Story By Karthikaa Shree

Karthikaa Shree

hello guys I have. passion to write up stories so thought of it and landed here so pls do check out my work I am just a girl with a big dreams with a strong heart. and a lot of will power so I am just me myself okay this is enough so enjoy whatever u read in book because u don\'t know the real truth of them their knowledge is what enlighten us to inspire to write our own and so to me also so write your own read out more keep ur head with possible and positive thoughts to lighten up your soul ????
the mystery unveil itself
Updated at Oct 23, 2020, 05:22
when the whole universal is busy at their own work but then one stands out to defy them for they are the same to defy her down for her own ideas but then she writes it down for herself the story of herself as a novel step in to read out