Story By Daycie Eyre

Daycie Eyre

I am a singer/songwriter, Author, Spotify Artist, Youtuber, Mental Health Advocate, Public Figure, and Admin of the Diverse Support Group on Facebook. My personal experiences with Mental Health, particularly Dissociative Identity Disorder, is what inspires my writing.
System - Book One : The Eyre Manor
Updated at Feb 4, 2021, 06:15
What if Dissociative Identity Disorder is more than what is written in those silly textbooks. What if even the professionals in Mental Health, arent professional at all? What if DID, a trauma-based Disorder, actually was more than just a Disorder? What if it were more spiritual? What if it proved the existence of overlapping worlds that could not be seen or experienced by the ordinary. What if you could come into the mind of someone with DID? What if you could be welcomed into our mind, our world, our System? Would you do it?