Story By Emma Tubb

Emma Tubb

since a young age I\'ve lived a hard life and expressed it through art. recently I\'ve decided to try writing, and here I am. it may not be the best, but I\'d like to think it\'s okay. I want to create realistic stories that aren\'t just about a classic cliche. I want to give you something raw to read and have it leave something for you to think about. I also have to admit I am a bit of a nerd and love superheros, so I might also have some fan fiction thrown in there too.
The Dukes Stone Heart
Updated at May 22, 2024, 06:06
Set in the Regency era of England,when Charlotte Cecil enters society at just sixteen, she finds herself swarmed with attention. However, to her dismay, her father makes an arrangement behind her back. Lotty finds herself in an arranged marriage to Duke Astor. A man she'd never even met yet. Read on to know how the wedding night occurs. If they fall in love or become wrapped in affairs.
Teachers Pet
Updated at May 19, 2024, 06:34
Letty is a seventeen year old girl who's always had a crush on her teacher, Mr Jones. Today she plucks up the courage after class to finally act. Alice has always fancied her stepdad, maybe he feels the same way? Cali's doctor isn't happy when he finds out she's not a virgin. Warning XXXX ⚠️
The Love of a Man
Updated at Apr 27, 2024, 07:07
Calliope, a 17 year old Amazonian warrior, is selected by Bruce to train and live at his home with his sons to become the next female voice of the justice league. however life with four boys can be hard and it can be even more difficult when one in particular makes it hard for you to concentrate. A extra spicy fan fiction spin off of the world of gothem. Will Cali get into mischief with the trouble child? Will she ruin her chance at becoming a world known superhero? read on to find out the gory and explicit details.
A Vampires love
Updated at Apr 27, 2024, 07:03
Every day, I walked home from my local high school. Every day, I walked down my street. Every day, something would compel me to keep walking past my house until I reached the Victorian mansion that sat at the end of a gravel driveway. The three storey house had no flaking paint, no missing roof tiles, no smashed, or leaking windows. The acreage around the house was bordered with apple trees that'd have been hundreds of years old. Not a leaf was ever out of place. The glistening lily pond to the side of the house never had a spot of icky algae. The whole property was always immaculate. As if time itself was unable to touch it. I once used to think a wealthy old couple lived there. They must've had garden parties on the weekend with their hoard of grandchildren and family friends they'd accumulated over the years. I soon figured that I was wrong, though. Not once had I seen a happy face wandering around the garden. I had never even seen whoever it must be that keeps the place looking so untouched. I had, however, seen a pale sullen face. Every now and then, I'd get a glimpse of a sullen boy with a mop of ash blonde hair. But then, one reckless night, I decided to go for a walk in the moonlight. As I walked down the street to gawk at the mansion in the silence of the night, I saw something I'd never thought I'd see.
The Lycan Kings Fated Mate
Updated at Dec 19, 2023, 15:47
"Nora! For fucks sake, where are you!" Chef Emmile screamed through the kitchen, jolting Nora back to reality. "Here! I was just looking for the potatoes!" she lied and rushed over with the closest sack full.Em just shook his head, "Honestly I don't know what to do about you sometimes." "I hate the full moon ceremonies, why do they need to have such a large feast every single month?" Nora complained with Emille."Cause the Kings desperate for his mate, you know he's a Lycan." Em gave Nora the look.they knew, but couldn't say aloud, for how fragile a subject it was, that there are very very few lycans left and these days don't find mates. However, the king had gotten older and older and more restless by the year. he was fearful he would never become as powerful as he could be without his mate. like Emille said, he was desperate."will you be joining in on the ceremony tonight though?" Emille asked, glancing down at Nora's beautiful dark hair messily pulled back into a bun.He'd had his eye on Nora for a while, since she came into the kitchens. Her bright silvery blue eyes and ebony hair weren't her only attractive features. She was such a gentle shewolf, a rare caring soul. and Emille was hoping she was his mate, he, like the King, was becoming desperate. "I suppose so," Nora shrugged and Emilles face broke out into a grin. Tonight would be the night, he thought.Little did he know, that the moon goddess had other plans. ⚠️ 18+ extreme violence and sex scenes⚠️
Forbidden Fruits
Updated at Dec 19, 2023, 02:18
Since I could remember I knew I was a witch. My mother was too, after all. I grew up helping mum light incense and candles at the alter. I can still remember the first time she taught me how to talk telepathically. I remember when I got my first period and I was allowed to pick a familiar as a rite of passage. My whole life I've never known any other witches. I've never seen anyone other than mum practise. You could imagine my surprise when, one night, I look through my bedroom window to see my new neighbour had an alter. and not just any alter, it had a pentagram etched into it. As I stared in disbelief at the back of the guys head I heard a voice. "Staring is rude you know." A deep voice spoke in my head. Warning XXX 18+ Sex scenes.
