Story By Shivani Reddy

Shivani Reddy

The Traitor
Updated at Dec 13, 2019, 06:13
Far away from civilization, Mirfield was struck with an unknown disease. The girl who looked as healthy as a horse collapsed to the ground, dead. With the nobles of the village always hovering on making people's lives worse, Lorena had to make ends meet with her sick mother and an impossible love interest. It was not going to be soon before faith is tested, and people take sides.
Becoming Lucy
Updated at Apr 15, 2019, 21:31
In a world, where vows hold are worthless, where making a pledge means nothing, where words are made to break people, Seven held onto a promise that she made out of impulse. She was a mere child when her parents were slaughtered in front of her own eyes. Since then, she had seen things that no one her age could dream of and had gone through things which she wouldn't wish on her worst enemy. He ruined her to an extent where she could no longer feel happy or lead a normal life without nightmares. Somehow, with a lot of struggle when she dragged herself out into a new light only to have disaster strike again. It was like she could never get a break.
I Too Had A Love Story
Updated at Apr 7, 2019, 05:11
❝ Let me tell you something straight off. This is a love story, but not like any you've heard. Not as great as Titanic. The boy and the girl are far from naive little teenagers. Dear lives are lost. And good doesn't win, always. In some places, there is something ultimately good about endings. In my world, that is not the case.❞