readers... It failed time and time again because my first ten chapters performed badly... really bad... Readers skip the first chapter because they have already read it. It's understandable, this is a non-exclusive contract... Even though this work is finished for the Indonesian version...
Updated at Sep 23, 2022, 14:59
Lamaran pernikahan dari keluarga bangsawan tingkat tinggi mengejutkan mereka sekeluarga. Berdamai dengan keadaan yang memojokkannya berharap kesabaran akan membuahkan hasil... Selembar dokumen membuat kesalahpahaman semakin nyata membuat luka di hati semakin menganga. Malang tak dapat ditolak, nasi sudah menjadi bubur... penyesalannya datang terlambat. Kesalahpahaman semakin sulit dijelaskan karena yang bersangkutan sudah tidak lagi berada dalam jangkauan. Bisakah mereka bertemu untuk menyelesaikan kesalahan masa lalu? Empat anggota baru dalam keluarga semakin membuat semuanya rumit dengan penolakannya. Langkah apa yang akan diambil olehnya? Simak ceritaku, selamat membaca...