Her Innocence
Updated at Dec 16, 2023, 17:50
Cat had, what she thought, was a normal childhood. She grew up in the country on land with her mother. While her father would be away for weeks at a time for work. She was home-schooling by her mother and a tutor who came by every Monday, Wednesday and firday. And when her dad was home they did normal family things, they went for picnics, swam at the beach and went on road trips.Leo on the other hand knew his childhood was not normal at a very young age. he was only four when he witnessed his mother's murder. when he was twelve he tortured his first traitor. When he was fifteen he killed for the first time. On Leo's 15th birthday he meet Cat. She was an eleven year old girl with dark brown pigtails, wearing a bright pink pinafore dress. She giggled happily as she stood next to her adoring father. it wasn't till later that night that Leo was told he would marry Cat the year she turns Eighteen. Least to say, Leo wasn't happy, he didn't want to marry a silly little girl. He wanted to be free. Read the first chapter to find out how Cat reacts, when she's told she's getting married to a boy she barely remembers.
The Mafias Unwilling Bride
Updated at Jul 16, 2023, 04:42
Antonio is the only son of the leader of the Italian mafia. Lark is the only surviving child of her father, who runs the Russian Mafia. As far back as she could remember, she was sent to America, where she was brought up by nannies and body guards. Her father decided it was necessary so as to prevent her from being assassinated. Now she has grown into a beautiful young girl at the age of 16 she's been told she has an arranged marriage with a boy she's never met, never mind the fact that he's 21. Lark didn't want to marry this stupid man, but if she tried to run away, she knew she'd be murdered. Will they learn to get along, let alone love one another? Will the wedding be a total disaster? and will this ending be a happily ever after or a desperately sad tragedy.
You Win Some, You Lose Some
Updated at Mar 14, 2023, 01:12
Claire has a addict for a father and a abusive alcoholic mother, at nine her parents had spilt up and her dad had left her and her siblings at her mother's wrath. after school everyday she'd go home and help her siblings to clean and cook the house while trying to dodge and hide from their mum her nights were filled with pain, being choked, slapped and punched, she was told how she was a worthless useless piece of shit that would never be loved or cared for. how could anyone care about her. ever. she was unless couldn't do anything right according to her mother. her life was constant blackness that suffocated her she was a dead shell of the child she used to be before she realised she had no one to rely on. she was alone this this cold cruel world. and there was no way out no matter who she tried to talk to none would help her no one would take her in the only thing that keeps her floating is her sister and baby brother. her brother who is 14 years apart from her and is nearly two is more like a son than a brother, though and is the only string holding her on.
Love Doesn't Exist
Updated at Mar 14, 2023, 01:04
Claire an Australian girl gets taken in by American billionaires when both her parents die in a famous plane crash. this is the story about a girl who'd been abused and hurt her whole life then sent to a another contenient into the world of the rich and famous where she needs to learn who she can trust and how to love. who is this alfa male called jay at her new school. why is everyone scared of him, why do his friends seem to act like body guards. and why does she care. Read the story about a girl who lost everything and everyone, who never believed in love, fall in love herself. a story of tragedies, miracles and love. authors note please know I update this as much as possible while it's not finished, so if it stops suddenly in a spot that might not make sense I apologise and I encourage you to comment on anything you like or didn't like or maybe even things you want me to add