Story By UnexpressedEmotions101


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The Wordless Her
Updated at Dec 23, 2022, 12:50
Being raised in a wonderful home in the woods together with her loving three older brothers and grandfather - made her confine herself to keep their home warm and welcoming for the sake of her brothers. At a very young age, her brothers bravely explore and faces the world before her with a great desire of keeping their youngest sister away from their ruthless family system. With this unwavering desire of being freed from the hands of the main family, led her brothers to quietly operate a terrifying plan that might cause a rampant terror throughout their clan and might bring impact in many years. But in a blink of an eye, they found themselves being completely confined not in the place their sister had kept warm, but in a cold place where they hated the most and left her wordless behind. Years passed, a fine and warm woman came out of her abandoned fortress with no trace of hatred that is fearsome in the eyes of many for no one could see what’s inside her. Her words might be few yet concise, but decided to conceal her words, as her only choice. Will there be anyone who can hear her silent plea? See the bandages of her hidden broken heart? Who will speak what’s inside her? “I’m wondering, how can a confined and wordless woman extend a helping hand to her older brothers?” an old man said to his secretary. “She hasn’t taken any action so far.” “Hmmmh. How long will you hold your silence Shimitzu? How long will you make me wait? Come.” he said while smiling.