Story By 519624033


Hogwarts the return of harry from the demon hunter
Updated at May 8, 2024, 01:42
During the final battle with the Wild Hunt, Harry goes back to the year he was eleven. Wizards, magic, the magic within himself that warlocks call truncated, everything has a cause. Demon hunter? Wizards? Well... Just picking up a silver sword along with an extra wand.
In A Hogwarts Without A Savior
Updated at May 8, 2024, 01:17
On the night that should have given birth to the savior of the wizarding world, Harry Potter died under the Unforgivable Curse. The man who made almost all British wizards afraid to call him by his first name, regained from Horcruxes the wisdom and ambition that was his in the first place. Darkness completely enveloped the island of Great Britain. Wizards from the bloodline divided out a clear high and low nobility, pure blood firmly hold the authority belonging to the superior, and called the mud species of people, the whole life can only be as humble as dirt to be trampled on. The Ministry of Magic, which is supposed to carry out justice, is full of villains, and the castle, which is supposed to teach knowledge, is full of oppression. In these gray times. Jon Green, a traveler, is brought into the carriage of exile that will truly carry on the name of "Hogwarts". ......
stupid thief
Updated at May 7, 2024, 20:58
This book is called "Human Nature's Crossed Road Trilogy". Everyone has a mask and plays various roles. Do you still remember what you look like under the mask? Can you get the happiness you imagine in your heart by pretending to be someone else and living a life that is not your own?
Updated at Apr 25, 2024, 20:31
This world has such a group of people, there is no bottom line, no conscience ...... and under certain conditions, in the face of those crazy people, even living is a luxury. But in the midst of this greatest darkness, there is always someone who bursts out with that touch of human light.
Peerless Crazy Dragon
Updated at Apr 8, 2024, 00:25
It tells the story of a war god named Qin Cangqiong. In order to avenge his wife and daughter who were bullied by bullies, he returned from the north and launched a fierce struggle with the bully chaebol. After experiencing countless life and death tests, he brought justice back to this land.